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Practising Occultists, Pedophilia and Internet Academics

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:30 pm
by MercurysBall2
British occultist Julian Vayne has recently come to my attention (again) because of his involvement with the Hampstead case and posts on Voat in the SRA Convictions subverse.
Julian Vayne is a British occultist with over three decades of experience of esoteric culture: from Druidry to Chaos Magick, from indigenous American shamanism through to Freemasonry and Wicca. During this time Julian has written for numerous underground esoteric journals, contributed to various collections of essays, led workshops, retreats and facilitated a wide range of group ceremonies....He is a founding member of Transform Drug Policy Foundation and Chair of The Friends of The Boscastle Museum of Witchcraft..
His other name is James Hind. His twitter account links to

His partner is Nikki Wyrd
Editor of the psychedelic renaissance, deep ecologist, oracle.
Works PsypressUK and breakingcon
Psychelic Press [PsypressUK] retweeted Dr Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes who is attending a Student Psychedlic Conference which is connected to MAPS: ... 2624898050
Drug Science Student Society, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, The Southampton Psychedelic Research Society announce ‘The Student Psychedelic Conference’, Online Transatlantic Conference. Speakers include: ProfDavidNutt, LabateBia, BenSessa, + more!
Voat Post re MAPS: Israeli drug ring arrested in Thailand.. more about spooks and the alt media infiltration viewtopic.php?f=50&t=1563 ...
Ulab is an innovative think-tank of five leading Technical and Research-intensive European Universities: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Politecnico di Torino, Technische Universität München, Paris Institute of Technology, and the University of Oxford. It is a two-year project funded by the EC to inform our understanding of how universities can best develop policies to build the University of Tomorrow.
In this Hampstead Blog I came across some interesting information on Julian Vayne https://dearmandoeshampstead.wordpress. ... f-the-iot/ .. In 2011, he was part of a group receiving a Social and Cultural Impact award at Exeter University..

Exeter... the same university attended by JK Rowling...

I found his conversation regarding his interaction with children disturbing..

From the wayback machine: ... ry/awards/
They were "Nominated for an EngageU award, a European competition for best innovations in university outreach and public engagement." This was supported by the Wellcome Trust. ...
Welcome to the EngageU Awards website! Here you can find details about the "European Competition for Best Innovations in University Outreach and Public Engagement" organized in early 2012 by the the Oxford Internet Institute (University of Oxford) as part of the EC-funded Ulab project
Oxford Internet Institute
The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is a multi-disciplinary department of social and computer science dedicated to the study of information, communication, and technology, and is part of the Social Sciences Division of the University of Oxford, England. ..The current director is Professor Philip N. Howard.

The Oxford Internet Institute was made possible by a major donation from the Shirley Foundation of over £10m, with public funding totalling over £5m from the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The idea originated with Derek Wyatt MP and Andrew Graham, then Master-Elect of Balliol.

The Oxford Internet Institute is part of a small network of research centres that includes the centres like the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and Information Society Project at Yale Law School. But it is the only one that functions as a fully functioning, degree-granting department.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society ... 26_Society
The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society is a research center at Harvard University that focuses on the study of cyberspace. Founded at Harvard Law School, the center traditionally focused on internet-related legal issues..It is named after the Berkman family.[3] On July 5, 2016, the Center added "Klein" to its name following a gift of $15 million from Michael R. Klein..
Berkman Klein posts:
NYT: On YouTube's Digital Playground an Open Gate for Pedophiles -

Christiane C. didn’t think anything of it when her 10-year-old daughter and a friend uploaded a video of themselves playing in a backyard pool...A few days later, her daughter shared exciting news: The video had thousands of views. Before long, it had ticked up to 400,000 — a staggering number for a video of a child in a two-piece bathing suit with her friend...YouTube’s automated recommendation system — which drives most of the platform’s billions of views by suggesting what users should watch next — had begun showing the video to users who watched other videos of prepubescent, partially clothed children, a team of researchers has found...

“It’s YouTube’s algorithm that connects these channels,” said Jonas Kaiser, one of three researchers at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society who stumbled onto the videos while looking into YouTube’s impact in Brazil. “That’s the scary thing.”

The Shriners, Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters, the Lucis Trust, the United Nations Alliance for Civilizations and Dyncorp - :

The Sunlight Foundation was founded by Ellen S. Miller and Michael R. Klein, Chairman of the CoStar Group..From 1998 to 2011, he served on the board of directors of SRA International, Inc., a formerly publicly held provider of technology and strategic consulting services and solutions which was sold in June 2011. Mr. Klein is also a director of ASTAR Air Cargo, Inc.

