Project Lazarus

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Project Lazarus

Post by doginventer »


INSIDER INTEL ( Meta/Facebook reanimating the dead. ) by using Artifical Intelligence to COVER UP the MASSES of MISSING & DEAD on Social Media
> Meta/Facebook reanimating the dead. Anonymous (ID: F3ot6zkY) 02/23/23(Thu)10:36:54 No.417337998
I’m a Meta insider working on Project Lazarus. We’re building an AI that can take over a deceased persons social media accounts and continue making relevant posts as if that person is still alive. This includes age progressed photos, interacting with other peoples content and everything else needed so that person continues on in the digital realm after physical death. We were originally told this would be a service offered to people struggling with the loss of loved ones and people who had missing children. Seemed like a decent idea. Things are getting weird now and I’m having second thoughts about what this is actually going to be used for. The AI is extremely capable of impersonating people. It doesn’t take as much initial input as one might think to train the AI how a certain person interacts with the digital world. It’s very convincing. An entire island of people could go missing and with little to no downtime the AI could take over all of their social media and the world wouldn’t have a clue that life wasn’t just continuing as usual. A lot of the project is becoming more compartmentalized. Things have taken a dark turn it feels like. They’ve forbidden communication between people working on different things. Something isn’t right and I don’t know what I should do. I’m not going to post any personally identifiable information but I will try to answer questions that won’t expose my role within the project.
- Q. Can you quit?
We’ve all signed NDAs but I could walk away anytime as far as I know. Two people were transferred off the project. I suspect it was for asking too many questions about things that weren’t relevant ti their specific job.
- Q. just a heads up there has been a ton of people making threads here pretending to be a whistleblower/insider lately so you should expect a lot of aggression from people. i know you dont want to identify yourself but there has to be something that you can show us that will add validity to your claim without compromising yourself
- They’ve forbidden communication between people working on different things.
- how do they prevent any of you from communicating outside of work?
I don’t know what I could post as proof that wouldn’t narrow my position down to about 8 people. They brought around more NDAs in January having us sign that we would not discuss the project with anyone else outside of work and in the workplace we’re only allowed to communicate with people in our cell. Usually 4-10 people. I’m not willing to put my family at risk financially or physically over any of this so providing proof isn’t a high priority for me. I just made the post so people can be aware that this exists. Believe what you will.
- We used to get bi-weekly updates from the live deployment team. They’re responsible for running real-world tests on a very small scale to see how well the AI reproduces someone digitally. They would give reports and we could make adjustments to things as needed. About six months ago we stopped getting those reports and we’re left completely in the dark about what live deployments are taking place now. We’re not allowed to even discuss it now according to the new NDA. I have no clue what it’s being used for as of now but I can say it’s running continuously. Massive amounts of data. They’ve been building out the server farm very fast to handle the load of whatever operations they’re using it for. When we stopped being told how it was being used is when I started to feel like something isn’t right. I don’t like not knowing what we’re doing with the technology. If it’s being used in a positive way it seems like they wouldn’t be hiding the live testing information.
- The AI is truly remarkable. It’s able to study an individual, create and store an entire lifetime of fictional holidays, meals, relationships and anything else that individual would be expected to post. This data is all stored and deployed by the AI on a schedule that makes sense for that individual. There are some tells that insiders can see that give away if it’s the AI or a real person. Some of our work has been to eliminate those tells to make the AI as convincing as possible even to the people who are closest to the subject. We’ve done really great work but there’s still some things that exist that the AI doesn’t get right. I can probably post an example or two. I guess that could be considered proof and those are well known enough that it would be difficult to trace to me.
- One of the initial live tests were to create 50 fictitious people. The goal was to make these 50 people new hires at Meta and have them interact and build online relationships with other employees who were completely unaware that these 50 people didn’t actually exist. By adding them as friends and giving a few pieces of starter content it was easy to get the ball rolling for other employees outside of our project to start adding the AI generated people as friends also and start interacting with them. These 50 generated accounts were not based off of real individuals so the results were wild. The AI came up with stuff that ranged from absolutely hilarious to completely horrifying. I guess that’s pretty accurate for the human experience. That’s more along the lines of a traditional bot but it goes to a much deeper level than a bot just reposting the current talking point. It’s when we have it live data on real individuals that things truly took off. It’s astoundingly accurate with reproducing real individuals.
- I don’t have time this evening to continue. I’ll make another post this weekend and try to explain more for anyone interested. SESJJST
> This AI duplicate thing is very troubling because it could be used by TPTB for a project blue beam type of operation. They could make AI duplicates of people that volunteered to "get on the ships" that are now apparently in an alien paradise. This would lure more people to "get on the ships". In reality, there would be no ships of course, just a one way trip to a death camp. Millions of people would volunteer to go, because they would be fooled into thinking they're going to an alien colony where their lives will be awesome. Little would they know they're instead going to a government concentration camp where their lives would end. They could even quarantine huge parts of the country off to hide these death camps in (Nevada, etc), and claim that the quarantine is necessary because "it's what the aliens told them to do". All part of the hoax. Just think about it -- what if they had AI duplicates posting on social media about how awesome life is in the alien colony. Deep fake vids of the decedents could be made with tons of hot alien babes. Lonely virgin men would flock to the transportation centers volunteering to go. Pretty much like they duped fools into injecting themselves with poison. In fact I think that's why things like chat GPT are finally being rolled out now. The vax plan wasn't as deadly as they hoped, so they are getting ready for plan B
> Not long ago when my state ordered workers back into offices as C19 effects finally taper off, there were stories on the news about some kind of mass refusal/reluctance by them to return. Right away I saw through this... thinking that it was a fake story to cover up that they’re all dead. Many state gov services were automated on the internet during the pandemic. It made me think of the movie ‘Elysium’ in which a breakaway society drains the earth financial resources to build a luxury space station and leaves all the npcs and chosens behind with robots to run everything. Then Earth turns into sheer hell. I wonder if something like this is actually happening. I tell ya who’d know: Elon.

