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Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:10 pm
by MercurysBall2
Coat of arms of Ukraine
a blue shield with a gold trident. Officially referred to as the Princely State Symbol of Volodymyr the Great, or, colloquially, the tryzub, the insignia derives from the seal-trident of Volodymyr, the first Grand Prince of Kyiv.

The modern "trident" symbol was adopted as the coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic in February 1918. The design has precedents in seals of the Kyivan Rus. The first known archaeological and historical evidence of this symbol can be found on the seals of the Rurik dynasty.

The symbol was also found on the bricks of the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv, the tiles of the Dormition Cathedral in Volodymyr, and the stones of other churches, castles, and palaces. There are many examples of it used on ceramics, weapons, rings, medallions, seals, and manuscripts...

Most historians agree that the medieval symbol was not intended as depicting a trident, but rather, was a symbol of the Holy Trinity;[2] it also was most likely a stylized falcon.

The Tryzub is heavily used in the military heraldry to commemorate the participation on the Eastern Front during World War II. At least 36 units of the Italian Army carry the Tryzub in their Coat of Arms, as they were awarded a Medal for Military Valor during their service on the territory of Ukraine.
Dormition of the Mother of God ... her_of_God
The Dormition of the Mother of God is a Great Feast of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic Churches (except the East Syriac churches). It celebrates the "falling asleep" (death) of Mary the Theotokos ("Mother of God", literally translated as God-bearer), and her being taken up into heaven (bodily assumption). It is celebrated on 15 August (28 August N.S. in the Julian Calendar) as the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Dormition not on a fixed date, but on the Sunday nearest 15 August. In Western Churches the corresponding feast is known as the Assumption of Mary.

.. On 25 June 1997 during a General Audience Pope John Paul II stated that Mary experienced natural death prior to her assumption into Heaven..

Byzantine Rite
The Feast of the Dormition has a one-day Forefeast and 8[31] days of Afterfeast. The feast is framed and accentuated by three feasts in honour of Jesus Christ, known as the "Three Feasts of the Saviour in August". These are: the Procession of the Cross (August 1), the Transfiguration (August 6), and the Icon of Christ "Not Made by Hand" (August 16). It is customary in some places to bless fragrant herbage on the Feast of the Dormition.

..The Dormition is known as the Death of the Virgin in Catholic art, where it is a reasonably common subject, mostly drawing on Byzantine models, until the end of the Middle Ages. But often the moment just after death is shown, without Christ, but with the apostles crowded around the bed. The Death of the Virgin by Caravaggio, of 1606, is probably the last famous Western painting of the subject. After this depictions of the Assumption become usual, with the Virgin normally shown alive, rising to Heaven.
Crucifixion of Saint Peter (Caravaggio) ... aravaggio)
Puts me in mind of St Petersburg
formerly known as Petrograd (1914–1924) and later Leningrad (1924–1991), is the second-largest city in Russia... Saint Petersburg is the fourth-most populous city in Europe, the most populous city on the Baltic Sea, as well as the world's northernmost city with over 1 million residents. As Russia's Imperial capital, and a historically strategic port, it is governed as a federal city... named after apostle Saint Peter..

It is also a seat for the National Library of Russia and a planned location for the Supreme Court of Russia, as well as the home to the headquarters of the Russian Navy, and the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Saint Petersburg is home to the Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world, the Lakhta Center, the tallest skyscraper in Europe, and was one of the host cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the UEFA Euro 2020...

A former spelling of the city's name in English was Saint Petersburgh, under the influence of burgh. This spelling survives in the name of a street in the Bayswater district of London, near St Sophia's Cathedral, named after a visit by the Tsar to London in 1814

Saint Petersburg was traditionally called the "Window to the West" by the Russians. The northernmost metropolis in the world, Saint Petersburg is often called the "Venice of the North" or the "Russian Venice" due to its many water corridors
Saint Sophia Cathedral, London ... al,_London
Saint Sophia Cathedral (Greek: Καθεδρικός ναός της Αγίας Σοφίας) is a Greek Orthodox church on Moscow Road in the Bayswater area of London.

It was consecrated as the Church of the Holy Wisdom on 5 February 1882 by Antonios, Metropolitan of Corfu, as a focus for the prosperous Greek community that had settled in London, particularly around Paddington, Bayswater and Notting Hill..
London's Oldest Surviving Greek Cathedral Celebrates New Museum Opening ... n/art41930
For over 200 years, London has been home to a prominent Greek population, and at the heart of the community is the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sophia, on Moscow Road in Bayswater.

