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WEF and The Quest for Humanity 2.0

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:31 pm
by MercurysBall2
DECEMBER 2016 - The ethics of Crispr ... 16.article
Easy and accurate gene editing using Crispr will, we’re told, change everything. It will ‘remake the world,’ according to Wired. It will lead to ‘Humans 2.0’, if we believe the New Yorker. But all that, of course, depends on how far we take it.

The Crispr method uses bacterial enzymes of the Cas family, especially Cas9, to clip out a target gene – these proteins are part of the bacterial immune system. The enzyme is guided into place with a strand of RNA tailored to match the DNA of the gene in question.

Genetic vaccination

That could be immensely beneficial. Imagine using gene editing to produce people with a modified form of the gene for CCR5, the protein that HIV latches onto to attack the immune system. They could never then catch AIDS, even if they were infected with HIV. The disease could not only be cured but effectively eliminated. This strategy of ‘genetic vaccination’ has been proposed by George Church of Harvard University in the US, who was involved in the first demonstration of Crispr in human cells in 2013.

Humanity 2.0 to host Authors of The transHuman Code and Artificial Humanity for a ‘Meeting of The Minds’ at the Vatican – Rome, Italy July 29th, 2019 ... -2019.html
Led by The transHuman Code authors Carlos Moreira and David Fergusson and the author of Artificial Humanity, Father Phillip Larrey, Matthew Sanders, CEO of Humanity 2.0 will moderate an interactive agenda based on these thought-provoking revolutionary books

Advisory Board

Fr. Philip Larrey - Chairman
2020, Catholic priest at Davos on AI and the soul ... d-the-soul .. The World Economic Forum has been meeting in Davos, Switzerland...Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman..New technologies in society raise important questions about the soul, according to a Catholic delegate attending the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Fr Philip Larrey, Chair of Logic and Epistemology at the Pontifical Lateran University, who has been in discussions with tech companies about the ethical questions around Artificial Intelligence and robots, took part in a discussion “Faith in the Fourth Industrial Revolution", sponsored by the United Arab Emirates. Fr Larrey told The Tablet that how emerging technologies raise questions about immortality and the soul. Among Silicon Valley billionaires, he explained, heavy investment was going into technologies about how to vastly extend life expectancy and the “transhumanist” movement looking at ways to transfer human consciousness into a digital format.

Maurice Levy, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Publicis ... (Publicis) Maurice Lévy is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Publicis Groupe, the world's third largest advertising and communications group... Publicis announced, on Monday, December 20, 2010, the acquisition of Healthcare Consulting, for an undisclosed amount, a health strategy consulting agency specializing in the field of health founded by one of Nicolas Sarkozy's brothers. The agency of a dozen people, based in Paris and also based in New York, will be renamed Publicis Healthcare Consulting and will continue to be led by its founders, President François Sarkozy, younger brother of the President of the Republic, and Yannick Sabatin, General manager. Healthcare Consulting's clients include GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers Squibb, *Sanofi-Aventis and Saint Jude Medical Laboratories, as well as the trade association Leem.
Bill Hilf, Chief Executive Officer of Vulcan Inc
He was appointed CEO on 2 December 2016, succeeding Paul Allen..In his years at Microsoft, Hilf served as the company's executive sponsor to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), helping to build computer labs in refugee camps.
Jean Oelwang - Virgin
Hilary Pennington - Ford Foundation
Jim Pitofsky - John Templeton Foundation
Dinah McLeod - Global Cement and Concrete Association
Matthew Bird- 1-800-PublicRelations
Morad Fareed - Humanity 2.0 Well Being
Matthew Harvey Sanders - Humanity 2.0
Feb. 2019, The Kendall Square Codebreakers ... ute-scrut/
..Though it is only 15 years old, the Institute’s 4,300 members have published thousands of high-impact scientific papers. The CRISPR gene editing tool, one of many projects undertaken by Institute scientists, is widely expected to win the Nobel Prize and earn millions of dollars in patent licensing fees...Innovative new biological tools like CRISPR and single-cell RNA sequencing have emerged at the same time as dramatic leaps forward in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Vast oceans of data, processed by clever algorithms, allow scientists to quickly identify promising treatments with unheard of sophistication and speed. “The floodgates have opened, and now it’s up to us to do the absolute best that we can do,” said Aviv Regev, chair of the faculty at the Broad..

