The Qabalistic Tarot, the Path of Nun and Epstein occult practises on Lolita Island

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The Qabalistic Tarot, the Path of Nun and Epstein occult practises on Lolita Island

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Excerpt from The Qabalistic Tarot by Robert Wang :

The Path of Nun, DEATH, is one of the three Paths leading from the Personality to the Higher Self. As a preface to its study one may usefully consider comments by Case and Crowley. Says Case: "Key 13 tells the Secret of Secrets. . .he who knows the secret has in his hands a power which might be used to overturn the world. Yet no person learns it until he is truly prepared, and more than anything else, this means such ethical preparation that no temptation to misuse this power could ever be sufficient to tum the knower from the path of strictly constructive and beneficent application of the force he is able to control."

Crowley comments on the far-reaching implications of this particular card. In discussing the fish, meaning of Nun, he says: "This symbol resumes the whole Secret Doctrine.".. Meditation on this idea will reveal the ultimate message of the DEATH card, which is rather a distillation of the entire Great Work or, as Crowley said of the fish symbol, "resumes the whole Secret Doctrine."
Nun means fish; Tzaddi means fish-hook. And while the Sepher Yetzirah relates imagination to Tzaddi, the later Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom calls Nun the Imaginative Intelligence.

The astrological sign attributed to Nun, Scorpio, is symbolized in three ways. It is the Scorpion, the Serpent or the Eagle.

Crowley uses all three of these symbols. His skeleton has the Scorpion and Serpent at the feet and an Eagle behind the head. Most suggestive is that the Serpent wraps around the Fish. This is a circular, swirling activity, a movement which the Sepher Yetzirah describes as the attribute of Nun. In this context, movement means change, continual transformation which is the skeletal pattern of the Universe, i.e., that on which all else is predicated.


Related to Podesta and the number 14 Image

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Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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