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German police shut down major darknet child sex abuse platform

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:55 pm
by Heisenberg123 ... a-57408253
German police shut down major darknet child sex abuse platform

After months of investigation, German police have busted the "Boystown" child sex abuse platform with over 400,000 members. Four German men have been arrested.

Authorities in Germany managed to take down one of the world's biggest child sex abuse platforms following a large-scale investigation which led to several arrests in mid-April, a police statement confirmed on Monday.

The platform "Boystown" was active since at least June 2019 and had a membership of over 400,000. It was only accessible via the so-called darknet.

Four German citizens between the ages of 40 and 64 were detained in relation to the case, three on suspicion of working as administrators for the platform — one of whom was arrested in Paraguay. Another man was taken in under suspicion of being a registered member and the platform's most active user, having contributed more than 3,500 posts.

What did the police discover about the site?

The investigation spanned months and was led by a German task force working in coordination with Europol, as well as authorities from the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, the United States and Canada.

The platform provided a space for users to share recordings of abuse of minors including "of the most serious sexual abuse of young children," the statement from the Germany's federal investigative police force (the BKA) said.

The platform included several communication channels for users. The members also received advice from platform administrators for how to access the site in the most secure way and how best to avoid detection and subsequent criminal charges.

What happened to the men who were arrested?

The accused were arrested after police searched their homes. The three men in Germany were arrested and taken to Frankfurt am Main on April 14 and 15 for questioning. The fourth man, who was one of the three site administrators and was arrested in Paraguay, is expected to be extradited to Germany.

The raids were carried out across Germany. Another of the administrators, a 40-year-old man, was arrested in the town of Paderborn in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia, while the third administrator, 49, was arrested near the southern city of Munich.

The fourth man, 64, who was suspected of being the site's most prolific user, was detained in Hamburg.

Police were able to close down "Boystown" and several other chat platforms following the raids.

Re: German police shut down major darknet child sex abuse platform

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 7:13 pm
by MercurysBall2
I get annoyed when I see stories like this. Someone set up a network of almost half a million people since 2019.. that's in about TWO years and the German police arrested FOUR people?

And they can't give us any more details.. no doubt the kingpins moved on and those 399,996 people were scattered to other platforms.

I consider Deutsche Welle, the publishers of that article, to be gatekeepers. Their documentaries always just scratch the surface too.
Deutsche Welle (German: [ˈdɔɪ̯.t͡ʃə ˈvɛ.lə] (About this soundlisten); "German wave" in German) or DW is a German public state-owned international broadcaster funded by the German federal tax budget..

The Director-General of DW is Peter Limbourg.

....There has also been controversy in the way the German broadcasters of DW cover domestic stories. In German society, journalists have been known to shape perspectives of the national identity using terms or the themes they choose to cover. According to William Silcock, "research in the bicultural (German and English) newsroom at Deutsche Welle provided the opportunity to see how national myths were forged and maintained by the dominant culture and how such myths were accepted or resisted by the other." Silcock explains his research by saying, "Transporting an understanding of the past – this German national myth – through global television was an unarticulated, but very present, goal of the Deutsche Welle's news organization.[Global News, National Stories: Producers as Mythmakers at Germany's Deutsche Welle Television ... 0207900206]
Merkel with Peter Limbourg

Angela Merkel said that Deutsche Welle had established itself as the "voice of homeland and voice of freedom." It stands for serious journalism and objectivity, she said. "DW is part of the media history of the Federal Republic of Germany. We can say that Deutsche Welle is a success story." Merkel said that DW "can count on the continued support of the federal government." ... a-44089172
Barf. Taking the piss.

Re: German police shut down major darknet child sex abuse platform

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 7:16 pm
by Heisenberg123

I agree. We will not know much from the mainstream and especially if there are bigger connections out there. I would still like to know names of the arrested and stuff like that.

Re: German police shut down major darknet child sex abuse platform

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 7:31 pm
by MercurysBall2
The secret Gotthard message from our Federal Councilors to Europe ... ld.1559398
The Gotthard celebration was a happy day for Switzerland: the longest railway tunnel in the world was inaugurated with a pompous show and many pathetic words. But our federal councilors also followed a secret agenda - because of the implementation of the mass immigration initiative...

Federal President Schneider-Ammann (r.) At the Gotthard celebration in Ticino with François Hollande and Angela Merkel.

Light, colors, music - and again and again the Gotthard Base Tunnel. Switzerland is proud of the longest rail tunnel in the world, which was inaugurated on Wednesday. June 1, 2016 has become a historic day.

But while Switzerland and Europe were celebrating, the Swiss Federal Councilors followed an agenda with two messages:
    Switzerland is part of Europe.
      Switzerland built the Gotthard tunnel for Europe.

      Federal President Johann Schneider-Ammann and Transport Minister Doris Leuthard were the official face of Switzerland on this happy day. It was they who sent this message. Always public. Always with a message between the lines.

