Smithfield Foods stops slaughtering pigs at U.S. hometown plant

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Smithfield Foods stops slaughtering pigs at U.S. hometown plant

Post by brwn »

Smithfield Foods stops slaughtering pigs at U.S. hometown plant

Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork processor, has stopped slaughtering pigs in the United States' .

The end of slaughtering in Smithfield, Virginia, is the latest reconfiguration for the company's namesake plant and follows a months-long internal review of its East Coast operations, Smithfield Foods said in a statement.

The company, owned by Hong Kong-listed WH Group , is shifting slaughtering to some of its 47 other U.S. facilities and spending $5 million to upgrade the Virginia plant to produce more packaged bacon, ham and other pork products.

Smithfield, Virginia, is a tourist destination based on its history as Smithfield Foods' hometown and boasts a museum featuring the world's oldest ham.

The company retooled the plant in 2019 to ship hog carcasses to China, the world's top pork consumer, and again last year to supply more pork to U.S. customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

U.S. meat companies came under scrutiny during the pandemic as plant workers got sick and died, and slaughterhouse shutdowns highlighted supply-chain vulnerabilities.

Smithfield's facility has the capacity to kill about 10k hogs a day but has been slaughtering roughly 7k to 7,500 hogs daily, said Steve Meyer, economist for consultancy Partners for Production Agriculture. He said there are fewer hogs along the eastern seaboard after farms closed.

One East Coast hog supplier, Maxwell Foods, said last year it would close and filed a breach of contract lawsuit against Smithfield Foods.
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Re: Smithfield Foods stops slaughtering pigs at U.S. hometown plant

Post by kestrel9 »

Here's one link for the info ... 53456.html

Also CHICAGO: Smithfield Foods Closes US Pork Plant Due to CCP Virus- (employees tested positive and it's Chinese owned) May 2017 10 iconic American companies owned by Chinese investors

The Hong Kong-based WH Group Limited "formerly known as Shuanghui Group , is a publicly traded Chinese multinational meat and food processing company headquartered in Hong Kong. Sometimes also known as Shineway Group in English-speaking countries, the company's businesses include hog raising, consumer meat products, flavoring products, and logistics. It is the largest meat producer in China.

Wan Long is the chairman and chief executive officer of WH Group. Kenneth M. Sullivan, the president and chief executive officer of Smithfield Foods, became an executive director of WH Group in January 2016.


"The owner of WH Group, Wan Long, holds a seat on the National People's Congress, the legislature of the CCP." and a month before Smithfield Foods became the epicenter of Covid19 outbreak in Sioux City Falls, South Dakota, the plant was visited by CCP tied parent company representatives. The visit took place roughly a month after President Donald Trump had banned travel from China, where the pandemic originated. ...Three employees told The Epoch Times that the company offered workers a $500 bonus to keep working after the plant had its first confirmed case. One employee said he or she had informed management multiple times about feeling ill, but was told to keep working.
The worker eventually tested positive for COVID-19.

The 2013 purchase of Smithfield Foods by WH Group was at the time the largest acquisition of a U.S. company by a Chinese firm. The purchase made WH Group—known as Shuanghui International at the time—the world’s largest pork producer. The takeover was approved by the Obama administration.

The owner of WH Group, Wan Long, holds a seat on the National People’s Congress, the legislature of the CCP. Wan’s path to dominance in China’s pork market was cleared by Li Keqiang, according to an account by the state-run news agency Xinhua, cited by The Wall Street Journal. Li is now the second-ranking member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CCP.

The connection between the CCP and the Smithfield plant fits a pattern of locales and entities with strong ties to the communist regime being hardest-hit by the pandemic. Lured by trade benefits or caving to Beijing’s pressure, governments and officials in many regions have taken accommodating stances toward the Chinese regime. ... ed-owners/

In the comment section someone took issue with the reporting but did not provide a link:
"The premise of this article has been proven false, and Epoch Times has been forced to post an update saying that actually no Chinese people visited the plant. The article was just baiting all along. The company is based in Hong Kong, which we know is bucking against the CCP rule and the two executives of the company that handle Smithfield are Americans who live here. The only thing unconscionable in this article was the misleading way the author represented the situation. What a scam!"

