Thisismyaccount wrote:
I wish someone would put a bullet between his piggy eyes and film it so i could watch his head explode in a pink mist.

You're too kind. Soros would welcome a martyr's death, knowing that he would be celebrated for years after as a saint as his empire of hell would continue long after he is dead. My idea is more comprehensive. I would prefer to see his treachery, lies, greed, and exploitations of the poor fully exposed while he's alive so that the true depth of his God complex would be revealed for the world witness beyond a shadow of a doubt. All members and supporters of his would be forced to watch the details of his crimes against humanity 24/7, the laying out his decades of hypocrisy should be repeated ad nauseum for 4 years. Fake news elite anchors, commentators and shrill hysterical hollywood elites would be forced to publicly repeat it until they puke in their mouths and choke on camera. Soros should see his fake charity NGO empire crash before he dies, he should be hated by those who loved him. Then he should be retired to an unmarked prison cell in one of the countries his raped (might need to hold a lottery to see who gets that honor). After he dies alone as a shriveled old bag of flesh, utterly irrelevant to be able to influence the world in any way, he should be disposed of in an unmarked location in the middle of a mine field.