thefloodcontrol ago

All right wing forums are getting this currently including, expecially, the chans.

gazillions ago

SJW's are completely word oriented, and free speech places are the opposite. They don't give a shit about the words, they're into intent. They'll be shooting bullets at ghosts and wondering why it's ineffective.

jeegte12 ago

Healthy optimism doesn't include a voat that lasts. Websites just have a short shelf life.

gregorypeckerwood ago

I'm convinced that most of these 'white supremacist' accounts are SJW's, trying to push the BLM victim narrative. When you aren't satisfied with your enemies, you can just create new ones...

VortexFlow ago

Seeing ridiculously insane shit like that has become the expectation on Voat, and as weird as that sounds, I think it's a good thing. Whether they are fake or real, they have a place where they can speak their mind here. I can choose to ignore, downvote, or argue with them. No moderator intervention is needed. It's just a part of the website. I think this is the kind of immunity that Voat culture needs to survive if it ever becomes a bigger website.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago


Stavon ago

Spammers are everywhere where users can contribute. I don't know how to handle them than the usual "downvoat and ignore". Or for those which seem actually be a business posting a comment with a link to /advertize.

Maybe a list of links to their competitors would work. But that's unlikely, maybe it works with the tracking links.

ReedDiffusers ago

well that would be very bad.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

When SJW's flood a forum the forum is well and truly flooded. During Gamergate 8chan was getting two spamposts per second for months. This was with a per-post captcha. Don't think your enemy is incompetent just because you hate them.

So no. When SJW's flood to create a backlash this is their method:

  • A large amount of generic junk to disguise the attack. This is mostly blatant shitposting, but some accounts make minor effort, such as posting short, meaningless sentences to make it harder to identify and filter.
  • CP. Oh yes, and insidiously enough, in parts of the community that are not hostile to pedos. This is how /r/preteens was taken down.
  • A growing volume of low effort, abusive posts. It starts slowly and builds up over the course of two weeks or so
  • A number of posts in other areas to the effect of DAE PISSED OFF ABOUT THE TROLLING AND CP AND THE MODS NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT
  • A simultaneous number of posts in the meta and mod forums demanding the mods "do something"
  • Complaints to internet hosts and advertisers about the illegal content

There are hundreds of autistic SJW's and paid trolls capable of crapflooding even a moderately large community into the ground unless the attack is dealt with.

A good defense is multilayered. The most important thing, by far, is that admins keep track of the IP's flooding shit to prove it's an attack and promptly remove illegal material. Secondary but also important is the preservation of free speech by not blocking VPN's or imposing arbitrary restrictions. Users should recognize and mock or ignore all the posts trying to build anti-administration sentiment.

I've been through this more than once on more than one forum. The enemy's biggest gun is consensus building, and they relentlessly push for that.

Voat hasn't seen even the beginning of this kind of battle.

antiliberalsociety ago

Good to know

SpiceRunner ago

It probably is a push for heavier moderation. I ignore them, or downvoat them if they're big. They'll be naturally suppressed as our population grows irritated with them.

TheDude2 ago

The same people will start to bitch about the threads and scream for mods

Foralltoosee ago

10% of spammers may be doing this, but 90% are Amalek alts doing god knows what.

antiliberalsociety ago

WTF is concern trolling? Perhaps you need to reread the question.

stradian ago

Someone who posts to an internet forum or newsgroup, claiming to share its goals while deliberately working against those goals, typically, by claiming "concern" about group plans to engage in productive activity, urging members instead to attempt some activity that would damage the group's credibility, or alternatively to give up on group projects entirely.


antiliberalsociety ago

Exactly how does this fit that definition again? I think the troll has been sniffed out lol

stradian ago

It doesn't, and I wasn't applying context.

DopeandDiamonds ago

You may be correct with your thinking but I don't think that mods are really the issue. I think it is the type of mods that are at fault. Mods here seem more rational and allow free speech as long as it is on topic and not outright trolling. I have noticed a big increase in random racism on posts and woman bashing in posts where it is not reasonable to arrive at that conclusion. I would say that voat has a wave of crazy running wild through it currently but I do not think it will last. Once they do not see a change in behavior of other posters, they may come to realize that it is fruitless and stop. Maybe not, but I am not going to change just like I do not expect them to change the way they think, they will just get board and move on to somewhere else.

antiliberalsociety ago

What I saw on Reddit was a brigade of panty wadders crying about abuse, offensivity, etc. And what resulted was a mass promoting of new mods to "help" with the widespread "problem". Over the course of time it lead to attitudes, power trips, then an all out political silencing of any opposition. I'm aware of the trolls that came over to make Voat look like a safe house for racists & hate groups, but it just looks like another tactic. Hopefully I'm wrong, if it stays low scale it should be fine.

jflch1 ago

Panty wadders, gotta remember that one.

Fred ago

Call me a conspiracy theorist

You're a conspiracy theorist.

Any and every even mildly popular website has spammers.

antiliberalsociety ago

The term conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA in 1967 to denounce those who challenge the narrative. 💡 Thanks for playing

NeedleStack ago

I don't think so. As voat becomes more known and popular, new spammers will rush to it to try to get clicks/money. It's the way of the online market.

HeavyBrain ago

Maybe its an coordinated agenda hit, maybe just trolls pouring in as word about Voat gets around, just downvote best you can and if the mods feel like it they can block them should things get out of hand.

Lag-wagon ago

Probably to make cash...

Lemongarb ago

Probably not.

roznak ago

These spam accounts are nothing new has been here for a year, probably more. No one cares about them.

pcdude ago

downvoats seem to keep the more public faces of voat clean. The people browsing new posts are doing their job well.

dingomeat ago


Lag-wagon ago

Thanks :)