“An entire island of people could go missing” > ‘ 15 minute smart cities ‘ 15-minute city - Wikipedia
Smart city - Wikipedia What is a 'smart city'? | World Economic Forum ... city-smart
Last edited by doginventer on Sat Apr 01, 2023 9:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Project Lazarus

Post by doginventer »

Project Lazarus • Al That Can Take Over A Deceased Persons Social Media Accounts And Continue Making Relevant Posts As If That Person Is Still Alive
Dylan Eleven •
This is from an anonymous post on 4chan therefore is not verified.
There is no Meta Project Lazarus that we have found, at this point it seems like rumours, so this information may not be accurate or reliable.
However the content of the information is not outside the scope of a global genocide project. We have thought this type of project could possibly be implemented to hide mass genocide.
Here is the insiders information, followed by an article discussing the current capabilities of software and how this concept could easily be achieved.
Meta Insider
I'm a Meta insider working on Project Lazarus. We're building an Al that can take over a deceased persons social media accounts and continue making relevant posts as if that person is still alive. This includes age progressed photos, interacting with other peoples content and everything else needed so that person continues on in the digital realm after physical death. We were originally told this would be a service offered to people struggling with the loss of loved ones and people who had missing children. Seemed like a decent idea. Things are getting weird now and I'm having second thoughts about what this is actually going to be used for. The Al is extremely capable of impersonating people. It doesn't take as much initial input as one might think to train the Al how a certain person interacts with the digital world. It's very convincing. An entire island of people could go missing and with little to no downtime the Al could take over all of their social media and the world wouldn't have a clue that life wasn't just continuing as usual. A lot of the project is becoming more compartmentalized. Things have taken a dark turn it feels like. They've forbidden communication between people working on different things. Something isn't right and I don't know what I should do. I'm not going to post any personally identifiable information but I will try to answer questions that won't expose my role within the project.
Source: Telegram PJ | PJ's Substack
Rumor has it that Meta is working on a project which completely replicates a person’s social identity. Whether the rumor is true or not, we can certainly say that someone must already be working on it.
So, let’s try to see what might happen in the future as this tech evolves. In exact words; We are trying to maintain the target’s social accounts without them around.
Actions which needs to be automated
Text Posts: We can use ChatGPT or similar algos here.
Photo Posts: There are lots of AI tools like Lensa which can take existing photos and create photo of Target in a completely different scenario.
Video Posts: The algorithms for this aren’t here yet but should be soon. Also, most social media accounts can be maintained without videos as well.
Messaging People: Can be done with ChatGPT.
Answering Calls: VallE + ChatGPT might be usable
Video Chats: Again not necessary but deepfakes can be used here.
Random Actions: Making Friends, following and unfollowing people etc. Can be automated.
What can this be used for
Helping people struggling with the Loss of Loved Ones
Wetwork (Murder or Assassination)
Advertising by Dead Celebrity Accounts
Covert Operations by the Government
Election Fraud
Shitposting beyond the grave …. and many more things.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell
What about Offline Relationships? Every person has relationships outside their virtual space. So, them going missing should ring some bells. But you can easily solve this by adding a post of “going for vacation”, “quarantining” etc. Then, over time you could tweak the AI so it starts being abrasive/stand-offish in order to degrade any existing relationships that person has with people until they eventually become a persona non grata with their friends and family and just, poof, vanish. Although they've actually been gone for a year or two at that point.
Original Article:
Project Lazarus: The A.I. that Keeps the Dead Seemingly Alive on Social Media
Ep. 75: Meta/Facebook Reanimating the Dead | Plague Rats Broadcast [1.21.57]
(Project Lazarus discussion starts at: 25.21)
The Lazarus Project: Digital Book Of Faces - Wretched Watchmen [15.22]
phpBB [video]

Meta announced they'll be joining Twitter with paid verification services for Facebook and Instagram... Is there something more sinister to this and could it be part of the secret program called the Lazarus Project?

Q Lazzarus - Goodbye Horses - The SearchVoat Forum
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