UK PM Rishi Sunak's hedge fund Theleme Partners had it's origins with the French navy. A closer look at Thelemites

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UK PM Rishi Sunak's hedge fund Theleme Partners had it's origins with the French navy. A closer look at Thelemites

Post by MercurysBall2 »

I've got to dash this down quickly today due to lack of time.. A developing post...
Sunak worked as an analyst for the investment bank Goldman Sachs between 2001 and 2004.[11][21] He then worked for hedge fund management firm the Children's Investment Fund Management, becoming a partner in September 2006.[22] He left in November 2009 to join former colleagues in California at a new hedge fund firm, Theleme Partners, which launched in October 2010 with $700 million under management.[24][25][26] At both hedge funds, his boss was Patrick Degorce. Sunak was also a director of the investment firm Catamaran Ventures, owned by his father-in-law, the Indian businessman N. R. Narayana Murthy of Infosys, between 2013 and 2015.
Patrick Degorce (born 1969) is a French hedge fund manager, and the founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Theleme Partners LLP. Degorce has French nationality, and Swiss residence. Degorce was an officer in the French Navy in his 20s, before switching to a career in financial services.

In 2009, Degorce founded Theleme Partners LLP, a hedge fund based at 15 Davies Street, Mayfair, London, and is its CEO and CIO. Theleme is based in the same premises as hedge fund powerhouse Lansdowne Partners, with whom they share some back office functions.[3]

Degorce was British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's boss at the Children's Investment Fund Management and Theleme Partners
Re Lansdowne Partners

Another Daily Mail article - Labour ex-minister who's friends with Prince Andrew, Peter Mandelson pictured with Jeffrey Epstein..Let's take a look... ... Latest.pdf
Introduction (Green Park Fountain)

Welcome to Mayfair, the most expensive spot on the Monopoly board! We are Occupy
Tours, an offshoot of the 2011 protest. ..

- 19th Century - it was said that “the world was run from the houses of Mayfair”.
- Remains destination of choice for rich & powerful.
- Mayfair is the place where “the Establishment” come to do the deals of a modern
financial empire.
- It is home to swanky hotels, members-only clubs, international Embassies, Private
Equity firms and “Hedge Funds” - not to mention a “slush fund” or two - more on than

- Mayfair was originally named after a two-week fair that took place every May at
Shepherds Market. However, the fair was described as a ‘nursery of vice and atheism’
and was banned entirely in 1709.

Hedge Funds are important because they played a massive role in the recent
financial crisis.... - When the crisis first started, short sellers actually made money whilst everybody was
losing it. And in 2008, two hedge funds - Lansdowne Partners and CQS - successfully
used short selling to profit from the collapse of Bradford & Bingley, which had to be
bailed out at a cost of £150 billion

How much did Marc Rich, Peter Mandelson, Mick Davies, Tony Blair, Michael
, George Bush Snr, Duke of Westminster end up with?

Voat posts re Michael Hintze:

Cambridge Analytica, Atlantic Bridge, Thatcher's govt, Michael Hintze, Espirito Banco and the financier of the Hampstead cult.

Vatican>CQS CAYMAN(hedge fund)>Michael Hintze>Child Investment Fund Foundation>Clinton Foundation (pizzagate)
2010 article on Degorce ... ck-degorce
A co-founder of U.K.-based, activist hedge fund The Children’s Investment Fund, ­Patrick Degorce, 41, last year stepped from behind the shadow of TCI managing partner Christopher Hohn to launch Thélème Partners.
The name Thélème has it's French origins.. L’abbaye de Thélème is the first utopia in French literature ... 9l%C3%A8me


There are links between the Abbey of Theleme and the Hellfire Club
Sir Francis Dashwood and the Earl of Sandwich are alleged to have been members of a Hellfire Club .. The club motto was Fais ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt), a philosophy of life associated with François Rabelais's fictional abbey at Thélème and later used by Aleister Crowley.
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Re: UK PM Rishi Sunak's hedge fund Theleme Partners had it's origins with the French navy. A closer look at Thelemites

Post by MercurysBall2 »

As we know , Aleister Crowley was involved with the creation of the Jet Propulsion Lab ... n&forum=on
Jack Parsons and the origins of JPL - Pt. 2

phpBB [video]

Jet Propulsion Lab archivist and oral historian John Bluth (deceased) talks about the origins of the Jet Assisted Takeoff motors and the formation of the Aerojet corporation. This interview was conducted in the spring of 1998.
Video breakdown:

Malina gets in touch with Theodore von Karman who had connections. von Karman in 1940 was on the committee of the National Science Foundation that was anticipating various wartime needs.

von Karman was at a meeting 'back 'East' with MIT man Jerome Clarke Hunsaker [American naval officer and aeronautical engineer]and came to a deal to develop jet-assisted takeoffs project

Aerojet was formed
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Re: UK PM Rishi Sunak's hedge fund Theleme Partners had it's origins with the French navy. A closer look at Thelemites

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Theodore von Kármán :

The Hampstead Whistleblower kids claimed that babies from third world countries were shipped in TNT and DHL boxes to Hampstead - updated pizzagate connections and Fedex
TNT became Fedex

FEDEX Board of Directors - John A. Edwardson, director of Chubb Limited, and he is a former director of CDW Corporation and Rockwell Collins, Inc.

