Kaffers assault White farmer for hours using a spear and a rake, translation inside

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Deleted User 2149

Kaffers assault White farmer for hours using a spear and a rake, translation inside

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

https://maroelamedia.co.za/nuus/sa-nuus ... plaas-aan/

A 60 year old farmer was seriously injured after a group of landgrabbers held him hostage and assaulted him for hours.

This happened after he confronted a trespasser illegally erecting a structure on his land, despite a court order forbidding this.

The kaffer attacked him with a spear and a rake. He fired a warning shot, which had no effect. A group of 20 kaffers then arrived and joined the attack, during which the farmer’s gun fell out of his hands. They tied him up and assaulted him for hours.

He had called the police earlier that morning and they finally arrived much later in the day after the attack had taken place but while the kaffers were still there. They made no arrests and confiscated no weapons.

A worker called the farmer’s neighbour who came and took him to hospital. As they drove into the town, they saw the police giving the main instigator a ride into town and dropping him off.

The farmer has made over 20 criminal complaints to the police, but they have failed to follow these up.
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Re: Kaffers assault White farmer for hours using a spear and a rake, translation inside

Post by justALover »

Warning shot? The only shots that should be fired should be into the heads of kaffers. Their exploded heads would serve as warnings to their fellow kaffer to stay away.

Mind you, that would have gotten the farmer thrown into prison forever, and the ANC / SACP / EFF kaffers that ordered the attack would have to find another farmer to terrorize for shits and giggles.

Such is the life of the White man in South Africa today. A country he built, that the (((global community))) forced / lured him to giving to the kaffers. Gone forever.
Deleted User 2149

Re: Kaffers assault White farmer for hours using a spear and a rake, translation inside

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

Exactly, he actually admitted he could have killed the instigator at the outset, but we all know what happens to White farmers who shoot in self defense. I'm assuming they stole his gun, although the article doesn't say it. So he'll be prosecuted for negligence too.
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