Revisiting the: Chateaux Des Amerois - Mothers of Darkness Castle

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Revisiting the: Chateaux Des Amerois - Mothers of Darkness Castle

Post by EricKaliberhall »


Chateaux Des Amerois, located in forests of Belgium near border of Luxemborg and France, is also alleged, to be a location for Monarch program- ming, orgies and child sacrifice. A place of privilege and people capable of getting away with anything, Mother of Darkness castle, is also rumored to be in a Satanic triangle.
Fritz Springmeier cites a secret castle situated near the village of Muno in Belgium. This castle according to Springmeier, is a center of the occult and has a cathedral with a dome containing 1000 lights. The castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle and Monarch programming is supposedly performed on children there. This castle is also known as the ‘Castle of Kings’. Its real name is ‘Chateau des Amerois’ and it is located in Bouillon (Belgium), near the village of Muno. This castle and its domain, the Muno forest once belonged to Prince Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, Count of Flanders and father of King Albert I. He purchased the property in 1869 to the Marquis van der Noot d’Assche.The castle of Romantic style was built in 1877 for Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg Gotha by the architect Gustave Saintenoy. It has 365 windows. This castle was later bought by Alice Solvay, niece of the Belgian scientist and industrialist Ernest Solvay and today is apparently still owned by the Solvay’s.”
These are the same thousand points of light made famous by George H.W. Bush,
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Re: Revisiting the: Chateaux Des Amerois - Mothers of Darkness Castle

Post by EricKaliberhall »

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More info: http://illuminati-bloodlines.blogspot.c ... rs-of.html

This castle was later bought by Alice Solvay, niece of the Belgian scientist and industrialist Ernest Solvay and today is apparently still owned by the Solvay's.

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Last edited by EricKaliberhall on Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:14 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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