George Church and the Origins of Genomics

.By December 1984, a meeting in Alta, Utah. sponsored by the Department of Energy set in motion what would become the $3 billion Human Genome Project, the single largest biology research program in history.
Related: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2199
Lander vs Venter

Eric Lander was the HGP’s breakout star. Few others in genetics had his combination of managerial, mathematical, and biological talent. His lab at MIT was one of the first to join the HGP and proved to be wildly successful... J. Craig Venter, at first a collaborator on the HGP, founded his own company to compete with his former colleagues.
Related: Remote Control of Human Behaviour - DREADDs viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2141
Mapping the Human Body

Aviv Regev’s dreams make the Human Genome Project look small. She helped pioneer single-cell genomics, a technological breakthrough that performs the task of that entire project on a single human cell..Regev co-chairs the Human Cell Atlas project, an international group that seeks to replicate the HGP for every cell in the human body, on top of her leadership role at the Broad Institute. She also runs the Cell Circuits Program at the Broad, which studies the complex interactions between genes and molecules in many different kinds of cells.
DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 8

Chromosome 8p as a potential hub for developmental neuropsychiatric disorders: implications for schizophrenia, autism and cancer
Defects in genetic and developmental processes are thought to contribute susceptibility to autism and schizophrenia. Presumably, owing to etiological complexity identifying susceptibility genes and abnormalities in the development has been difficult. However, the importance of genes within chromosomal 8p region for neuropsychiatric disorders and cancer is well established. .... Molecular genetics and developmental studies have identified 21 genes in this region (ADRA1A, ARHGEF10, CHRNA2, CHRNA6, CHRNB3, DKK4, DPYSL2, EGR3, FGF17, FGF20, FGFR1, FZD3, LDL, NAT2, NEF3, NRG1, PCM1, PLAT, PPP3CC, SFRP1 and VMAT1/SLC18A1) that are most likely to contribute to neuropsychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder and depression), neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease) and cancer. Furthermore, at least seven nonprotein-coding RNAs (microRNAs) are located at 8p. Structural variants on 8p, such as copy number variants, microdeletions or microduplications, might also contribute to autism, schizophrenia and other human diseases including cancer. In this review, we consider the current state of evidence from cytogenetic, linkage, association, gene expression and endophenotyping studies for the role of these 8p genes in neuropsychiatric disease. We also describe how a mutation in an 8p gene (Fgf17) results in a mouse with deficits in specific components of social behavior and a reduction in its dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. We finish by discussing the biological connections of 8p with respect to neuropsychiatric disorders and cancer, despite the shortcomings of this evidence.
CRISPR-based enhancers of DNA vaccines for COVID-19 ... -covid-19/
The Innovative Genomics Institute at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, San Francisco. ..We are developing a CRISPR-based DNA-vaccine enhancer for COVID-19 that would radically reduce the timeline to develop vaccines against current and future viral threats...This work is funded by the Laboratory for Genomics Research (LGR), a collaboration between UC Berkeley/UCSF (IGI) and GlaxoSmithKline.

Re: WEF and The Quest for Humanity 2.0

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:24 pm
by MercurysBall2
The transHuman Code authors Carlos Moreira and David Fergusson >

Carlos Creus Moreira is the Founder, Chairman and CEO WISeKey .. "a leading global cybersecurity company deploying large scale digital identity ecosystems for people and objects using Blockchain, AI and Internet of Things (IoT)"
Wisekey CEO Carlos Moreira and brand ambassador Kevin Spacey at this year's WEF in Davos , 2016
Kevin Spacey’s New Leading Role: Cybersecurity ... ersecurity

Re: WEF and The Quest for Humanity 2.0

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:57 pm
by MercurysBall2
A post from 4 years ago re Carlos Moreira :

Tech Giant with ties to Clinton Foundation paints some suspicious ARTWORK
The tech giant is Carlos Creus Moreira, CEO of WISeKEY.. his art blog

Here is the one I found most disturbing. It appears to be little kids on the floor wanting some help ... C08145.jpg
Carlos is very much into the technology of electronic Identification cards...

The International Organization for Secure Electronic Transactions OISTE.ORG gets NGO Status with the UN-ECOSOC and Launches the "Right to Disappear Online" Campaign “The OISTE Root Certification Authority (CA) is now available in billions of browsers and mobile microbrowsers allowing global interoperability of trusted IDs which is fast becoming the foundation for secure transactions using digital identification for people, objects and content requiring. Feb, 2013, 08:00 ET from OISTE “
From his blog: [archived:]
[with Klaus Schwab]
JEUDI 25 AOÛT 2011
WIseID Showcased on Spy Kids 4 Movie

Image of Spykids encrypting their communications using WISekey technologies during the movie.

WISeKey announces the launch of the Spy Kids 4 mobile app, available on iTunes. The Spy Kids app - built in collaboration with the Dimension Films and Troublemaker Studios - features WISeKey's encryption technology to create "secret messages". A text message entered into the app will be encrypted and sent to a friend's mobile device, and only those with the Spy Kids app will be able to decode the message.

Spy Kids: All the Time in the World is the fourth installment of the action series by acclaimed film-maker Robert Rodriguez..
That film was produced by Harvey Weinstein ... _the_World

Re: WEF and The Quest for Humanity 2.0

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:23 pm
by MercurysBall2
Then there's this:

Tokenizing the Kobe Bryant Autographed Black Mamba NFT Package webinair

A bit suggestive, isn't it? I started watching the webinair but they are such dull fucks I couldn't watch for long

All they were talking about was how to make the most exclusive watches in the world. The English guy is located at Hatton Gardens no less. Kobe Bryant was suing big pharma before he died apparently. Weird.

Kobe Bryant: Black Mamba of the Illuminati
phpBB [video]