..When moving down to the lower floor, which is dedicated to the building of the cathedral and the modern day Greek Orthodox Church, you pass a red column that is directly beneath the altar of the cathedral and contains the dedication stone, although George admits that they were not always aware of this, so it was a welcome surprise when they found it.

Downstairs on show is a small collection of 19th century ecclesiastical objects including some intricately woven priests robes, which were restored by the Byzantine Museum in Athens, and also a very grand crown worn by bishops when officiating in the church.

A black and white image of former Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael Ramsey, celebrating liturgy with the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Dean of St Sophia is also worth a look. Interestingly, according to George, the large crucifix in the picture (and indeed still hanging in the Cathedral) was featured in the James Bond film, GoldenEye.

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:09 am
by MercurysBall2
2013 : MoD to sell WWII Tube station command bunker
A disused Underground station which housed the command bunker for London’s anti-aircraft defences during the Blitz is to be sold off and is expected to fetch more than £20 million. Brompton Road station closed in 1934 because of a lack of passengers, but gained a new life during the Second World War as a headquarters for gunners fighting waves of Hitler’s bombers.
The station in Kensington has been owned by the Ministry of Defence ever since and is home to local university cadet groups.
The MoD has now announced it will sell the 28,000 square foot building close to Harrods as part of cost cutting, and expects to make more than £20 million. ..

Brompton Road station opened in 1906 as a stop on the Piccadilly Line and the building still bears the distinctive red-glazed tiles of stations along the route. The station closed 28 years later due to under use, but in 1938 the War Office bought the above-ground building along with lift shafts, stairs and some of the lower passages. The disused platforms are closed off and still belong to the Tube.
The building became headquarters of the Army’s 1st Anti-Aircraft (AA) Division, protecting the capital and surrounding areas.

Floors were built into the lift shafts to create operations rooms complete with a telephone exchange, pneumatic tubes to carry messages and a huge table map of southern England.
Information on approaching German aircraft reached the station from radar stations and observers, and was sent on to fighter squadrons and anti-aircraft batteries.
There are also unconfirmed stories that Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy, was questioned at the station after he flew solo to Scotland in 1941 in an attempt to negotiate peace.
The building was used for anti-aircraft operations until the early 1950s, by which time the Second World War defences were considered obsolete.

The site now houses the London University Air Squadron, the London University Royal Naval Unit, and 46F Squadron Air Training Corps. An MoD spokeswoman said the units would be found new homes before the sale in September ... be_station
In 2014, the owner of the site, the Ministry of Defence, sold it to a Ukrainian businessman, Dmytro Firtash, who claimed an intention to convert it to residential use. ..The property remained unused as of October 2017.

Grenfell: names of wealthy empty-home owners in borough revealed ... h-revealed
A lawyer for Firtash confirmed he had bought a £53m property in the area in May 2014, which he intended to develop into multiple flats. But the work had been unable to proceed because the oligarch was detained in Vienna on a US extradition warrant. The lawyer said his client intended to proceed with the development once he was free and able to travel to the UK.
Firtash posts: ... um=on&b=on

Ukraine oligarch Dimitri Firtash (Lev Parnas boss),tied to Cambridge University (Stephen Halper),also the primary shareholder in Cambridge Analytica.
From Mafiya to Mayfair: Firtash, Giuliani and the London Connection ... onnection/
As bagman for mobster Semion Mogilevich, Firtash directly links the Russian mafiya to the British Establishment. is evidence that his London associates are linked to Cambridge Analytica and Trump’s impeachment investigation. Firtash is connected to Viktor Tchenguiz, the Iranian businessman who held a majority stake in Cambridge Analytica’s parent company for a decade.

His fellow shareholder was Roger Asquith, the Third Lord Oxford who sits on the board of Firtash’s Group DF company.

Cambridge Analytica has worked in Ukraine and its offshoot Acrion Global, founded by Martin Lengyel, pitched to President Volodymyr Zelensky’s team in 2019. Lengyel also worked for Viktor Yushchenko in 2004-05 when the Ukrainian politician was supported by Firtash...

Anthony Fisher, a senior consultant at Bell Pottinger, was a director of Firtash’s British-registered charitable foundation. Fisher was also a joint founder, along with British Firtash associate Robert Shetler-Jones, of the UK-registered Scythian Limited, which funnelled Firtash cash to the Conservative Party and Tory politicians.