SRA International is now CSRA Inc is now part of General Dynamics Information Technology.
Jonas Kaiser is a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and Assistant Professor at Suffolk University. At Berkman, Jonas heads the Misinformation Working Group.
Jonas’ research interests are online extremism, public sphere theory, online misinformation, and digital methods. He is currently working on a book for Oxford University Press on how the far-right in Germany and the United States is (ab)using the internet’s affordances. Jonas earned his PhD (Dr. phil.) at Zeppelin University for his thesis about climate change skepticism in Germany.
Most of the researchers in this field seem to be Far Left leaning..

The next post will look at examples of chaos magick used in multimedia.

Re: Practising Occultists, Pedophilia and Internet Academics

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:41 pm
by MercurysBall2
Peter Sjosted-H.. > Prof. Nutt > Amanda Feilding ... 1164595204

Beckley Foundation
The Beckley Foundation is a UK-based think tank and UN-accredited NGO, dedicated to activating global drug policy reform and initiating scientific research into psychoactive substances. .. The foundation is based at Beckley Park near Oxford, United Kingdom. It was founded in 1998, and is directed by Amanda Feilding, Countess of Wemyss.

Recent research includes collaborations with Dr Jordi Riba at Sant Pau Hospital on ayahuasca, Professor David Nutt at Imperial College on the effects of psychedelics on cerebral blood flow, Professor Valerie Curran at University College London on the effects of cannabis on the brain with a view to possible therapeutic applications and with Professor Roland R. Griffiths at Johns Hopkins University studying the effects of psilocybin in combating addiction.
Related post:

Data Dump for Eastman Kodak, Lucent Technologies, RFID, the Crowley Company and the Occult ... 9/18919830
Amanda Feilding drilled a hole in her head and fell in love with a pigeon. Now, after five decades of pioneering research into drugs, scientists are finally catching up to her ideas...Her son Rock Feilding-Mellen was involved with the Grenfell fire disaster...

Rock Feilding-Mellen has resigned his job as councillor and has disappeared from the public eye as angry Kensington residents look for him. https://thisisnorthkensington.wordpress ... n-the-run/

e is the son of the Earl of Wemyss and March...and his mother Amanda Feilding..she lives in Beckley Park, a hunting lodge built in the time of Henry VIII which was used as a backdrop in a Harry Potter film....Before long, however, she had met and married Jamie Neidpath, six years her junior and heir to the earldom of Wemyss and March. They wed in Egypt..Wemyss, an Oxford don who once taught Bill Clinton, was known for hosting amazing parties at Stanway, his Jacobean stately home in Gloucestershire, which made boho-aristo groupies like Mick Jagger go weak at the knees.

Re: Practising Occultists, Pedophilia and Internet Academics

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:21 am
by MercurysBall2
I was trawling through some info about Julian Vayne when I came across this Russell Brand connection:

Julian Vayne's Blog of Baphomet
The next offering is Neurotransmissions: Essays on Psychedelics from Breaking Convention. This is a collection of texts derived from talks presented at the 2013 Breaking Convention conference. There’s a wonderful range of writing from the cutting edge of this field. My personal favourite is the long exploration of the ‘reality’ (whatever that means) of DMT entities, as well as a potted history of this fascinating material, provided by David Luke and Andrew R.Gallimore There’s a great download about MDMA therapy by Michael Mithoefer and one by yours truly; Stoned Temple Pilots – Set, Setting and Substance in Contemporary Entheogenic Spirituality, and much more.

In addition to this printed record of lectures past you can also now begin to catch up on any of the amazing presentations from Breaking Convention 2015 that you may have missed. These are starting to be posted here. First uploads include a Q&A with Russell Brand and Daniel Pinchbeck. I strongly recommend the talk by Rick Doblin of MAPS (to be added soon) where Rick provides a well considered strategic vision of how his organisation is working towards the end of prohibition and to create spaces where psychedelics can be used, not only for therapy, but more broadly.
Russell chin-wagging with a deligate at BC15
This road-map to a brighter, psychedelic-positive future aims, eventually, towards establishing locations where people can go to experience a psychedelic initiation and, once they have completed this and demonstrated that they are trustworthy, be licensed to own and use psychedelic drugs. Such a model is very similar to that proposed by Timothy Leary in The Politics of Ecstasy all the way back in 1971. Thing is, this isn’t just a DMT-pipe dream. MAPS, along with other organisations, have the money, the nous, the allies and the vision, to make this possible. As Rick Doblin said in his talk; if you’re in the audience thinking that you’d love to work legally with psychedelics then today you actually have a very good chance of this happening.

