can YOU handle this TRUTH? (Documentary) - REVELATIONSOFJESUSCHRIST (They have been watching for years…)

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can YOU handle this TRUTH? (Documentary) - REVELATIONSOFJESUSCHRIST (They have been watching for years…)

Post by doginventer »

can YOU handle this TRUTH? (Documentary) - REVELATIONSOFJESUSCHRIST (They have been watching for years, the question is who are they looking for?) [1.51.06]
phpBB [video]

(15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3 KJV )
Lw before we release "THE WORLD IS A STAGE PART 4" you must watch this video to help you connect the dots and put the pieces together in this LAST HOUR and YOU will REALIZE how close we are to the RETURN of CHRIST and how many PROPHECIES have gone unseen by billions of people INCLUDING one of if not the MOST ANCIENT PROPHECY spoken in the GARDEN of EDEN that is actually one of the BIGGEST SIGNS of the END OF DAYS but sadly MOST don't have EYES to SEE.
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