Castle Rock Studios, Amazon Studios, leads to "Children: Our Ultimate Investment" CA .. and tales of child trafficking

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Castle Rock Studios, Amazon Studios, leads to "Children: Our Ultimate Investment" CA .. and tales of child trafficking

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Y'all are not going to believe the ball of yarn I'm currently holding.. this post is just one string from it...


In the post "Castle Rock, Culver Studios, Amazon, Beyond Meat, 72andSunny and the 72 Demons of Solomon" viewtopic.php?f=50&t=1420
CASTLE ROCK: Michael Hackman owns Culver Studio's Castle Rock White House and is pouring $700,000,000 into enormous renovation right now...Amazon Studios announced last year that the company would move its headquarters to the studios.. Michael Hackman owns Hackman Capital
The Culver Studios was built by Thomas H. Ince in 1918 after he acquired it from landowner Harry Culver.

Culver worked for SFV pioneer Isaac N. Van Nuys ... lavia.html

In Jan. 2021, "Hackman Capital, Square Mile Acquire The Sony Pictures Animation Campus In Culver City" ... 234680948/
Hackman Capital Partners and Square Mile Capital Management have acquired the Sony Pictures Animation Campus in Culver City, the partners said Tuesday. It’s their second venture in two days as transactions involving studio spaces explode.

Hackman announced yesterday it will operate the historic Raleigh Studios in Hollywood and Raleigh’s Saticoy Studios in Van Nuys.

Who else is in Van Nuys? CHILDREN: OUR ULTIMATE INVESTMENT (a Laura Huxley company) .. we have many pizzagate posts on them. ... nt%22&b=on and ... nt%22&b=on
VOAT post : "Ehud Barak's lawyers Mishcon de Reya are involved with children's charity Place2Be. Royal family, CAMHS and Tavistock connections..." :

COUI address : Address: 13300 Victory Blvd 357 Van Nuys, CA 91401-1831

Partners with the Guttmacher Institute...The Center was originally housed within the corporate structure of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

Here's a Google map ... .20891!3e0 showing the 12 mins. between Saticoy Studios and COUI address
Note that Saticoy Studios is right next to Van Nuys Airport and of course there are tunnels : ... l-in-shape


From their newsletter : ... 3news.html
Piero Ferrucci, Co-Founder of COUI, ... 3news.html
  • Piero Ferrucci is a psychotherapist and a philosopher. He graduated from the University of Torino in 1970. He was trained by Roberto Assagioli, the founder of psychosynthesis

Related voat post: "old good post: from dec 16 Part 2: The Big Picture. Ties to Clinton Donor (ARK)/MK-Ultra/Tav!stock/ChildTrafficking/Organ Trafficking/Psychosynthesis/Lucis Trust/and more"
The founder of Psychosynthesis was Roberto Assagioli; he was a disciple of Alice Bailey, who founded the Lucis Trust as "Lucifer Publishing company" and is rumored to have been the foundational basis of the UN.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:31 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Castle Rock Studios, Amazon Studios, leads to Children Our Ultimate Investment CA .. and tales of child trafficking

Post by MercurysBall2 »

A Brief History of Raleigh .. excerpts >>

In 1955, entrepreneur George Rosenthal began Raleigh Enterprises as a general contractor and development company in Southern California, building and selling homes in Orange County. After several successful residential projects, the company completed several small commercial development projects. In 1963, Raleigh partnered with Playboy Enterprises to develop the Playboy corporate office and club on the Sunset Strip. That year also saw Raleigh open the first "all-suite" hotel, Sunset Marquis in West Hollywood (then, an unincorporated part of Los Angeles County).

...In the late 1970's, Raleigh acquired a failed retirement community being operated as a Hyatt Hotel, transforming it into the Westwood Marquis, one of Los Angeles' first Grand-Luxe European-style hotels. After a very successful run of nearly two decades, Raleigh joined with Starwood in re-branding the property as one of the first "W" Hotels. Continuing it's success in the hotel business, in the mid-1980's, Raleigh executives oversaw the refurbishment and re-opening of the Stephen F. Austin Hotel in Austin, Texas, the restoration of Aspen, Colorado's famous Hotel Jerome to its original Victorian splendor and the repositioning of a Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Georgetown, D.C.

...In 1979, Raleigh entered the film studio business with its acquisition of the historic Producer's Studios in Hollywood. ..In 1998, Raleigh Studios' operations more than doubled with the opening of Raleigh Manhattan Beach Studios. Along the road to becoming the world's largest operator of independent studio facilities, during the first decade of the 21st Century, Raleigh oversaw the development and opening of studio facilities in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Budapest, Hungary and Pontiac, Michigan and Wuxi, China.

...The '80's also saw the birth of Rosenthal – The Malibu Estate wines, yet another example of the company's ability to translate skills across a variety of fields. These award winning wines, in homage to the vineyard's location in Malibu, have also spawned a new line of wines, Surfrider, featuring grapes from throughout California, creating other varietals with the unique Rosenthal style. A portion of the proceeds for each Surfrider bottle sold goes to support local organizations that help preserve the beauty or our oceans.

In 1982, Raleigh started Raleigh Jet Enterprises, a part 135 charter company. In less than 10 years, the company had five aircraft under management and had secured a lease for a new FBO at Van Nuys airport. This business was sold in the early 90's to publishing magnate, Bob Petersen, to become Petersen Aviation (since resold to become Maguire Aviation).
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Re: Castle Rock Studios, Amazon Studios, leads to Children Our Ultimate Investment CA .. and tales of child trafficking

Post by MercurysBall2 »

After Huxley's death in November 1963, on the same day that President Jack Kennedy was assassinated, Laura devoted herself to keeping her husband's legacy and reputation alive. One of her last projects was to initiate the filming of Brave New World. In 1978 she founded a charity called Children: Our Ultimate Investment, which has worked, particularly with teenagers, in schools in California and Britain. She described its goal as "bringing children up loving the world, rather than fearing it as many children do".

Eighteen years younger than Huxley, Laura Archera, as she then was, was born in Turin, where her family's apartment was opposite to that of Primo Levi. ...

Laura joined the Los Angeles Philharmonic, but by 1945 had wearied of orchestral life. By now friendly with Ernest Hemingway's sister-in-law Virginia Pfeiffer, she worked as a film editor at the RKO Studios in Hollywood, notably on the 1952 movie Androcles and the Lion...


RKO studios ... 54dd92bf1/
located on Gower Street and Melrose Avenue in Hollywood
Raleigh Studios
Address: 5300 Melrose Ave, Hollywood, CA 90038
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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