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The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:12 am
by MercurysBall2
Voat posts re Foreign Affairs Policy Board
August 16 2018 Judicial Watch Hillary Clinton Email Dump: Who Puts "Science Experiment" in Quotes?
I just saw this in one of the most recent Judicial Watch email dumps. ... il-system/ On page 108 of the 184 page release ( ... 87.pdf?V=1), Strobe Talbott, chair of the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board under Hillary Clinton (, mentioned a friend who had been helpful to another unnamed person in their "science experiment." Talbott said that person had already been supported by Hillary Clinton via the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation/mother-to-child int'l work. Why is someone at an Hillary Clinton supported AIDS foundation conducting activities that have to be called a "science experiment" with quotation marks? I want to know who are the names of the redacted people because this seems very shady.

Here is the full text of the redacted email:
Hillary, on a somewhat (but not completely) different track from the one that's brought us together of late: [REDACTED]—a dear friend who's been vastly helpful to [REDACTED] in her current "science experiment," and who, as you know, [REDACTED] and whom you've supported via the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation/mother-to-child int'l work—would be interested, when the time is appropriate, in working for you on issues like PEPFAR (pediatric AIDS in particular), obesity, tobacco, women's reproductive health, pandemics, and global public health in general. These are, as you also know, not subjects on which State has traditionally asserted or distinguished itself. But [REDACTED] gueses—as do I—that that's about to change. If and when you or someone one your behalf wants to reach out to him, best is by e-mail: . Cheers, Strobe
CEO of the Knight Foundation Alberto Ibarguen..Ibargüen is a member of the board of AMR Corporation (American Airlines). Previously he served on the boards of PepsiCo, AOL, Norwegian Cruise Lines, SnagFilms, and the Citizen Advisory Committee of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.[6] He is a member of the U.S. Secretary of State's Foreign Affairs Policy Board.[8] He has also served as board chairman of PBS; the Newseum in Washington, D.C.;[9] and the World Wide Web Foundation, founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. He also served on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations[10] and SnagFilms.[11] Ibargüen is also a member of Washington D.C. based think tank the Inter-American Dialogue.[12]

Ibargüen has served on the boards of other arts, education and journalism organizations, including the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Wesleyan University, Smith College, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Committee to Protect Journalists, ProPublica and the Secretary of State’s Foreign Policy Advisory Board.

...the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation... and human experimentation?

Checking out any connections with our much documented orphanage where clearly that is happening - Nyumbani..

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation to receive the 2019 John and Patty Noel Humanitarian Award
The Nyumbani USA Board of Directors is extremely honored to announce that the John and Patty Noel Humanitarian Award will be presented to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) at this year’s benefit Gala on September 21, 2019.

Founded in 1988 by Elizabeth Glaser, Susie Zeegen, and Susan DeLaurentis, EGPAF’s mission is to end global pediatric HIV/AIDS through prevention and treatment programs, research, and advocacy. The organization has had a presence in Kenya since 2000 and has since grown into one of the largest HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs in the country. We are excited for the possibilities to work together in the future to improve the lives of children, youth, and families affected by HIV/AIDS.

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:37 am
by MercurysBall2
Background stuff:
United States Information Agency ... ion_Agency
The United States Information Agency (USIA), which existed from 1953 to 1999, was a United States agency devoted to "public diplomacy". In 1999, USIA's broadcasting functions were moved to the newly created Broadcasting Board of Governors, and its exchange and non-broadcasting information functions were given to the newly created Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. The agency was previously known overseas as the United States Information Service (USIS).

Nov. 2012: ... Agency.pdf Document by William M. Chodkowski of the American Security Project

USIA was the largest full-service public relations organization in the world, with an annual budget over $500 million in the 1980s, which eclipsed $1 billion in the years directly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.3

The American Security Project (ASP) is a nonpartisan initiative to educate the American public about the changing nature of national security in the 21st century. We live in a time when the threats to our security are as complex and diverse as terrorism, the spread of weapons of mass destruction, climate change, failed and failing states, disease, and pandemics.

American Security Project

The American Security Project (ASP) is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy and research organization based in Washington, D.C. .. ASP is heavily involved in climate change and energy security policy research, focusing particularly on fusion energy. It regularly publishes reports on the struggle against al Qaeda, titled "Are We Winning?" ASP's nuclear security program has produced the "Nuclear Security Index", a layman's guide to worldwide nuclear power.

The CEO of American Security Project is Brigadier General Stephen A. Cheney, USMC (retired). Its board of directors is chaired by former Governor Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey. The other board members are notable Democrats, Republicans, and retired military flag officers.