      One term was avoided
      Why? It is about the mass immigration initiative , the implementation of which has led to the dispute between Switzerland and the European Union. This year, decisive discussions are pending, because the deadline for implementation is February 9, 2017. But the word is never mentioned. At least not in public.

      But there was still the closed area for "Very VIPs" on the festival site. In an interview with SRF, Leuthard indicated that she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity behind closed doors when important European partners such as Merkel, Hollande and Renzi were in Switzerland. The opportunity for what?..
      When the heads of state travel together by train ... n/42196360
      Image The family photo of the "Very VIPs": Many heads of state and government in Europe paid homage to the new Gotthard tunnel - even if only for a short time. KEYSTONE / TI-PRESS / SAMUEL GOLAY
      See Voat posts:
      Babel Literature Festival/Samuel Golay

      TERIS Waste Removal - Pedo Clean Up Crew?! ... n&forum=on

      Could NXIVM still be operating.. just under a different name? viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2758&start=10

      Re: German police shut down major darknet child sex abuse platform

      Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 7:37 pm
      by MercurysBall2
      Bizarre Stage Show Opens 35-Mile Rail Tunnel Under Swiss Alps ... ss-n583986


      Photographer: Samuel Golay

      Re: German police shut down major darknet child sex abuse platform

      Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 7:53 pm
      by MercurysBall2
      So, the bizzarro Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony took place in 2016. In 2015 :

      EXHIBITION: Giant Gotthard crystals on display ... -ld.117736
      The giant crystals that two people from Uri discovered in a rift in the Planggenstock UR in 2008 are back in the Gotthard region. The find of the century can be seen in an exhibition in the former secret bunker on the pass...
      Image Radiator Elio Müller, former Federal Councilor Adolf Ogi, radiator Franz von Arx and Alfred Markwalder from Sasso San Gottardo (from left). (Image: Photopress / Samuel Golay)
      The new exhibition in the Museum Sasso San Gottardo, which was presented to the media on Wednesday in the presence of former Federal Councilor Adolf Ogi, opens to the public on Thursday. It can be seen until the winter break on October 18th.

      Due to its size, the treasure from the Planggenstock is one of the most important crystal finds in the Alpine region. The 1.5 ton crystal group extends over three by three meters. The largest single crystal rises a meter.

      ...According to the Sasso San Gottardo Foundation, the rock crystals on display belong to a private person. She lends her property to the museum free of charge for five years.

      ...In addition to the find of the century, the Sasso San Gottardo Museum is now also devoting itself to a construction of the century. A multimedia exhibition on the Gotthard Base Tunnel focuses on increasing traffic in the globalized world and also deals with energy issues...A side tunnel leads from the rooms of the former artillery fortress to a new viewing platform. From there there is a view of the mountains on the Gotthard.

      The 8,000 square meter fortress Sasso da Pigna was a Swiss artillery plant on the Gotthard Pass in the municipality of Airolo TI. The factory for 500 men, built in 1943, was in operation from 1943 to 1999. The fighting facility has not been classified as secret since 2001. In 2012 it was opened as the Museum Sasso San Gottardo.
      All the other photos in that article are by Samuel Golay as well.

      Re: German police shut down major darknet child sex abuse platform

      Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 8:07 pm
      by MercurysBall2
      The trial of FIFA officials in Bellinzona postponed indefinitely ... e-sine-die Wolfgang Niersbach, former president of the German Football Association, on March 11, 2020 in Bellinzona. - © Ti-Press / Samuel Golay / Keystone
      March 12, 2020

      The trial of the football authorities is postponed indefinitely. One of the two defendants present, Wolfgang Niersbach, voluntarily quarantined himself due to the coronavirus.

      A suspected case has been detected in the school of the 14-year-old son-in-law of the former president of the German Football Association (DFB). With this postponement, a statute of limitations for criminal action seems ever closer since the Federal Criminal Court is expected to deliver its verdict by the end of April.

      Wednesday, the first day did not allow much progress. Only the former FIFA secretary, Switzerland's Urs Linsi and Wolfgang Niersbach appeared in Bellinzona.

      The state of health of the two absent defendants, who produced medical certificates, raised questions from the court. According to the doctor called to assess these certificates, the former secretary general of the DFB, Horst R. Schmidt is able to travel but his ability to participate in the debates remains questionable. The situation is similar for its former president Theo Zwanziger. Due to the risk of contamination, the debates were held behind closed doors and are followed by the press in a separate room on a giant screen.

      Suspicions about the organization of the 2006 World Cup
      In this first lawsuit against the football authorities, Theo Zwanziger, Horst R. Schmidt and Urs Linsi respond to fraud. As for Wolfgang Niersbach, he is indicted for complicity....

      The former captain of the Germany team had obtained this amount from Robert Louis-Dreyfus, who then headed Adidas. Franz Beckenbauer needed this money in order to convince FIFA treasurer Mohammed Bin Hammam to grant an advance of 250 million euros for the organization of the World Cup...
      Robert Louis-Dreyfus... Nicole Junkermann's boyfriend.

      Ti-Press - Samuel Golay