The True Purpose of WW1

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The True Purpose of WW1

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »


The idea is the same as the one explained in previous posts; the creation of an international federation of republics, led by an enlightened elite. This has been the dream of the mystery schools and secret societies for centuries; the American and the French Revolutions were part of this process, as were both World Wars, the Protestant "reformation" and the Napoleonic wars.

Judge it by its fruits: The Great War ended with the destruction of Imperial Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the creation of the USSR, with the aid of Nobel Laureate Woodrow Wilson and international bankers (both jewish and non-jewish), the Balfour declaration (in which the British empire recognizes a "national home in Palestine" for the jews, led by zionist Rothschild) and the League of Nations, which was part of "a new international order" in which what happens in one country affects the entire world since we're all interconnected.


To join the League of Nations, countries first had to commit to a policy of disarmament.

Even then they had the idea of disarming the world "before we destroy each other".


Woodrow Wilson's presidency also has the dubious honor of having created the Federal Reserve, ending "isolationism" (as opposed to internationalism or globalism as we know it now) and implementing "progressive" policies as suggested by Colonel Edward Mandell House, who had socialist and technocratic tendencies.



According to Jim MacGregor and Gerry Docherty (, WW1 was instigated by the Round Table group; a society founded by Cecil Rhodes with the intent of uniting the Anglosphere and dominating the world by "gradually absorbing all the wealth". Carroll Quigley, mentor of Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton, maintains that the society has survived to this day.

See my post on them: viewtopic.php?f=54&t=1890



Also, Die Ewige Juden an der Arbeit....


This time, Britain, France, Russia and America (which joined the war later even though the president ran campaign promising not to do so, with the help of the international jewish press to spred propaganda and fake news) had to fight a German tyrant hell-bent on conquering the world and committing atrocities and its useless allies, in a "war to end all wars" and "to make the world safe for democracy", ultimately ending with the victory of communism, the benefit of zionism, the crushing defeat of Germany and creating a world assembly. If you think I'm talking about WW2, I'm not. They simply resorted to the same propaganda tactics. Germany not only wanted to avoid the war, but also offered an armistice while they had the upper hand.

The war ended on November 11th, 1918, at 11:11, in full numerological fashion.

Kudos to Germany for standing up to the whole world TWICE in the same century and becoming a superpower afterwards. Even after communism they are still a major world-power.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The True Purpose of WW1

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »


WW1 was inevitable. In geopolitics, there's a concept known as "balance of power". It states that no one, not even your allies, should become too strong, powerful or influential. It is more beneficial to have separate, weaker states, allies and factions than to have a strong one, because it can represent a threat to your own faction, state, country, religion, etc. That is why, during the Thirty years war, Cardinal Richelieu allied with the protestants; the idea was to weaken the Habsburgs, the dynasty which held both the Crown of Spain, but also the Holy Roman Empire. Their power was too much, and they were surrounding France.

Politics is a constant competition for dominance and power. When you have too many powerful factions, war is bound to happen because it is assumed that if you don't strike first, the other side will. Before WW1, you had the middle East dominated by the ottomans, Germany becoming a superpower and Russia on its way to become the largest economy given their population. War was inevitable at that point. Jews didn't control Imperial Russia then, that's why they pulled the Bolshevik revolution (which wasn't only jewish, but it was funded by jews, carried out by many jews and also didn't persecute jews while persecuting orthodox christianity). Austria-Hungary did start the way by pressing Serbia even after they conceded to their demands, but you don't see sanctions imposed on them. Germany didn't even think Austria Hungary would go for the war, that's why Kaiser Wilhelm went on a vacation during that time; he just didn't see that as a possibility.

This is, of course, if we neglect the influence of the British who intercepted diplomatic telegrams and were seeking to start the war once and for all to get rid of their greatest competitor and to establish Cecil Rhodes' idea of a secret, anglophile society that controls the world under a US-British union (see the WW1 conspiracy). When the war finished, with the help of the jews after the Balfour declaration, Britain didn't give them Palestine as promised, and Freemasonry achieved their goal of establishing republics as opposed to monarchies, as per their ideology. Republics decentralize power, which makes military power weaker since there is no possibility of absolute control for war.

WW2 was about the same thing; you had three competing blocks; republican, democratic free markets, fascism and nationalism and socialism, which was expanding. Germany recovered after the degeneracy of Weimar during Hitler's regime; which was the right thing to do. The west tried to push Germany to war so they would have a justification for war in the eyes of the public, and they allied with the jews, promising them a jewish state, and asking them to use their propaganda and funds to help the war, just like they did in WW1. Just like before, they said that Hitler wanted to take over the world, just like the Kaiser allegedly wanted to take over America. They invented atrocity propaganda, like the rape of Belgium and the Holocaust, to foster an anti-german sentiment in the populace. Eventually, Germany got split between the western and the eastern sides; the communist side has a compass in its flag. Says a lot about which society had a key role in all of this.

Even after the war, the US didn't support Israel until they established themselves as the leading power in the middle East. If they were under total control of jews, they would have had their jewish state right before WW1.
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