The firm’s activities were exposed in 2011 when Dame Pauline Neville Jones stepped down as a Security and Counter-Terrorism Minister after receiving donations from Shetler-Jones. However, Fisher continued to work for Firtash and represented the oligarch at the opening of a memorial in Washington on 6 December 2013. His links to Firtash extend beyond his role as a PR consultant and a director of the Firtash-financed British Ukrainian Society.

Prior to April 2015, he was also a major shareholder in Pallini Holdings – an offshore structure connected to Serhii Lovochkin, a political operator closely linked to both Firtash and Paul Manafort...

On 9 July 2019, he was photographed with Rudy Giuliani at an event in London to support a charitable group, the British Friends of Anatevka. The picture was posted by the Curzon PR firm where Fisher is a senior consultant...

The oligarchs grouped around Putin have a vision shared by many “Conservatives”. During the Cold War, the West saw itself as exporting democracy to Russia. However, western societies were always, to some degree, oligarchies.

Russia is now exporting its values to the West, abetted by Western politicians and oligarchs. They admire Putin’s social model and suck up Russian funding. They aim to replace democracies with elitist fiefdoms.

The frontline of this war lies in Hong Kong, Syria, Ukraine and wherever popular revolts confront autocracy. History may be coming to an end, as Fukuyama predicted. But, as with many thrillers, there is a final twist.

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:29 am
by MercurysBall2 ... rd-oxford/
Raymond Benedict Asquith, 3rd Earl of Oxford and Asquith, is a British peer and a former diplomat.

Lord Oxford was educated at Ampleforth College, York, and at Balliol College, Oxford. He joined Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service in 1979 and remained a serving diplomat until 1997. As well as postings in London at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Cabinet Office, he served as First Secretary at the British Embassy in Moscow from 1983-1985, and Counsellor at the British Embassy in Kiev from 1992-1997. Oxford was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1987.

Lord Oxford is now a non-executive director of JKX Oil & Gas Plc, and is also active in various commercial and charitable organizations in Ukraine.

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:07 am
by MercurysBall2
Soros's joke on the Ukrainian people - Zelensky in heels:
Козаки | Пороблено в Украине, пародия 2014
[Translated] Cossacks Made in Ukraine, a parody of 2014
phpBB [video]

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:24 am
by MercurysBall2
2014 was a big year for the Ukraine. When NATO installed their puppet government ..

An ad from 2014 that has always stayed with me ever since was the Masarati Superbowl ad.. don't miss the Trident logo which is very similar to Ukraine's coat of arms
phpBB [video]

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:33 am
by MercurysBall2
The history of Maserati's logo ... serati.php
Maserati/In 1914 Alfieri Maserati established the "Societá anonima officine Alfieri Maserati" (Anonymous society Alfieri Maserati garage), a garage for the manufacturing of the Isotta Fraschini cars. In 1926 the first actual Maserati car, the Tipo 26, was built, featuring the first logo which will characterize Maserati throughout its history: the trident belonging to the statue of Neptune placed in the fountain in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, symbol of power and royalty. The logo was designed by Mario Maserati, the brother which had a passion for arts rather than for cars, under the suggestion of the marquis Diego de Sterlich, great family friend and backer of the carmaker. The colours too, red and blue, have their root in the city of Bologna. In 1937 the firm is sold to a family from Modena, the Orsi, whose empire went from the foundries to the metal manufacturing; from such merging two companies were born, bearing the same exact logo : the "Officine Alfiero Maserati" specialized in the manufacturing of the cars and the "Fabbrica Candele Maserati" for sparkplugs and batteries.

Since then the company moved its headquarters to Modena. In 1951 the logo was inserted in an sharp oval shape; in 1954 there were versions featuring a round shape, possibly due to the absence of regulations. Maserati was then bought by Citroën, after some troubling events, which continued even after the merging, leading to a big crisis in 1973. In 1975 Maserati was acquired by the Argentinian Alejandro De Tomaso; Michele Spera took then care of the restyling, which consisted in adding light blue to the trident. In 1985 there is a comeback to the traditional logo, with modification to small details on the trident and its structure. In 1993 the firm was merged with Fiat and in the same year the logo underwent a restyling, appointed to Ubaldo Righi along with Iosa Ghini Associati.

..In 2003 Fiat decides to start an advertising campaign to promote the new products manufactured by the company, especially of those directed to foreign countries. The entire corporate design is reinvented and new rules are established regarding the logos: firstly, the font for the logotype was the font Bembo, invented in the XV century by Francesco Griffo of Bologna. ..
Fountain of Neptune, Bologna ... e,_Bologna
..The fountain is a model example of Mannerist taste of the Italian courtly elite in the mid-sixteenth century.
The construction of the fountain was commissioned by the Cardinal Legate Charles Borromeo, to symbolize the fortunate recent election of Borromeo's uncle as Pope Pius IV...

