Judith Barsi Case Part 59: Middle Man Before Time

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Judith Barsi Case Part 59: Middle Man Before Time

Post by darkknight111 »

For those who are new, Judith Barsi was a child actress who was a victim of Pedowood. Be warned, for anyone who was born during the mid 80’s or earlier, this can be a very emotionally painful lead to look into. 1/1/2018 was the day pizzagate got personal.

https://archive.is/TFpMJ The CDAN Blind Item that started it all.

https://archive.is/iTc49 Part 1

https://archive.is/Co3dY Part 2

https://archive.is/7fGGN Part 3

https://archive.is/B6j9C Part 4

https://archive.is/jLCO7 Part 5

https://archive.is/IIRt2 Part 6

https://archive.is/ojEad Part 7

https://archive.is/7QlW4 Part 8

https://archive.is/L8bn7 Part 9

https://archive.is/EteLd Part 10

https://archive.is/1v6bS Part 11

https://archive.is/VWoj6 Part 12

https://archive.is/FIMt5 Part 13

https://archive.is/OeBUz Part 14

https://archive.is/IXtQH Part 15 Fine tunes the timeline for each crime and solves the Twilight Zone incident.

https://archive.is/3CesG Part 16

https://archive.is/oROfp Part 17

https://archive.is/MxnQu Part 18

https://archive.is/kSZbt Part 19

https://archive.is/Y8iz4 Part 20

https://archive.is/bC4g3 Part 21

https://archive.is/Y2duH Part 22

https://archive.is/zgZBA Part 23

https://archive.is/rXDyC Part 24

https://archive.is/tT8ew Part 25

https://archive.is/O1CXW Part 26 Looks into the Gematria related to Judith’s death.

https://archive.is/nV88W Part 27 Looks into more NIMH dirt and All Dogs Go to Heaven for potential clues.

https://archive.is/DUN0F Part 28 Digs into connections between this case and other cases voat was looking into.

https://archive.is/CcFXh Part 29 New piece of evidence and financial ties between Pedowood and the DNC.

https://archive.is/nUXue Part 30 Digs into the murder weapon and the howdunnit of the 2nd incident.

https://archive.is/wgMZj Part 31. Digs into Wes Craven and proves the 2nd part of Enty’s blind item.

https://archive.is/YVhIe Part 32. The culprits in this case have close ties to elites connected to high profile crimes.

https://archive.is/UpDqo Part 33. Connects the Bronfmans to the Velvet Mafia and MOSSAD

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=710&p=2518#p2518 Part 34. Covers the Bronfman business empire and finds a link between them and covid 19.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1840 Part 35. David Geffen connections to this case.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2393 Part 36. Digs into the Bronfman connections to censorship we face.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2636 Part 37. Digs into Bohemian Grove connections.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2832&p=10063#p10063 Part 38. ID’s a potential female accomplice to the Spielberg pedo rings and digs into Edgar Bronfman Jr.’s connections to NXIVM.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3056 Part 39. Connects the Bronfmans and Steven Spielberg to Operation Mockingbird and Tavistock.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3396 Part 40. Connects the Renegade Anon drops to this case.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3709 Part 41. Connects Spielberg to Michael Aquino and relooks at the Vic Morrow death.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4237 Part 42. Connects the suspects of this case to Perkins Coie (target of the recent Durham indictments) and confirms Martha’s Vineyard is Deep State Central.

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4652 Part 43. Digs into connections between Anthony Pelicanno and this case.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.p ... 500#p16500 Part 44. Analyzes potential method of setting the fire.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5919 Part 45. Looks into the agents of various suspects.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6531 Part 46. Connects the Bronfman Mafia to the stolen 2020 election.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7079 Part 47. Connects suspects and accompices to the World Economic Forum.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7522 Part 48. Looks into connections to UCLA Medical center.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7976 Part 49. Looks at Steven Spieberg’s financial ties to Antifa.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=8910 Part 50. ID’s the smoking gun that exposes the murder suicide as a lie.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=9693 Part 51. Connects suspect investment groups to the Bronfman mafia.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10254 Part 52 Connects a newly discovered propaganda ring to the suspects of this case. Also digs through our archives.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11031 Part 53. Connects the dots to Judith’s TTM to this case along with uncovering Bronfman connections to the Ukraine war.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11270 Part 54. Connects the recent toxic chemical train derailments to the Bronfman Mafia.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11500 Part 55. Digs into a potentially relevant incident….and identifies more potential members/accomplices to the Spielberg Pedo Ring.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11753 Part 56. Connects a chain of arsons across Canada to this case.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.p ... 3b572b3d60 Part 57. Focuses on new leads regarding Peddy Kreugar.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12377 Part 58. Digs more into Blackrock and Judith’s past.