Board Members include:

Lieutenant General Daniel Christman, USA (ret.)
Nelson W. Cunningham
Vice Admiral Lee Gunn, USN (ret.)
Senator Chuck Hagel
Lieutenant General Claudia J. Kennedy, USA (ret.)
Senator John Kerry
General Lester L. Lyles, USAF (ret.)
Senator Warren B. Rudman
Governor Christine Todd Whitman
Admiral William J. Fallon, USN (ret.)
Norman R. Augustine
Edward Reilly
Nicholas Clark

Stephen A. Cheney

..In December 2013, Cheney was appointed to the Secretary of State’s International Security Advisory Board.[10] Secretary of State John Kerry appointed Cheney to the Foreign Affairs Policy Board in October 2014. ... licy_Board

The Foreign Affairs Policy Board is an advisory board that provides independent advice and opinion to the Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of State, and the Director of Policy Planning on matters concerning U.S. foreign policy...

The Foreign Affairs Policy Board was launched in December 2011 under Secretary Hillary Clinton and modeled after the Defense Policy Board of the U.S. Department of Defense. The Board's first meeting was held on December 19, 2011..

70th United States Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo

Current members
Douglas Beck, Vice President, Americas and Northeast Asia for Apple, Inc.
Jared Cohen, Founder and CEO of Jigsaw at Alphabet Inc. and former Member of the Policy Planning Staff under Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton
Paula Dobriansky, former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs and President's Envoy to Northern Ireland under President George W. Bush.
Jim Donovan (banker), Managing Director at Goldman Sachs
Cecil D. Haney, 4-star Admiral (Ret.), United States Navy and former STRATCOM Commander
Robert Kimmitt (Chairman), former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under President George H.W. Bush
William Roedy, former Chairman and CEO of MTV Networks International
Susan Schwab, former United States Trade Representative under President George W. Bush
Clifford Sobel, former U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands and U.S. Ambassador to Brazil under President George W. Bush
Charles David Welch, former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt and Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs under President George W. Bush

Past members
The following are past members of the Foreign Affairs Policy Board as of 2019:

Liaquat Ahamed, author and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for History
R. Nicholas Burns, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under President George W. Bush
Johnnie Carson, former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under President Barack Obama
Stephen A. Cheney, retired Brigadier General and CEO of the American Security Project
Nelson Cunningham, President and co-founder of McLarty Associates
Karen Donfried,[7] President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States
David Dreier, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and chairman of the House Rules Committee
Anne M. Finucane, Global Chief of Strategy and Marketing at Bank of America
Ann Fudge, former chairman and CEO of Young & Rubicam Brands
Helene Gayle, former president and CEO of CARE
Stephen J. Hadley, former National Security Advisor under President George W. Bush
Jane Harman, President of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Carla A. Hills, Co-Chair of the Council on Foreign Relations and former U.S. Trade Representative under President George H. W. Bush
Alberto Ibargüen, President and CEO of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Robert Kagan, Senior Fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution
William Kennard, former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union
Jim Kolbe, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives
Stephen Krasner, former Director of Policy Planning under President George W. Bush
Daniel C. Kurtzer,[8] professor of Middle East studies at Princeton University and former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Egypt
Mack McLarty, former White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton
Michael Mullen, retired United States Navy admiral and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama
Vali Nasr, Dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies and Senior Fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution
John D. Negroponte, former Deputy Secretary of State and the first Director of National Intelligence
Jacqueline Novogratz, founder and CEO of Acumen
Joseph S. Nye, political scientist and professor at Harvard University
Thomas R. Pickering, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama
Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO of New America and former Director of Policy Planning under Secretary Hillary Clinton
James Steinberg, former United States Deputy Secretary of State
Louis B. Susman, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom under President Barack Obama
Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution and former Deputy Secretary of State under President Bill Clinton
Laura Tyson, former director of the National Economic Council and the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Bill Clinton
Thomas J. Vallely, senior advisor for Mainland Southeast Asia at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Richard Verma, former U.S. Ambassador to India
Christine Todd Whitman

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:54 am
by MercurysBall2
The 2013 Global Impact Award Gala and Dinner Honoring Sec. Hillary Rodham Clinton
phpBB [video]

Emcee: Nigel Barker, celebrity photographer ... otographer
2008: Millions know fashion photographer Nigel Barker as a judge on America's Next Top Model. But Barker, who has had a photography studio in New York City for over a decade, is also spokesperson for The Humane Society of the United States' Protect Seals program and visited the Canadian seal hunt earlier this year.
Voat post > Humane Society:

Bill Gates and the Child Exploitation Tracking System used by NCMEC, ICMEC and Homeland Security - Tracking the Trackers
Microsoft Corp. joined international law enforcement agencies today to unveil an unprecedented computer system that allows global police agencies to share information for tracking online child predators. The Child Exploitation Tracking System (CETS) was developed by Microsoft Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Toronto Police Service..Microsoft contributed technology in creating NCMEC ..