The trident of the Neptune's statue inspired and it was used by Maserati brothers as emblem for their first car, the Maserati Tipo 26. The logo was realized in 1920 by one of the brothers, Mario Maserati, at the suggestion of a family friend, Marquis Diego de Sterlich. This is still today the logo of the Maserati car company ..

Several copies of the fountain exist around the world, such as in Laeken (a suburb of Brussels) commissioned by king Leopold II; in Palos Verdes Estates in California; and in Batumi in Georgia. A copy of the statue of Neptune can be found at the entrance of the Yamato Museum in Hiroshima, Japan, while a cast - made in 1907 - is kept in the Bologna's Archeological Museum.
Posts re Charles Borromeo :

St. Charles Seminary Tunnels
This post was deleted, and I am re posting it again for janet58 Who is a friend of an SRA Survivor. She endured horrible injustices and we are going to tell her story. There were other claims of Sexual Abuse as well. These were posted by expose the criminals : Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, the main person responsible for the cover up of crimes against children by people connected to the Philadelphia diocese, lived at St. Charles Seminary from 2003 until his death in 2012. A charge against FR. WM. G. AYERS : Defendant Fr. Ayers arrived at Incarnation of Our Lord Parish in 1996, and from approximately 1996 through 1999; while attending St. Charles Borromeo Seminary and while he was assigned to work at the parish, Defendant Fr. Ayers sexually abused the Plaintiff at the rectory of Incarnation of Our Lord Parish (in Defendant Fr. Ayers’ room) and in the church itself, as well as at other churches within the Archdiocese where Defendant Fr. Ayers was also assigned and serving at that time.
New York Post - :
In another case, a former seminary student from New Jersey has launched a sexual-harassment lawsuit against the St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, Pa.

Christopher McKelvey, 39, said persistent lewd comments and homosexual propositions forced him to abandon his dream of becoming a priest.

“When seminary instruction is sexualized, there is a defect in the system,” said McKelvey’s lawyer, Stephen Rubino. “What we see today is the church having to confront the problem.”
EPSTEIN, Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross and the VATICAN connections
...On 25 December 1559 Borromeo's uncle Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Medici was elected as Pope Pius IV. The newly-elected pope required his nephew to come to Rome, and on 13 January 1560 appointed him protonotary apostolic.[3] Shortly thereafter, on 31 January 1560, the pope created him cardinal, and thus Charles as cardinal-nephew was entrusted with both the public and the privy seal of the ecclesiastical state.[4] He was also brought into the government of the Papal States and appointed a supervisor of the Franciscans, Carmelites and Knights of Malta.

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:45 am
by MercurysBall2
<.. Cambridge Analytica has worked in Ukraine and its offshoot Acrion Global, founded by Martin Lengyel, pitched to President Volodymyr Zelensky’s team in 2019. Lengyel also worked for Viktor Yushchenko in 2004-05 when the Ukrainian politician was supported by Firtash.....>

2018: Cambridge Analytica execs were filmed bragging about election tactics involving bribery and Ukrainian sex workers
After it turned out that the firm that had done consulting work for the Trump campaign was harvesting information on 50 million Facebook users without their permission, an undercover TV report revealed that it’s also been trying its hand at some more … old-school political maneuverings. Cambridge Analytica executives are filmed offering illegal political intimidation services to its prospective clients, suggesting bribery and blackmail involving Ukrainian sex workers.

A reporter for the UK TV station Channel 4 posed as a Sri Lankan fixer hoping to enlist Cambridge Analytica’s services for a client aiming to win a local election. Over several months, the reporter filmed his interactions with the company, whose representatives, including CEO Alexander Nix, explained how the company functioned.
“We’re used to operating through different vehicles, in the shadows, and I look forward to building a very long-term and secretive relationship with you,” Nix told the reporter.

He disclosed the company’s methods for undermining opponents, including “sending some girls around to the candidate’s house” (he added that Ukrainian women “are very beautiful, I find that works very well”), or staging a bribe, recording it, and posting it on the internet.

