Biden Brags US Killed Al-Qaeda Leader Al-Zawahiri, But He Was Also Reported Dead 2 Years Ago

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Biden Brags US Killed Al-Qaeda Leader Al-Zawahiri, But He Was Also Reported Dead 2 Years Ago

Post by TFS » ... years-ago/

The United States killed al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a precision drone strike, according to President Joe Biden who announced the news Monday in a speech from the White House. “I authorized a precision strike that would remove him from the battlefield, once and for all,” bragged Biden.

There is just one problem for Biden, whose dumpster fire of a presidency is in urgent need of the kind of shot in the arm that killing a terrorist leader can provide. The al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri has been reported dead before. Perhaps he was such a villain they had to kill him twice?


According to Biden’s report on Monday, al-Zawahiri was sheltering in downtown Kabul to reunite with his family and was killed in what a senior administration official described as “a precise tailored airstrike” using two Hellfire missiles.

The drone strike was conducted at 9:48 p.m. ET on Saturday and was personally authorized by Biden following weeks of meetings with his Cabinet and key advisers, the administration official said, adding that zero American personnel were on the ground in Kabul at the time of the drone strike.

This story sounds dubious for the simple fact that Biden apparently authorized the strike (he famously advised Barack Obama against taking our Osama bin Laden in 2012, at a time when the flagging Obama administration coincidentally needed a shot in the arm).

The story is also dubious because al-Zawahiri has been reported dead before.

In November 2020, the British newspaper The Sun, part of the Murdoch empire, reported the al-Qaeda leader had died of asthma in his Afghan mountain hideout.

Dying of asthma wasn’t a useful propaganda tool for the Biden administration. He had to be taken out in a blaze of glory by CIA precision strikes authorized by Biden, who judging by his recent rambling speeches probably thinks al-Qaeda is a brand of ice-cream.

Tucker Carlson slammed Biden for daring to mention Afghanistan., the site of his greatest humiliation.

“It takes a lot of brass to brag about Afghanistan or even mention the word,” Carlson said, referring to Biden’s widely criticized withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country in August 2021, which led to its takeover by the Taliban.

“Bill Clinton doesn’t casually drop the term, ‘Monica Lewinsky’ in conversation,” Carlson added, equating the controversy over the sex scandal involving the ex-president and Lewinsky with the condemnation Biden has faced over Afghanistan.

“His withdrawal from that country almost a year ago, was the single most humiliating moment in American foreign policy since the fall of Saigon in April 1975,” he said. “Biden chose a path that seemed designed to inflict maximum damage to the interests of the United States.“
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Re: Biden Brags US Killed Al-Qaeda Leader Al-Zawahiri, But He Was Also Reported Dead 2 Years Ago

Post by kestrel9 »

The reporting on the 'reportedly' 2020 death from asthma, doesn't appear to ever been confirmed.

But this time isn't an ironclad case either as far as we are told.

White House confirms it does NOT have DNA confirmation of al-Zawahiri’s death and got it through 'other sources'... ... death.html
The White House revealed on Tuesday morning that it does not have DNA proof that Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed in a drone strike in Kabul on Sunday.

Instead, spokesman John Kirby said officials used multiple sources and pieces of evidence to establish that Osama Bin Laden's successor was dead.

It comes as officials are under pressure to release more details about the strike, including where the U.S. drones flew from and any foreign assistance they had in taking out one of the world's most wanted men.

Kirby, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, declined to discuss whether the C.I.A. carried out the strike or whether Hellfire R9X missiles, fitted with blades, were used.

And although he said the strike sent a message that Al Qaeda leaders would never be safe anywhere, he admitted that it would not be possible to get genetic proof of al-Zawahiri's death.

'We do not have DNA confirmation. We're not going to get that confirmation,' he told CNN.

'Quite frankly, based on multiple sources and methods that we've gathered information from, we don't need it.'
I guess we'll see if and when he's reported as dead again. /s
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