Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing | Euronews

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Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing | Euronews

Post by doginventer »

Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing | Euronews ... ld-killing
Possible relevance to Pizzagate? : “Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries -- who was gunned down in Amsterdam last year -- had for years helped Verstappen’s parents in their search for justice. De Vries’ son also sat next to the family in court on Friday.”
Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing
By Euronews with AP, AFP • 28/01/2022 - 20:41
Nicky Verstappen's body was found in the southern Netherlands in 1998.
Nicky Verstappen's body was found in the southern Netherlands in 1998. - Copyright ANP / DUTCH POLICE / AFP
A Dutch appeals court has sentenced a man to 16 years in prison for kidnapping, sexually abusing and killing an 11-year-old boy.

Jos Brech was convicted of manslaughter, abduction and sexual assault and had his sentence increased on Friday.

He was first found guilty in November 2020 and sentenced to 12-and-a-half years, although the court acquitted Brech of deliberately killing Nicky Verstappen. Both Brech and prosecutors had appealed the verdict.

The appeals court in Den Bosch upheld his conviction and said that by grabbing Verstappen and covering his mouth while abusing him, Brech accepted the possibility the boy could die.

Verstappen’s mother -- sitting between her daughter and husband -- wept in court as the judgment was read.

The case of Nicky Verstappen has long gripped the Netherlands and led to the country's largest-ever DNA search.

The 11-year-old disappeared while on a youth summer camp in the southern Dutch province of Limburg in August 1998. His dead body was found one day later.

The case remained unsolved for 23 years and led police to carry out DNA tests on around 21,500 men in 2018 in an attempt to identify a suspect.

Brech -- an outdoor survival expert -- was arrested in Spain in August 2018 after his DNA was identified on Verstappen’s clothes.

Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries -- who was gunned down in Amsterdam last year -- had for years helped Verstappen’s parents in their search for justice. De Vries’ son also sat next to the family in court on Friday.

Brech has always claimed that he found the boy dead and can appeal the court's judgment to the Dutch Supreme Court

The 59-year-old was also convicted on a separate child pornography charge.
Deleted User 2149

Re: Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing | Euronews

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

I'm familiar with this case. I'm a Dutch speaker and coincidentally watched the de Vries broadcast again recently.
Some background. De Vries was very unpopular with many because of his arrogance. He would often throw tantrums while being interviewed. He also had ties to the Dutch crime scene. He had the unfortunate habit of "making friends" with people he was investigating for his programme. His arch enemy is a guy called Steven Brown. Brown instigated legal proceedings against De Vries years ago and the court found evidence that de Vries was basically on the payroll of the elite Dutch crime bosses.

Not to undermine the seriousness of the Verstappen case, but de Vries was a piece of shit with little credibility. There's plenty of dirt on him online, he was married but was exceptionally sexually promiscuous and there's a vid on yt of him sneaking into a married woman's home for sex. Only her husband was waiting and filmed him sneaking around.

Steven Brown's website contains various nuggets but all in Dutch. Brown was born in America but grew up in Amsterdam. A former criminal himself, Brown is an interesting character, part of the so-called Truth community, who calls out the corrupt establishment.
Deleted User 2149

Re: Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing | Euronews

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

Ps if I remember correctly, de Vries' son is a lawyer.
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Re: Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing | Euronews

Post by TFS » ... hreatened/
Royce de Vries, the son of Peter R. de Vries, who was shot dead last summer, has been warned by the police that he is also in mortal danger. He says that on Monday in conversation with The Parool. The Amsterdam city newspaper writes that a tip to the detectives shows that one or more people would like to kill De Vries.

It is not clear from which quarter the threat comes. De Vries himself thinks it may have to do with his assistance to the innocent sisters of Nabil B. in “a civil matter against the state”. B. is the star witness in the Marengo trial. He kept the assistance to B.’s sisters anonymous for security reasons. “So anonymous that even other officemates knew nothing about it, but the investigative services were so careless as to let it leak out, after which it was also reported in the media.”

When it became known that he was assisting the sisters, De Vries already considered stopping. After the attack on his father, he made the decision and the sisters were “again without a lawyer”. His assistance had nothing to do with the Marengo criminal case, in which Nabil B. is a key witness, but was about civil issues against the state.

In response to the threat against De Vries, according to him, ‘security measures have been taken’ and ‘extensive research is being conducted into the origin of this threat’. He would not say what kind of security measures these are.
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Re: Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing | Euronews

Post by brwn »

The man’s sentence was far too light for me. ☹️ I feel for the boy/family. The Dutch took a long time in solving this case however I am so glad they didn’t give up.
Anyone other children come forward????
Deleted User 2149

Re: Nicky Verstappen: Dutch court jails man for 16 years over 1998 child killing | Euronews

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

For those who have the time and inclination to dig, you might want to look into Dutch paedophile and serial killer Koos Hertogs.

A judge, Cornelis Stolk, also a paedophile, actively protected him. Even gave him his number and told him to call any time he was arrested. That's how he was out when he should have been in and was able to kill the girls. He was convicted of 3 killings but thought to have killed many more girls.

The circumstances of the killings are unpleasant. He would abduct them and lock them in his attic and hurt them before killing them. In one case he hammered a ball point pen into a girl's ear cavity.

At one of his court hearings (before these 3 killings), he ended up in Stolk's court. Stolk knew his criminal history and actively befriended him, even visited him in prison. They had sex at some point and Hertogs provided him with paedo material in exchange for favours.

It's a sordid tale and since he was suspected of killing many other girls, you wonder just how many he killed.

Ps. He was supplied with porn in prison, specifically porn depicting what looks like underage girls. This was shown in 3 programmes Pieter R de Vries did on him.
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