I'll look around for the update. Chinese CCP tied WH Group does own a number of 'brands' that we assume are American or from other countries. (scroll down to graphic horizontal list)
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Re: Smithfield Foods stops slaughtering pigs at U.S. hometown plant

Post by kestrel9 »

I tried making a list of the WH Group owned 'Brands' save one which was in Chinese I think-- Shuanghui
(Shuanghui International aka Shineway is the former name of WH Group. "Shuanghui, a pork processing company located in the Peoples Republic of China. It was created in 1958 by local Chinese government agencies to help streamline the production and availability of pork products to the ever-growing Chinese population. In 1984, the company transitioned from a single-location food distributor to what would become the largest food producer in China.)..."
In 2006, the Chinese government sold its ownership share in Shuanghui to an investment partnership led by Goldman Sachs. Soon thereafter, Goldman Sachs sold most of its ownership to other investors, keeping a minority stake for itself. In 2009, with the help of Sachs, the company began talks to buy America’s largest meat producer – Smithfield Foods."

hmmm... who are the 'other investors', no doubt they are also tied to China, because WH Group is tied to CCP.

"By 2010, Shuanghui was being accused of taking production shortcuts that put the health and lives of the Chinese people in jeopardy. In 2011, Chinese state TV announced that the company had been caught treating its animals with the banned chemical clenbuterol. In the US, Clenbuterol is only approved by the FDA for use in prescription respiratory inhalers like those used by asthma victims. In animals, where its use is banned for human consumption, the drug acts as a stimulant and fat-burner.

On May 29, 2013, Shuanghui announced it had made a $4.7 billion bid to purchase Smithfield Foods. Smithfield’s corporate officers, as well as its investors, stand to make a great deal of money from the sale. The purchase price is 31% more than the corporation’s market value at the time of the announcement....

...So while the Chinese people purchase foreign-produced meats, the Chinese corporation guilty of tainting the country’s meat in the first place buys the foreign pork producers and takes over their operations. One of two scenarios is going to come to fruition. Either US safety standards will prevail and China will have safe pork to consume. Or the US will adopt China’s safety standards and the US meat supply will become tainted."

Back to the list which is where I started:

First the Smithfield subsidiaries that are listed on the WH Group website:
Smithfield, Smithfield Prime, American Farms, Armour, Eckrich, Farmland Foods Inc., Cook's, Carando, Curly’s,Gwaltney, Kretschmar, Krakus, Healthy Ones, Lykes, John Morrell & Co., Margherita, Patrick Cudahy, Stefano Foods, Sunnyland, ... nd-brands/ (As you can see there are many, many more that WH Group owns via Smithfield that are not on the website. Some are not directly food related per se. "We next took our search to the Securities and Exchange Commission. There, we found what appeared to be a complete list of Smithfield subsidiaries. Unfortunately, while the SEC does provide a full list of companies owned by the mammoth corporation, it does not include a listing of each of their full assortment of brands.").

Here are some not included on the Smithfield subsidiary list but are on the WH Group website. (Perhaps they are Smithfield but who knows really?)
First are the ones I'm familiar with seeing or hearing of or think I've heard of them:

Nathans, Farmers Hickory Brand, Farmer John, Il Primo Brand, Pure Farms, Branding Iron, Captain Morgan BBQ, Old Country Store, Ranch Brand, Ruth Back Hawk, Yorkshire Farms,

These I don't recall offhand:

Circle U, Cumberland Gap provision Co, Dinner Bell,Elit, El Mino Chorizos Especial, Farm Brand, Higueral, Hunter, La Abuelita, La Bella, Lido, Maple River, Marca El Rey, Mayrose, Mazury Etk. Mosey's,
Morliny and Morliny-Morlinki, and Morliny-Berlink
Ohse, Deco, Saags, The Peanut Shop of Wittensberg, Peytons, Plin de Carne, Premia, Promo, Pizzaro Riojano the true taste of Spain, Schickhaus Old World Premium Deli, Shenson, Smoke N Fast fully cooked BBQ, Sterling,
Shuanghui, Valleydale Foods, Veri, Yano

As I've discovered, and to repeat myself, there are many, many 'Brands' owned by WH Group which are Smithfield Subsidiaries that are not listed above but can be found here ... nd-brands/ and apparently there are many, many Smithfield 'Brands' not included on that list. It begs the question...How much of the world's pork does China own? Or at least how much of America's pork industry does China own?

"The purchase of Smithfield Foods by China’s Shuanghui International gives the Chinese control of America’s largest meat supplier. As of 2012, Smithfield Foods had 46,000 employees, slaughtered 15.8 million pigs annually with yearly revenue of $13 billion. By comparison, Shuanghui slaughters 15 million pigs per year with an annual revenue of $6.2 billion."

What is it today?

Seems that it barely scratches the surface of the pork being distributed in D.C. and lining the pockets of sell out communist politicians. Sick.

What else is China after? (Short answer clearly is World Domination).

Opinion piece: Pres. Biden, Please Keep the Chinese Regime Away From American Farmland
Last edited by kestrel9 on Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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