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:42 am
by MercurysBall2
Coincidentally, Alec Baldwin shot cinematographer Halyna Hutchins who was Ukrainian.. *cough*

Some posts about that here: ... um=on&b=on

Beer distribution networks and child trafficking ratlines - some coincidences viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7006
Is that a Guinness in Halyna's hand ?
How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4534

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:52 am
by MercurysBall2
An update on the Baldwin story from Daily Mail : ... s-him.html
Matt Hutchins, a Harvard-educated lawyer, told TODAY he felt that the majority of the blame lay with Baldwin.
Matthew and Halyna Hutchins are pictured with their son Andros, aged nine
Hutchins and Halyna (pictured together) had a whirlwind romance that he described as 'magical' and love at first sight. They were married for 16 years
halyna hutchins ... e-Novyn-12
She met her husband Matthew,[11] who is American, while in Kyiv
Whirlwind romance? Married for 16 years. So, met around 2005, 2006?

What was Matt Hutchins doing in Kyiv around that time?

Re: Ukraine Data Dump

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:02 am
by MercurysBall2
According to Matt's Linkedin profile, the Harvard lawyer graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2005 with a BA in Economics.

2005-2006 he was a teacher with International House
Since 1924, International House NY has invited postgraduates from across the globe to live, learn and grow together through an experience that prepares them to join and lead the conversations that will change the world. We typically serve 700 residents from 100 countries annually, and manage an active global network of 65K Alumni that includes heads of state, Nobel Prize winners, CEOs, and award-winning authors, actors, and musicians. ... r-history/
Founded in 1924, the International House..was originally conceived by Harry Edmonds, an official with the YMCA, who in 1909 had a chance encounter with a lone graduate student from China... Edmonds’ dream was brought to life by the philanthropy of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and the Cleveland H. Dodge family, who funded the construction of the International House building, which since has been designated a New York City landmark. ..

International House was the first global community of its kind, predating the United Nations by 21 years. For more than 96 years it has transformed the lives of more than 65,000 Alumni..

An independent non-profit organization partnering with many organizations that include Columbia University’s International Students & Scholars Office (ISSO), International House has enjoyed distinguished leadership since its inception. Past Chairs of the Board have included two former U.S. Presidents (Eisenhower and Ford), three former Secretaries of State (Stimson, Marshall, and Kissinger), and a former Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve (Volcker).
Matt's father : Earl Wayne Hutchins obit ... table=true
Dr. Earl Wayne Hutchins
18 March 1950-14 November 2020

Earl Wayne Hutchins, age 70, was the fourth of five children born to Hubert Clyde and Cornelia Gilbert Hutchins. Earl was born in Athens, Clarke County, GA, and lived with his family in Auburn, Barrow County, GA. He grew up on the same farm where his father was raised. He graduated in 1968 from Winder-Barrow High School in Winder, then attended the University of Georgia, graduating from there in August 1971. He earned his M.D. from Medical College of Georgia in Augusta in 1975 and entered the U.S. Navy, where he completed his internship and residency in family medicine. He served in Charleston, SC, and Memphis, TN.

After his tour of duty in the Navy, Dr. Hutchins moved to Greenville, SC, where he joined the staff of Exigent Medical Center in 1981 as an urgent care physician. In 1983 he opened his own urgent care center in Mauldin—Pine Tree Medical Center, which he operated until 1995. He then operated Hillcrest Medical Center, an urgent care and family medicine center in Simpsonville, until 2004. For the next few years, he worked at Doctors’ Care in Simpsonville and other urgent care facilities. At the time of his death, he was providing diabetic counseling for patients at Amnesty Health Group in Greenville.

Dr. Hutchins married Katherine Sadowski from Lorain, OH, in June 1975. They had two sons, Christopher Hubert and Matthew William Hutchins. Christopher currently lives near Cleveland, OH, with his wife Ann Marie. Matthew resides in Los Angeles, CA, with his wife Halyna and son Andros.

In 2004, Dr. Hutchins married Theresa Hampton, of Fountain Inn, SC. She had worked as his office assistant at Hillcrest Medical Center, and remained his faithful helpmate for the rest of his life.
Earl was preceded in death by his parents. In addition to his wife, sons, and grandson he is survived by brothers Dr. Charles Hutchins of Gastonia, NC, and Randy Hutchins of Linville, NC. Surviving sisters are Dorothy Lindquist of Port Orchard, WA, and Linda Pendergrass of Simpsonville, SC. He is also survived by step-daughters Theresa Ruth Hampton and Carly Judd of Greenville. Surviving step-grandchildren are Andrew Judd and Rachael Noone, as well as step-great granddaughter Amelia Noone.