Re: Practising Occultists, Pedophilia and Internet Academics

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:39 am
by MercurysBall2
https://www.thepsychedelicrenaissance.c ... b5yfpw6dd9
Outline of this month's newsletter
Exciting project updates including a special fundraising screening event
Psychedelic news, science and culture, including progress from our contributor Dr Ben Sessa’s MDMA studies
Our featured contributors - Nikki Wyrd and Julian Vayne
Upcoming events by our Partners The Psychedelic Society

New psychedelic research center launched in Mount Sinai

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) is a medical school in Manhattan, and the academic teaching arm to Mount Sinai, New York’s largest academic medical system. An article came out on the 7th January announcing the exciting news that the school has launched a new psychedelics research centre.

Founded by Rachel Yehuda, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychiatry, the Center for Psychedelic Psychotherapy and Trauma Research is sought to discover new and effective treatments for various stress-related disorders using different psychedelic compounds. Research from the centre will also investigate the biological effects of different psychedelics and develop psychedelic-therapist training courses and public education around psychedelic therapy...

Exploring psychedelics and nature-connectedness
Our contributors Dr Sam Gandy, Rosalind Watts and Chris Timmermann published a recent article, in collaboration with other researchers from Imperial College, exploring the connection between psychedelics, nature-connectedness and mental health. ..
Julian Vayne
Julian Vayne is an occultist and the author of numerous books, essays, journals and articles in both the academic and esoteric press. Over the past 30 plus years, he has participated in a group ceremony with a variety of druids, shamans and others. Julian facilitates psychedelic ceremony as well as providing one-to-one psychedelic integration sessions and support. He is the author of the celebrated Getting Higher: The Manual of Psychedelic Ceremony, co-organizer of Breaking Convention, a leading contributor to and a co-director of The Psychedelic Museum...

Imbolc is the festival which marks the beginning of spring in the Celtic wheel of the year - time for purification, cleansing and opening the ways for the year ahead. Working with both ancient and modern ritual practices, Julian Vayne and Nikki Wyrd will be using techniques of changing consciousness developed from Chaos Magic and metamodern Deep Magic to connect with the spirit of the season’s turning and each other.

Can Psychedelics Change the World? Panel Discussion & Exclusive Preview of The Psychedelic Renaissance Documentary - 18th February
Psychedelics + psychiatry + shamanism + chaos magicians seems like an explosive cocktail to me.

Re: Practising Occultists, Pedophilia and Internet Academics

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:56 am
by MercurysBall2
Daniel Pinchbeck is an American author. His books include Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism (Broadway Books, 2002), 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin, 2006), and Notes from the Edge Times (Tarcher/Penguin, 2010). He is a co-founder of the web magazine Reality Sandwich and of the website, and edited the North Atlantic Books publishing imprint Evolver Editions. He was featured in the 2010 documentary 2012: Time for Change, directed by Joao Amorim and produced by Mangusta Films. He is the founder of the think tank Center for Planetary Culture, which produced the Regenerative Society Wiki.

Pinchbeck’s father, Peter Pinchbeck, was an abstract painter, and his mother, writer and editor Joyce Johnson, was a member of the Beat Generation who dated Jack Kerouac as On the Road at the time was published in 1957 (chronicled in Johnson's book, Minor Characters )...

In May 2007, Pinchbeck launched Reality Sandwich. He is the executive producer of Postmodern Times, a series of web videos presented on the iClips Network, and co-founder of, an online social network.[10][11] His life and work are featured in the documentary 2012: Time for Change, featuring interviews with Sting, David Lynch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and others...

On October 22, 2017, Pinchbeck published a lengthy essay on Facebook that responded to accusations that he is a sexual predator that emerged through the #metoo movement. Pinchbeck conceded to many of the things he was accused of and sought to explain them in terms of his childhood traumas

..Pinchbeck appears in the documentary film 2012: Time for Change, directed by João G. Amorim, which was released in October 2010.[20] He also appeared in the documentary film Electronic Awakening, directed by AC Johner, released in 2011
Daniel is the author of Jeff Koons & Andy Warhol: Flowers..
I am the author of Breaking Open the Head (Broadway Books, 2002), 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin, 2006), and Notes from the Edge Times (Tarcher/Penguin, 2010). My new book, How Soon Is Now, comes out in Februrary, 2017. Featuring a preface from Sting and an introduction from Russell Brand, How Soon Is Now? looks at the ecological crisis as a rite of passage or initiation for humanity and proposes a "blueprint for the future" - how we must redesign our technical and social systems to avert the worst consequences of ecological collapse. ... ormat=750w
So Russell Brand and Vayne connect via the Hampstead case where Ricky Dearman and the children were part of the Supreme Master Ching Hai cult which is at the heart of the vegan-Climate Change movement and somehow never mentioned by the MSM cult. Got it.