TheFritoBandito ago

Sounds like an act of treason by the U.S. Treasury Department. Proves that anyone can be bought if the price is right. The CEO of Smithfield (Larry Pope) is a f'king stooge who played dumb and just went with it. My guess would be he received some sweet kickbacks under the table from the Chinese. This all got swept under the rug for a while after 2014 or so, but people need to start paying attention that the Chinese are moving headstrong on their goal of global domination.

Transcript: - - Who’s behind the Chinese takeover of world’s biggest pork producer?

Video: - Who's behind the Chinese takeover of world's biggest pork producer?

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the info!

As I mentioned Smithfield went on to buy California-based Clougherty Packing Here are just some of the brand names they now own: American Farms, Armour, Cook's Ham, Captain Morgen BBQ, Curly's, Eckrich, Farmer John, Farmers Hickory Brand, Farmland, Healthy Ones, John Morrell, Pure Farms, Ranch Brand, Sunnyland.

TheFritoBandito ago

FML... I looked in the fridge earlier to see if we had any of these on the list. I'll be damned if Farmland wasn't one of them (a pack of bacon.) I switched to that brand over Smithfield a while back. Screw it, I'll go back to buying half hogs from the local processor until that gets outlawed by some globalist POS.

We'll be fighting those China in WW3 if it hasn't already started. i.e.- CoVID-19 as a bio-weapon attack.

kestrel9 ago

I know what you mean about finding out about having those brands! I've bought those as well. Smithfield continues to be in the news:

Smithfield shutting U.S. pork plant indefinitely, warns of meat shortages during pandemic

Smithfield Foods, the world’s biggest pork processor, said on Sunday it will shut a U.S. plant indefinitely due to a rash of coronavirus cases among employees and warned the country was moving “perilously close to the edge” in supplies for grocers.

Slaughterhouse shutdowns are disrupting the U.S. food supply chain, crimping availability of meat at retail stores and leaving farmers without outlets for their livestock.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said on Saturday that 238 Smithfield employees had active cases of the new coronavirus, accounting for 55% of the state’s total. Noem and the mayor of Sioux Falls had recommended the company shut the plant, which has about 3,700 workers, for at least two weeks.

“It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running,” Smithfield Chief Executive Ken Sullivan said in a statement on Sunday. “These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain, first and foremost our nation’s livestock farmers.”

Smithfield said it will resume operations in Sioux Falls after further direction from local, state and federal officials. The company will pay employees for the next two weeks, according to the statement.

nomoss ago

Thanks for the information and links.

yellowrose ago

Personally, I don't want any food that isn't USA raised/caught & processed. We need our hygiene & government standards to be met. Foreign countries/ persons do not meet that standard in my opinion.

kestrel9 ago

Some of the companies retain their American source of pork meat and we're told that the only change is the ownership. But China has been buying the pig farms that supply the meat. The meat may originate from the US as far as we are told, but I suppose they could import their meat at some point in the supply chain. They could also sabotage our food if it ever came to that in their world domination attempts, all it would take is a well designed virus.

yellowrose ago

Am considering local sources for my food.

kestrel9 ago

Same here, I'm interested to learn more about the foreign ownership of many brand names that we take for granted as being owned by Americans.

Gigabump2 ago

What is coronavirus?

TheFritoBandito ago

The biggest f'king sham to ever be enacted on a global population. Most likely due to a man-made virus purposely created in a lab and released on the population of Wuhan, China; knowing it would quickly spread world-wide so that international organizations could institute forced vaccinations along with a control system for access to essential goods.

kestrel9 ago

'novel coronavirus', is SARS-CoV2, most often referred to as Covid19.