This chapter digs into the Bronfman’s connections to the “Woke Mind Virus”. Also, I found a significant new lead.

https://preventht.org/editorial/foster- ... afficking/ 60% of human trafficking victims in the US were in the foster care system. Case workers are sometimes culprits themselves.

This bit right here confirms my suspiscions that Judith’s murder was used to justify increased funding to CPS in order to improve its capacity to grab kids.

https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/esg-investing/ Both Blackrock and Vanguard Group are basically the masterminds of ESG, ie the primary financers of the woke agenda.

https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/blac ... 021-12-14/ Blackrock is one of the key pushers for “diversity quotas” as part of its ESG campaign.

https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN28P1FI/ So are Vanguard Group.

https://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/ ... 737454002/ The Bronfmans, Larry Fink, and George Soros were once neighbors in the Westchester area.

In short: Woke Mind Virus -> Blackrock/Vanguard -> Bronfmans.

Lastly, I was able to obtain a witness account from someone close to people in the production of Land Before Time.

Seems that during the last few months before the film’s release, Don Bluth and Steven Spielberg were outright refusing to speak to each other. They had to have a go between. This was very odd to him given the nature of the project.

Investigator notes: This supports my suspiscion that Don Bluth suspects Steven Spielberg was involved in Judith’s death.

Working Theory:
-1st incident: Twilight Zone (TV Series) Suspects: Steven Spielberg, Wes Craven. Accomplice: Judith's mother. Witness: Clare Torao. 7/19/85-8/26/95. Culver City, CA.

-2nd Incident: Jaws the Revenge. Suspects: Steven Spielberg, Sidney Sheinberg, Joseph Sargent, Frank Baur, John McPherson. Witness: Fritzi Jane Courtney. Timeline: February-May 1987 Accomplice: Adria Later, Lorraine Gary, Judith’s mother. 2/9/1987-3/18/87, Bahamas.

-The Murder: Suspects: Steven Spielberg, Mike Rosenfeld, Edgar Bronfman Jr, Sid Sheinberg (conspirators), Jewish Mafia (carrier, most likely a sect with ties to Bronfmans), Danny Kapon. Jozseph Barsi was an abusive scumbag who deserves to burn in hell, but he was not the killer. He was however, the perfect patsy for the crime. "The most effective lies are based off a truth." The perfect patsy is someone that is already suspect and who's character one would expect to pull off the crime. I suspect between 3 and 4 assailants.

Motive: I suspect it was because whatever programing Pedowood does via sexual abuse didn't take (her heart was too strong) so she had to be silenced. Also I suspect the sickos wanted to harvest the public's emotional energy by triggering a mass grief/despair event (by murdering a child who was so beloved by the country).

Accomplices: LAPD, the media, CAA, Jack Dorsey, David Brock, Ben Collins, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Jonah Peretti, Fredrick Brennan, Kathleen Kennedy.

Timeline of the murder: May 1988. Judith Barsi has a breakdown during a singing audition for All Dogs Go to Heaven. Judith’s fate was basically sealed by that breakdown, for that was the origins of the ensuing murder plan. The abuse and threats at the hands of Josepz Barsi would become tools to carry out the “murder suicide” by enacting the murder plan to match those very words, including burning the house down, using Fatal Vision as a template.

The most likely time of the murder was sometime between 12 AM-4 AM, 7/27/1988 (which would match Grand Climax). The killers broke into the house in 7/25. Since a sacrifice is likely, I believe the family was drugged/sedated for much of 7/26. The culprits killed them via gun shot on 7/27 as per a hollywood hit as part of the "murder suicide" angle that would be sold to the public. The bodies were moved post morteum. The culprits doused gasoline throughout the house starting from Judith’s room and ending at the garage. Since the fire happend on 8:30 AM, this means that its likely that a set up was done. Possibly via a "Ryuguu Gas Bomb". Ie, incendiary bomb involving gasoline, fumes and an ignition source set to go off at a specific time (even an egg timer could be wired as such). Of course the fire destroys the evidence. An autopsy report was never given for Jozesph Barsi.

Murder Weapons: Pistol with silencer, gasoline based incendiary bomb set up.

Post Murder: 7/27/1988. Don Bluth possibly threatened in regards to Judith Barsi’s death?
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