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Supplemental post related to Gender Identity Ideology topics

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:02 pm
by kestrel9
I'm posting a lot of info regarding the top-down corporate takeover of American culture, demanding access to sexualize, indoctrinate and medically usher children into gender identity ideology. This sick globalist agenda no longer hides but openly suppresses and punishes opposing voices, even those who merely question the logic (there doesn't seem to be any beyond big profits and fast-tracking an abolishment of the age of consent). There's an especially hostile silencing of the voices of people who have suffered lifelong damage, both physically and psychologically, from the false promises of medical intervention.

Because I'm also trying to add SV results to some of the posts, I end up finding other names and/or more info that's important but gets lost in the volume of long articles. So, I'm going to use this post to make note of those, starting with:

KEVIN JENNINGS ... us-n796622 ... us-n796622

"Kevin Jennings foundation he in now the executive director of (ARCUS Foundation) is partnered with the Podesta's Center for American Progress and the Rockefeller's."

This is an archive copy from 2009 (the most recent ones are unavailable). Obama's reign was already in full swing fisting our school curriculum. ... oting.html
Out of curiosity to see exactly what kind of books Kevin Jennings and his organization think American students should be reading in school, our team chose a handful at random from the over 100 titles on GLSEN’s grades 7-12 list, and began reading through.

What we discovered shocked us. We were flabbergasted. Rendered speechless.

We were unprepared for what we encountered. Book after book after book contained stories and anecdotes that weren’t merely X-rated and pornographic, but which featured explicit descriptions of sex acts between pre-schoolers; stories that seemed to promote and recommend child-adult sexual relationships; stories of public masturbation, anal sex in restrooms, affairs between students and teachers, five-year-olds playing sex games, semen flying through the air. One memoir even praised becoming a prostitute as a way to increase one’s self-esteem. Above all, the books seemed to have less to do with promoting tolerance than with an unabashed attempt to indoctrinate students into a hyper-sexualized worldview.

We knew that unless we carefully documented what we were reading, the public would have a hard time accepting it. Mere descriptions on our part could not convey the emotional gut reaction one gets when seeing what Kevin Jennings wants kids to read as school assignments. So we began scanning pages from each of the books, and then made exact transcriptions of the relevant passages on each page.

Are we exaggerating, or misconstruing quotes that could be interpreted a different way? No: Read the passages below and judge for yourself. There’s no wiggle room. The language is explicit, the intent clear.

...Content Warning:

Keep in mind that, although the material below has been deemed by Kevin Jennings and GLSEN to be appropriate for children, some of the excerpts contain explicit language and pornographic descriptions, so if you don’t want to see such things, stop reading now.
Former Obama "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings ties to Nambla (
submitted 5.2 years ago by darkknight111