Matt Walsh Confronts Nashville Schl Board Over Mask Mandate; School Board Kicks Out Unmasked Parents

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Matt Walsh Confronts Nashville Schl Board Over Mask Mandate; School Board Kicks Out Unmasked Parents

Post by brwn » ... ed-parents

Matt Walsh Confronts Nashville School Board Over Mask Mandate; School Board Kicks Out Unmasked Parents

Matt Walsh - Metro School Board Meeting 8/10/21

This is Matt Walsh from Dailywire. He is telling the school board they have shown absolutely no
Scientific evidence or common sense reasons as to why their children should wear masks in schools.

Walsh delivered his comments in front of a packed crowd of parents that showed up to the school board meeting largely because of the universal masking policy the board adopted last week. Walsh, arguing against the forced masking of students, received applause and cheers from the audience.

Walsh called on school board members to present evidence to back up their universal mask mandate for all students at school, then went on to cite official data on total number of cases for children since the beginning of the pandemic, around 4.2 million, and the extremely low death rate among children, which Walsh compared to the common flu. Forcing students to be masked, he argued, is “cruel” and a form of “child abuse.”

Many in the crowd were not wearing masks in violation of an order by Nashville Mayor John Cooper (D). Later on in the meeting, the school board kicked out all parents and guests who refused to wear facemasks. As the Nashville Scene reported:
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