Antarctica10 ago

The Easter holiday is also shared with a satanic holiday. Around that time last year i noticed two tractor trailers unloading things. There was also a backhoe on the property. Did some research and they were not having any type of public event. The campus is usually very quiet and has very little inhabitants. It made me wonder what was being unloaded that required such large transport. Also the satanic pope was there the year before and they did a lot of work beforehand so I don't think the backhoe or trailers were maintenance related. I never knew about the tunnels. I bet there is a satanic alter there.

carmencita ago

Hold on to your comment. The post has been deleted, due to my error. I am a Box of Rocks when it comes to tech stuff. I am asking @exposethecriminals to re post or someone that is much more experienced at posts. Thank you for explaining. I certainly agree with you. The pope picked this place as his first stop during his 2015 visit. Makes one sick. This calls for some deeper research. When it is re posted please post your comments again. Much appreciated.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 2: @carmencita, this doesn't fulfill Rule 2. Unless I'm missing something, all you have added is a ping of two voat users.

carmencita ago

I have re posted the St. Charles Seminary Tunnels Submission. Please post your former comments. @StcharlesSeminary @think @exposethecriminals

Antarctica10 ago

I live close by. I noticed some shady activity around Easter last year. I think it may be a hub for the elite in the area. Just minutes away from the castle like estates of the extremely wealthy.

carmencita ago

You certainly could be right. I would not be a bit surprised. What did you notice that was shady? There are many other claims of Sexual Abuse by others. In 2015 the pope made his first stop at St. Martin's Chapel and addressed Bishops and Seminarians. I cannot and don't even want to think why he even went there. It sickens me. And yes, what a perfect location right near Homes of the Elite.