Jem777 ago

This was posted in a thread earlier. This is the CARDS everyone has been searching for. They are RFID chips or implants that are placed under the skin that have complete identities, medical info., & worse that are connected to human trafficking, organ harvesting, buying children.

These chips are a big part of the refugee program mandatory chipping programs.

Jem777 ago

The data has been posted here on Voat several times. Numerous patients have been scanned and found to have RFID chips and had them removed. It would literally be impossible to find if not by chance. This was written into healthcare law in 2009. Will get the HR # for you. It was estimated then that through full enactment of ACH by 2017 all US citizens would be microchipped. The failure of the law has prevented this but they are desperately trying. There is a company in the US that has had the patent for a very longtime.

Commoner ago

it is really scary.