think- ago

From the Illuminati Bloodlines Blog linked:

'The chateau is not named in the usual lists of Belgium castles.'

'The castle was owned by Prince Philipp von Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and later by the Solvay family. The Solvay family is one of the leading industrial families of Europe (producer of medicines, plastics, and chemicals like fluor).'

'This obscure castle does indeed exist and has been named in late 1996 and early 1997 by at least one 'X' survivor of the Dutroux affair as a place where nasty things happened.

Different witnesses who described child torture, child rape, child molestation, child hunting, and child murder have been declared 'mad', but only after all the original investigators were suddenly replaced.

There were also multiple claims of sex parties that were held in different castles. It didn't matter that the witness accounts included many verifiable corroborative details and helped solve a couple of previous child murders.'

Please note that Prince Philipp von Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is related to the Queen - the British royals are of German descant and were named 'Saxe-Coburg-Gotha', it was only during WWI they renamed themselves 'Windsor'.

ESOTERICshade ago

The Black Hole Ceremony @ The Mothers of Darkness Castle Does Not Seem to be Found Anywhere Else.

There is survivor testimony somewhere on the internet of this ceremony. It might be in the Dutroux X Dossiers but i'm not sure.

ESOTERICshade ago

2impendingdoom ago

burn it down

racmo ago

Should be confiscated and the world should know of this evil . turn it into a holocaust museum of sorts

EricKaliberhall ago

There is a Podesta- Solvay connection.