Netclean and Microsoft have already been working with the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC)..

..Paul Shapiro and Guillermo Galarza attend ICMEC Gala for Child Protection at Gotham Hall on May 02, 2019 in New York City.

..Mary Max sat on the board of the Humane Society (HSUS)...

HSUS executives have been accused of sexual harassment. In Feb. 2018, HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle resigned after credible accusations that he had sexually preyed on staff members. His deputy, vice president Paul Shapiro, resigned the previous month after also being accused of sexual harassment...

Release: Bill Gates’ Engineer Busted for More Child Pornography Than Reported in the Media ... s-anomaly/

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:04 am
by MercurysBall2
.Mary Max sat on the board of the Humane Society (HSUS)...

Mary Max, the wife of Peter Max who is connected to the Norwegian cruise liner and all part of the network of Caribbean cruise liners who cruise the caribbean and connected to Disney and Epstein .. all documented many times on Voat..

The following post related to this thread's theme:

How the CIA, Mossad and "the Epstein Network" are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare
Peter Max is a famous pop artist who has worked with many famous people from the Beatles to Obama, to Prince Edward.. He is considered a very large influence in the Counter Culture movement of the Sixties and Seventies … these days his work can be found in Park West showrooms on all of the major cruise lines, including Royal Caribbean, Carnival and Norwegian

Park West is still aggressively selling Peter Max aboard the world’s cruise ships...Note the reference to the Michigan Department of Human Services. An important facet in the HARPA connections

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:12 am
by MercurysBall2
From the main post:

CEO of the Knight Foundation Alberto Ibarguen..Ibargüen is a member of the board of AMR Corporation (American Airlines). Previously he served on the boards of PepsiCo, AOL, Norwegian Cruise Lines, SnagFilms, and the Citizen Advisory Committee of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
TheTruth wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:19 pm @MercurysBall2 -

The Knight Foundation’s founder’s daughter lives in Racine. Her name is Marjorie Crane.

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:39 am
by MercurysBall2
Next person on that Hillary Clinton video: Chip Lyons, EGPAF president and CEO..
WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 2: L to R, Chip Lyons, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and Edward W. Scott Jr., Co-Founder of the organization, pose for a photo at the 10th anniversary leadership gala of the Friends Of The Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, December 2, 2014 in Washington, DC. Image
2003 article, President of U.S. Fund for UNICEF to Give Convocation Address ... n-address/
Charles “Chip” Lyons, president of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF ...Lyons has served as the president of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF since 1997. .. Lyons also serves on the boards of Baby-Friendly USA, an organization working to promote breast-feeding as the optimal care for babies, and the Rugmark Foundation, an organization working to eliminate exploitative child labor in the carpet industry. He is also a director for The Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines, a group launched with funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Voat post re Mark Dybul:
VIDEO: Who was Bill Gates Before Microsoft?
great digs regarding Bill Gates, Fauci, Marc Dybul, and Deborah Birx (and her daughters, one works for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), also Maeve Kennedy McKean (she just died days ago). McKean worked for Diane Feinstein, (as did her husband, he worked as intern). The McKeans had ties in China/Asia, (he taught English there, was part of the Asia Counsel in RFK Human Rights in Wash D.C. worth more digging I think.
Birx is connected to Nyumbani of course : DEBORAH BIRX and the pizzagate-connected NYUMBANI Orphanage

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:58 am
by MercurysBall2
Third person in that photo: Edward W. Scott Jr.
Edward W. "Ed" Scott Jr. is an American businessman, philanthropist, and former senior United States government official.[1] Along with Bill Coleman and Alfred Chuang, he founded enterprise software company BEA Systems.

In November 2001, Scott co-founded the Center for Global Development with C. Fred Bergsten and Nancy Birdsall.[7] He is currently CGD's Chairman Emeritus. In 2002, Scott co-founded the advocacy organization DATA together with Bill Gates and George Soros. DATA has now joined forces with the ONE Campaign, which Bono co-founded.

