Smithsonian Mag article on world government.

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Smithsonian Mag article on world government.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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Re: Smithsonian Mag article on world government.

Post by 2017Fallout »

The only issue is finding a species to try a one world utopia on. Humans like hens are inherently hierarchical and to ignore our basic psychological architecture is to walk us into a one world prison.
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Re: Smithsonian Mag article on world government.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

2017Fallout wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:13 am The only issue is finding a species to try a one world utopia on. Humans like hens are inherently hierarchical and to ignore our basic psychological architecture is to walk us into a one world prison.
These people know about psychology more than any of us. They know how the sheeple think, react and behave. They know most people are apathetic, passive and ignorant; willfully, in many cases. They know they don't read, they have no knowledge of their rights, they know nothing about history and they would gladly give away their life in exchange for gibs and privileges. Case in point? See how often people say "we live in a democracy", when they actually live in a republic, which is far from a democracy (fortunately). They see people as sheep and themselves as shepherds; in most cases, they're right.

Their "utopia" doesn't excude hierarchies; not even communism did. They intend to have a caste of experts and plutocrats at the top, directing the course of history for the unenlightened masses. This process inevitably leads to inefficiency and losses of liberties, as well as abuses of power and corruption. A one world government doesn't prevent wars. If government could prevent them, there wouldn't be civil wars. In practice, it's impossible to carry out, it will be vastly inefficient and corruption will be rampant because who's going to hold them accountable? And maybe that's the goal to begin with. To own the world. To have jurisdiction throughout the planet without the barries that individual states may impose; be it tariffs, bans, taxes, sovereignty, etc. This world government thing is nothing but the ability of world superpowers to pressure and influence other countries under the guise of diplomacy and peace.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smithsonian Mag article on world government.

Post by 2017Fallout »

Absolutly with you on that 100%. Letting any of these ghouls run the world is like putting Epstein in charge of childcare.not one of them has shown any moral courage or humanitarian tendencies. I think that 95% of humans live in a perpetual cognitive dissonance so deep they could never escape.
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Re: Smithsonian Mag article on world government.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

2017Fallout wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:47 am Absolutly with you on that 100%. Letting any of these ghouls run the world is like putting Epstein in charge of childcare.not one of them has shown any moral courage or humanitarian tendencies. I think that 95% of humans live in a perpetual cognitive dissonance so deep they could never escape.
Lol at the comparison.

The philosophy of world government, at its core, is pure statism. It's the idea that the state is the solution to every problem. War? State. Poverty? State. Pandemics? State. Since when are politicians qualified to solve anything? All around the world they're regarded as dishonest or inefficient. Why put them in charge of anything? And why would a world government solve war, when there are conflicts within states already?

If you've seen my posts on Truman and Churchill, you saw how they actually believed in the idea of world government. I don't know about bankers, plutocrats and other politicians, but the plan is ongoing. Bill Clinton was an instrumental part of the globalist plan, as was George Bush, Truman and currently Biden. Hell, even Reagan was a globalist.
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