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letsdothis3 ago

WATCH THIS VIDEO: Bill Viola: The Road to St Paul's

This work was commissioned for St.Paul's THREE years prior to Grenfell. The Grenfell memorial was held at St. Paul's.

Voat post: Factory owned by firm that made the cladding for Grenfell Tower catches fire. Bilderberg connections

..Klaus-Christian Kleinfeld was chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Arconic. Kleinfeld is former chairman and CEO of Alcoa Inc., and former president and CEO of Siemens AG.. Kleinfeld stepped down as chairman and CEO of Arconic on 17 April 2017.

He is a member of the Bilderberg Group Steering Committee,[ the Brookings Institution Board of Trustees, the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, the Board of the World Economic Forum USA, and the Metropolitan Opera Advisory Board.

About Bill Viola: Grenfell fraudster story - something is not right with it.

the Rothschilds have quite a strong connection with St. Pauls : Sponsored choirboys and VIP seating for St Paul's donors

Bill Viola also is connected to the Rothschilds. LOOK:

Sir Evelyn and Lady de Rothschild and Blake Viola, Andrei Viola, Bill Viola* at Banqueting House. Whitehall. 19 June 2006.:

(*Bill Viola was a digital artist invited to submit some odd contemporary works for St. Paul's Cathedral

We also have a Rothschild connection with the poet (Bren Okri) who penned a poem about the Grenfell fire tragedy :

Blake Viola, Andrei Viola, Bill Viola and Ben Okri at the same reception :

and this is his poem about the fire:

@think- @carmencita

carmencita ago

From the poem:

Residents of the area call it the crematorium.

I cannot get past the contemporary work of Bill Viola. Martyrs. It speaks volumes of what they think of us. And the Martyrs of Grenfell. Sacrificed is what they were.

Flame-retardant cladding could have been fitted to Grenfell Tower for just £5,000 extra, it emerged yesterday, as Kensington and Chelsea council was accused of carrying out a cut-price regeneration project.

Knowing the cladding was faulty they still went ahead with the project. The price was just too much to save the residents of Grenfell. They knowingly put their lives in danger. Criminal. They should be in jail.

letsdothis3 ago

And here is the Beckley Foundation's website

Tell me it doesn't have CIA?Tavistock written all over it. And here's one of their rags promoting this crap

Amanda Feilding drilled a hole in her head and fell in love with a pigeon. Now, after five decades of pioneering research into drugs, scientists are finally catching up to her ideas.

Countess Feilding of Wemyss and March, to use Amanda’s full title, is a descendent of King Charles II. She still lives at Beckley Park in Oxfordshire, where she grew up; it’s a beautiful three-towered Tudor hunting lodge, complete with moats, and reachable only by a long, bumpy track.

It's all about LSD and Ayahuasca promotion.

carmencita ago

She seemed a little wacky at first, but if she finds a way to help Alzheimers and Parkinsons, she's not all bad. But drilling a hole in the head? Also I seem to detect a possibility of MK Ultra. Also the connection to Buddhist monks. Hmm. There always seems to be a touch of quirkiness with the elites. A moat yet.

letsdothis3 ago

This is her stepdaughter. I think the family is more than a little bit wacky: That's what you get when you use the same designer as Lady Gaga! Lady Mary Charteris weds in an odd cutaway bridal gown

carmencita ago

Looking at her father walking her down the aisle just makes me cringe. I wouldn't doubt there is some pedo stuff going on in that family. A wacky bunch indeed. No wonder she is the way she is. Combine skull drilling and LG and she is the result. Yes wacky indeed. Someone said the Baby was the best dressed. The comments do not favor her or her wedding.