In 2004, Scott founded Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, originally led by Jack Valenti, which provides support in the U.S. for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. He serves as Chairman Emeritus. He also sits on the Board of Advisors of the Center for Strategic and International Studies Global Health Policy Center and Whole Child International. In 2008, Scott founded the Center for Interfaith Action on Global Poverty (CIFA).

In 2007, Scott established and funded the Scott Family Liberia Fellows program, which provides a cadre of trained economists and development specialists that work directly for the cabinet secretaries of various Liberian ministries to assist the President of Liberia.[8] He was the principal donor to create the Scott Center for Autism Treatment at the Florida Institute of Technology, where he serves on the Board of Trustees.[9] Scott also serves on the Chancellor's Court of Benefactors of the University of Oxford, where he endowed a Chair in Psychiatry and two research fellowships dedicated to the study of the causes and possible treatments of autism spectrum disorders. Scott also established a special program at University College, Oxford for admission to the college of students with severe disabilities.

In 2008, Scott founded the Center for Interfaith Action on Global Poverty (CIFA), to improve the capacity and effectiveness of faith communities to reduce poverty and disease.[10]

In 2012, at the 2012 Child Survival Call to Action, CIFA and Religions for Peace launched Ten Promises to Our Children, a commitment to engage religious communities around the world to save children’s lives through ten concrete and specific acts.

In 2013, CIFA merged with Religions for Peace.[11]

In 2016, Ed Scott was awarded the BNP Paribas Wealth Management prize for individual philanthropy for his philanthropic achievements
Voat posts:

Sabrina Bittencourt exposed John of God's baby trafficking ring with ties to the government backed Lula Institute and the United Nations
..ONE was founded in 2004 by a coalition of 11 non-profit humanitarian and advocacy organizations, including DATA, CARE, World Vision, Oxfam America, and Bread for the World, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2007, ONE announced that it would be merging with DATA.
Podesta emails: "handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico"..."you should bring all children that are available". No one invites & says, please bring all children "that are available..." I mean come on!
Found on Reddit and source:
Dear friends and colleagues,

We will have the third annual cookout at 1837 California Street NW on Sunday, December 28th and we would like you and your partner to be part of it. This year, our party will be taco themed—with fresh, handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico the previous day, an entire suckling pig as well as sides and salsas. We plan to start eating (and drinking) in the early afternoon hours at 3 p.m. Kosher and vegetarian options will be available. We will have a decent selection of white and red wines at hand as well as beer. This is a family friendly event, so you should bring all children that are available. Please let us know if you will join in.

All best, Helga Flores, Matt Duss, Michael Werz
Matt Duss has a brother Brian Duss who works for World Vision USA

..aid workers trawled the Haiti tent cities to pick up young orphaned girls as young as 12 for sex - World Vision named also..Prince Harry's Meghan Markle has a background that needs further investigation......In 2016, Markle became a global ambassador for World Vision Canada, traveling to Rwanda for the Clean Water Campaign.

ONE was founded in 2004 by a coalition of 11 non-profit humanitarian and advocacy organizations, including DATA, CARE, World Vision, Oxfam America, and Bread for the World
So many coincidences.

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:10 am
by MercurysBall2
Matt Duss has a brother Brian Duss who works for World Vision USA

I just noticed that Brian Duss worked at the Black Cat Club in DC.. we have posts:

Another look at SPiN .. A story of basements and tunnels...
U Street station is located in northwest Washington and serves the U Street neighborhood; nearby attractions include the Lincoln Theatre, the historic restaurant Ben's Chili Bowl, and several nightclubs, including The Black Cat and the 9:30 Club. The station is approximately five blocks east of the neighborhood of Adams Morgan.

Well, we've had a few posts on here about the Black Cat and this person thinks that there is a connection with Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong : here and here : Another regular Sasha Lord booking for "Kids Shows" at Comet Ping Pong
Washington Post psy-op?
After reading the Washington post yesterday (know thy enemy) I accidentally went down a little rabbit hole in the "what to do section". ... 2373856a2b

The first thing I noticed was that "members" from Heavy Breathing and other "bands" is playing/paying tribute to their favorite acts on the Black Cat's main stage, with costumes, props and shenanigans galore. The night is a benefit for it's a summer camp for children, and I get that disgusting CCP vibe. It's that liberal, gender- neutral indoctrination going on.
Posts about Sasha Lord always trigger my memories about the strange visit by Prince Charles to Washington DC to meet Obama and talk about "good food" when he visited that DC farm and met that actress/herbalist/yogi, connected to the Sasha Lord community and who was murdered.. anyhoo... I'll leave that bit alone for now..

