Poster Encourages Women To Genocide The German Race With Abortion — ‘My Bloodline Ends With Me’

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Poster Encourages Women To Genocide The German Race With Abortion — ‘My Bloodline Ends With Me’

Post by TFS » ... s-with-me/ ... s-werbung/

(AfD Kompakt) A new pro-abortion campaign poster takes the “denazification” of Germany to its ultimate conclusion by blatantly encouraging white German women to put an end to the German race by having more abortions.

Via Google Translate:
The hostility towards children and families in this country is becoming increasingly grotesque: in the university and Hanseatic city of Greifswald, a large poster was recently put up showing a woman in a surgical shirt stabbing a uterus with a scalpel. Next to it you can read: “My bloodline ends – with me”. The “artist” Sophia Schütze is named as the author of the more than questionable picture, and several university institutes are also signatories on the poster.

The university policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and proud alumni of the former Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Paul Timm, comments on this:

“I am more than indignant about this ‘art action’, funded by the Caspar David Friedrich Institute, carried out as part of two university project seminars ‘Public Art’. The task was to address the question of the effect and meaning of art in public space. The viewer can obviously answer for himself whether this has been successful.”

The topic of abortion is certainly a hotly debated topic, according to Paul Timm. “However, approaching this with an artistic practice that glorifies violence like this, in which this delicate medical intervention is flatly politicized, I consider to be an appeal to the young female students and their own understanding of their bodies that is extremely difficult to tolerate. The whole action goes to the pain limit of what one can endure in public.”

Paul Timm emphasizes that German universities are places of academic education and not places for politically tendentious platitudes. Education and medical information take place in the seminar room with lecturers and professors. “I strongly doubt that this poster does justice to the university as a place of higher education. Rather, the suspicion arises that university funds were misused to express political opinions.”
Formed as a reaction against the flood of Muslim migrants into Germany — the AfD or Alternative For Germany is allegedly a “right wing” political party, which has become completely compromised and “kosher” approved.

The leader of the AfD — Alice Weidel — is a lesbian “married” to a lesbian from Sri Lanka — yet claims she supports “traditional marriage” — the embodiment of Orwellian “doublethink.”

We reported back in 2018 how Jews were already joining the the “racist” and “antisemitic” AfD in order to subvert and control it — allegedly because these new violent Muslim immigrants are largely “antisemitic.”

Not to worry, though — at the behest of the Jews, Germany is requiring these Muslim immigrants to take classes on how to not be antisemitic.

In fact, in 2019 the AfD received a public endorsement from Rafi Eitan, the former Israeli Mossad spy chief — more proof that the AfD is controlled opposition.

And note how the AfD doesn’t object to the racial implications of the abortion poster — they dare not object to ending the German race using abortion as a means.

Instead the AfD merely objects to turning this “delicate medical procedure” into a shameless political instrument.

The fact that the AfD does not object to “ending the German bloodline” tells you all you need to know about whose running their show.
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