Excerpt from article, original sources of data in link above
Official public health data coming out of Scotland is painting an extremely concerning picture for those who have chosen to get the Covid-19 vaccine, because it strongly suggests that the fully vaccinated are either suffering the much feared antibody-dependent enhancement, developing some form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or in the worst case scenario they are suffering with both conditions.
According to official Public Health Scotland Covid-19 Statistical reports, the fully vaccinated population in Scotland have accounted for the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths every single week since at least July 2021, not long after they began to account for the majority of hospitalisations, and in recent months they’ve also accounted for the vast majority of cases.
Here’s how the number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths tallied up by vaccination status over the past few weeks according to the Public Health Scotland Covid-19 Statistical report published Wednesday 19th January 2022.
As you can clearly see from the above it is the vast majority of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths are still among the fully vaccinated population.
But Public Health bodies have been able to argue that this is to be expected when such a high percentage of the population has had the Covid-19 vaccine, and they have instead used the rates per 100k of the population by vaccination status to argue that the Covid-19 vaccines are effective at preventing cases, hospitalisations, and deaths.
The problem they now have though, is that according to the latest report (and a couple published prior to that) the rates per 100k of the population are now highest in the fully vaccinated population.
The following chart shows the age-standardised Covid-19 case rates per 100,000 individuals in Scotland by vaccination status between 18th Dec 21 and 7th Jan 22. The data within the chart has been extracted from Table 14, found on page 38 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical report.
Since at least 18th Dec 21, the Covid-19 cases rates per 100k have been highest in the fully vaccinated population by an incredible amount. But we know this has been the case for a much longer period, we only need to look at data coming out of England to see that.
This suggests a few things which we will touch on very shortly, because first we need to show you how the hospitalisation and death rates per 100,000 population are now also highest in the fully vaccinated.
The following chart shows the age-standardised Covid-19 hospitalisation rates per 100,000 individuals in Scotland by vaccination status between 18th Dec 21 and 7th Jan 22. The data within the chart has been extracted from Table 15, found on page 44 of the PHS Covid-19 Statistical report.
Now here’s where things are slightly odd because it is only in the week beginning Jan 1st that the hospitalisation rate per 100,000 population is highest in the fully vaccinated. This is odd because of the death rates which we will reveal soon, but we believe the hospitalisation rates may be skewed, and we can prove that thanks to data coming out of England.
According to the UK Health Security Agency Vaccine Surveillance report – Week 3 – 2022, the highest number of Covid-19 hospitalisations among the unvaccinated population between week 51 2021 and week 2 2022, occurred in the under 18’s.