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:32 am
by MercurysBall2
Next on that video of the 2013 Global Impact Award Gala and Dinner Honoring Sec. Hillary Rodham Clinton is actress Julianna Margulies. She is married to attorney Keith Lieberthal, the son of academic Kenneth Lieberthal
Kenneth an American professor and politician known as an expert on China's elite politics, political economy, domestic and foreign policy decision making, and on the evolution of US-China relations. He is currently senior fellow emeritus in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution, where from 2009 to 2016, he was a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy and the Global Economy and Development programs; from 2009 to 2012, he also served as director of Brookings' John L. Thornton China Center. Lieberthal spent most of his career on the Political Science faculty of the University of Michigan. For 1998-2000 Lieberthal served in the Clinton Administration as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Asia on the U.S. National Security Council.
The second actress to appear on that video, also got her start in ER - Gloria Reuben
Reuben came to prominence on the American television series ER as Jeanie Boulet, an HIV-positive physician assistant on the hospital's staff. ..She has stated that this role led to her HIV/AIDS activism..

Reuben again held a major role in a television series when she starred as FBI agent Brooke Haslett in 1-800-Missing (2003–2004).

She also takes great interest in global issues, predominantly climate change, nature, and human rights.[26] Gloria Reuben is the president of Gatekeepers, I mean Waterkeeper Alliance, an organization that strengthens and grows a global network of grassroots leaders protecting everyone’s right to clean water.[27] She is also a special adviser on climate change for the Climate Reality Project, former United States vice president Al Gore's environmental organization. She was formerly on the board for the National Wildlife Federation.[28] She is also on the Leadership Council for the RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights
Voat post re Waterkeeper Alliance:

The Waterkeeper Alliance
Wendy Abrams of Medline.. is on the board of trustees of Waterkeeper Alliance..

The Waterkeeper Alliance board of directors is a 13-person board composed of 6 members elected from the Waterkeeper Council, 6 members elected from the Trustee Council, and a president elected by the Waterkeeper Alliance membership. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serves as president of Waterkeeper Alliance's board of directors and the organization's executive director is Marc Yaggi.

Marc Yaggi is in Jeffrey Epstein's LBB btw...

From the Waterkeeper Alliance website : www.waterkeeper. org/last-chance-for-lighthouse-point/
There are plenty of places in The Bahamas where Disney can dock its cruise ships. There is only one Lighthouse Point.

Re: The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:20 pm
by MercurysBall2
and Mary Steenburgen is the third actress who makes a short speech..

Husband no. 1 - actor Malcolm McDowell ; husband no. 2 - Ted Danson

Voat posts re McDowell

The movie "American Satan" has a scene about ritual sacrifice for the cabal to become famous

Here's another movie with satanism, body harvesting, vampires and guess who stars in it? Not only does Malcolm McDowell, but our very own Corey Feldman.
Michael Alig JA's friend from the Club Kids Twitter Posts - somewhat disturbing using hashtag #doyouknowwhereyourchildrenare and mocking his Satanism and his admission that he is a #chickenhawk ... t-caligula The most (in)famous depiction of Caligula’s life is still banned in Canada and Iceland.

In 1979 the film “Caligula,” directed by Tinto Brass and starring Malcolm McDowell, shocked the world with its explicit portrayal of the emperor’s cruel and salacious escapades. It was the first major motion picture that juxtaposed segments featuring respected, mainstream actors with scenes that were essentially pornographic. To this day, the highly controversial movie remains banned in some countries.
Willow Bay also spoke at the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation event ..
EGPAF co-chair and wife of BOB IGER - DISNEY CEO
As did EGPAF Angel, Diane Sawyer:

Voat posts ... agate&b=on
Second MoMA Trustee, Glenn Dubin, to be Subpoenaed by Virgin Islands for Jeffrey Epstein Ties
Epstein also invested millions in Dubin’s hedge fund.

The subpoenas are also seeking information from Dubin and his wife about their communications with Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

Glenn Russell Dubin is a billionaire hedge fund manager and the former Principal of Dubin & Co. LP, a comanaging
business/other investments. He is also the co-founder of Highbridge Capital Management, an alternative asset management

co based in New York City, and a founding board member of the Robin Hood Foundation.

In 2006, the board of directors included names as Jeffrey Immelt, Diane Sawyer, Harvey Weinstein, Marie-Josee Kravis,

Lloyd Blankfein, of Goldman Sachs, Richard S. Fuld, Jr., (Lehman Brothers), Glenn Dubin, Marian Wright Edelman and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Read more ... boqgLIVCl0