EffYouJohnPodesta ago

This makes me absolutely sick!!!!! They are experimenting on little innocent children with AIDS drugs... evil Satanic pigs.

letsdothis2 ago

Just listing some Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation connections:

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation ::

$2.7 million Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation partnership will address children's health in Tanzania

Malezi II builds on the success of Malezi, EGPAF's ongoing Hilton-funded project integrating early childhood stimulation into maternal and child health services, pregnancy care, and HIV treatment at 47 EGPAF-supported sites in Tabora.

Malezi II will also introduce a new partnership with Development Media International (DMI). This U.K.-based organization runs broadcast and digital campaigns aimed at changing behaviors, with the goal of promoting health and well-being in developing countries.


Conrad N. Hilton Foundation awards $575,000 to Organizations Helping Children Impacted by Earthquake in Haiti "Partners In Health and SOS Children’s Villages International, both laureates of the Hilton Humanitarian Prize, will receive $300,000 over two years for a collaborative project to help orphans and other children affected by the earthquake. The Global Fund for Children will receive $275,000 over three years to partner with locally led, community-based organizations in Haiti that are assisting vulnerable children. The new grants bring the Hilton Foundation’s contributions to Haiti to $1,075,000." MUST READ!

septimasexta ago

"issues like PEPFAR (pediatric AIDS in particular), obesity, tobacco, women's reproductive health, pandemics, and global public health in general. These are, as you also know, not subjects on which State has traditionally asserted or distinguished itself. But [REDACTED] gueses—as do I—that that's about to change." State Dept. is the new CDC?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

judicialwatch - https://archive.fo/8igXB

IShallNotFear ago

Thank You. Your blog seems to be the wiki of Clinton Info. You may want to include the release from when Bill was Governor of Arkansas as mentioned in this old post. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1494745

flyingcuttlefish ago

that one is great.... since it's archived I cannot add this .... UK transient housing with giant pedo symbol


flyingcuttlefish ago

thanks - I try to keep it mainly on the Clinton Foundation related crimes, the e-mails exposing them and the whole pay-to play theme. Foreign governments give heaps to money to various Clinton charities (most registered unlawfully in various states) then - voila - they get a giant weapons contract from the US. If I had to do allllll Clinton scandals I'd need a staff of hundreds!

By the way, best new info, off-the-charity topic I heard lately was that the FBI/DoJ (I forget which) moved a plane load of docs from Ark. statehouse to storage at OK City Fed. building .... (drumroll).... the day before it was bombed. Plus he said those agents who died accessing hole in the roof at Waco early on .... that started the seige ... those men were connected to Ark. ... maybe ATF district or former state troopers (I forget) and they were sent in to Waco exercise to specifically get rid of them. Suicide mission.

Source: this CodySnodgres interview on Rense - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiFf1vv1AYo .... original Rense show vid seems to be taken down.

flyingcuttlefish ago

think- ago



letsdothis2 ago

Thank you for the ping. Interesting post.

think- ago

Welcome. :-)