Jem777 ago

Jennings wrote the forward to the book "Queering elementary education"
Who also chimed in as support in this crowd. None other than William "Bill" Ayers formerly of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist group of the 1960's that bombed govt. buildings and killed cops.

This was the Bill Ayers of Chicago fame and Saul Alinsky tactics "ends justify the means" The Ayers where Obama started his political life then later claimed Bill was just some guy in the neighborhood. The MSM never asked questions.

Ayers partner in crime was Bernadine Dohrn. She worked at Sidley Austin mentoring Michelle Obama prior to Barry ever arriving on scene. Now how is that possible that a convicted domestic terrorist with no law license goes to work at the prestigious Sidley Austin for a few years. And where is Michelle's law license or any hint of a career in practicing law? Sidley Austin was deeply connected to the Hull House (pedo central that was shut down suddenly in 2012)

Read about the Weather Underground and ask yourself how is this possible? Most people could not get a background check clearance for local prison guard with these friends. How do you become President if the US & no one asked these questions. Stunning.

How does a guy like Jennings get promoted to school safety czar by Obama with this history and agenda?

Want to really make your stomach turn check out Obama top donor and founder of HRC-Human Rights Campaign Terry Bean from Oregon. Also connected to NAMBLA

He was a major gay rights activist and became wealthy promoting his agenda. He is seen in pictures with Obama on AirForce One and numerous other places.

He is 65 years old and has a 20 something boyfriend. They were charged with raping a boy late last year in a motel room and the term used was "ping pong"

The jury leaked that it was a horriffic crime. The child and parents refused to testify no one knows why. Speculation of threats to many. Case dropped.

Terry Bean was involved in writing the language Obama used giving transgender men right to use women's restroom, locker room, etc.

He is even seen at the last of Obamas speeches. People's stomachs turned at this.

Vindicator ago

Someone ought to do a megathread consolidating all the data uncovered about this guy:

ArthurEdens ago

check out this 2009 article about Jennings and GLSEN recommending books to 7th graders that had these excerpts:

One recommended book is titled "Queer 13: Lesbian and Gay Writers Recall Seventh Grade." On pages 43 through 45, writer Justin Chin tells of how as a 13-year-old, he went along with "near-rapes" by older men, but "really did enjoy those sexual encounters." Chin also recounts each sexual action he performed with an "ugly f*** of a man" he met on a bus.

In another book, "Passages of Pride," the author writes about a 15-year-old boy's relationship with a much older man.

"Near the end of summer, just before starting his sophomore year in high school, Dan picked up a weekly Twin Cities newspaper. Scanning the classifieds, he came upon an ad for a "Man-2-Man" massage. Home alone one day, he called the telephone number listed in the ad and set up an appointment to meet a man named Tom.... Even though Tom was older, almost twice Dan's age, Dan felt unthreatened by him. Dan admits Tom was a 'troll' in every sense of the word -- an older closeted gay man seeking sex with a man much younger. But Dan says he was not intimidated by the discrepancy in their ages. 'He kind of had me in a corner in that he knew I didn't have access to anything I wanted.' says Dan. 'But everything was consensual.'"

sugarskull ago

Sounds totally legit and consensual when you have someone younger than you "in a corner" with no access to anything you not rapey at allllll.

wgtt911 ago

Obummer now pedo and tranny fucker.. it is all starting to make sense

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darkknight111 ago

Potential leads to look at as a result:

Harry Hay, major leader in gay activist community, who is a known open supporter of Nambla.

The Arcus Foundation. Kevin Jennings is a major player in this group. This group also has ties to George Soros.

Start digging.