Rockwell Collins - was acquired by United Technologies Corporation on November 27, 2018, and now operates as part of Collins Aerospace.

The Woolsey Fire started at the Rocketdyne complex near Thousand Oaks..
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) was a United States company that designed and produced rocket engines that use liquid propellants. It was a division of Pratt & Whitney, a fully owned subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation. It was headquartered in Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California. In 2013, the company was sold to GenCorp, becoming part of Aerojet Rocketdyne.
Aerojet was started in 1936 by Theodore von Kármán, Frank Malina and Jack Parsons...
I'll delve into the fire topic as it relates to Thelema later ... 1rm%C3%A1n
Theodore von Kármán was born into a Jewish family in Budapest, Austria-Hungary, as Kármán Tódor, the son of Helen (Kohn, Hungarian: Kohn Ilka[7]) and Mór Kármán.[8] One of his ancestors was Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel
Judah Loew ben Bezalel
also known as Rabbi Loew (alt. Löw, Loewe, Löwe or Levai), the Maharal of Prague (Hebrew: מהר״ל מפראג), or simply the Maharal (the Hebrew acronym of "Moreinu ha-Rav Loew", 'Our Teacher, Rabbi Loew'), was an important Talmudic scholar, Jewish mystic, and philosopher who, for most of his life, served as a leading rabbi in the cities of Mikulov in Moravia and Prague in Bohemia.

Within the world of Torah and Talmudic scholarship, Loew is known for his works on Jewish philosophy and Jewish mysticism and his work Gur Aryeh al HaTorah, a supercommentary on Rashi's Torah commentary. He is also the subject of a 19th-century legend that he created the Golem of Prague, an animate being fashioned from clay...

Among his many descendants were Yair Chaim Bachrach,[12] Rabbi of Worms and author of Chavos Yair, and Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Hasidism. Through this paternal line, Loew is the ancestor of many prominent Jews, including Menachem Mendel Schneerson, seventh Rebbe of Lubavitch, and violinist Yehudi Menuhin. Loew is also a (paternal) ancestor of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (who was also a maternal great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidic Judaism), and an ancestor of aerodynamic theoretician Theodore von Kármán. His descendants' surnames include Braude, Leib, Lev, Lew, Loewy, Loeb, Lowy, Lowi, Low-Beer, Loew, Oppenheimer, Pfaelzer, Schneerson, Lowenstein, Gurary and Keim.

In Sherry Turkle's book, The Second Self, there is a footnote which states that several well known AI researchers grew up with a family tradition that they are descendants of Loew, including Gerald Sussman, Marvin Minsky and Joel Moses. Moses reported that a number of other scientists considered themselves descendants as well, including John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener

"Chabad is a Hasidic-Kabbalistic movement established in Lithuania in 1775 by Shneur Zalman of Liady. Lithuania was ruled by the House of Wettin and during this time period" ... alman.html
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Re: UK PM Rishi Sunak's hedge fund Theleme Partners had it's origins with the French navy. A closer look at Thelemites

Post by MercurysBall2 »

House of Wittin
a dynasty of German kings, prince-electors, dukes, and counts that once ruled territories in the present-day German states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The dynasty is one of the oldest in Europe, and its origins can be traced back to the town of Wettin, Saxony-Anhalt. The Wettins gradually rose to power within the Holy Roman Empire.

The family divided into two ruling branches in 1485 by the Treaty of Leipzig: the Ernestine and Albertine branches. The older Ernestine branch played a key role during the Protestant Reformation. Many ruling monarchs outside Germany were later tied to its cadet branch, the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. The Albertine branch, while less prominent, ruled most of Saxony and played a part in Polish history.

Agnates of the House of Wettin have, at various times, ascended the thrones of the United Kingdom, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland, Saxony, Mexico and Belgium. Only the Belgian line retains their throne today.


Margraves of Meissen
Grand Master of the Teutonic Order (1498–1510)
Electors of Saxony and Arch-Marshals of the Holy Roman Empire (1547–1806)
Kings of Poland and Grand Dukes of Lithuania (1697-1763)
Duke of Courland and Semigallia (1758–1763)
Duke of Teschen (1766-1822)
Kings of Saxony (1806–1918), currently Prince/Princess of Saxony and Duke/Duchess of Saxony, with the head of the family also Margrave of Meissen
Duke of Warsaw (1807–1815)
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth ... mmonwealth
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, formally known as the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania,[c] and, after 1791, as the Commonwealth of Poland,[d] was a bi-confederal[11] state, sometimes called a federation,[12] of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch in real union, who was both King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania

Partitions (1772–1795)

In 1764, aristocrat Stanisław August Poniatowski was elected monarch with the connivance and support of his former lover Catherine the Great, a German noblewoman who became Empress of Russia.

In 1765 he founded the Warsaw Corps of Cadets, the first state school in Poland for all classes of society.[115] In 1773 the king and parliament formed the Commission of National Education, the first Ministry of Education in European history.[116][117] In 1792, the king ordered the creation of Virtuti Militari, the oldest military decoration still in use.[118] Stanisław August also admired the culture of Ancient kingdoms, particularly Rome and Greece; Neoclassicism became the dominant form of architectural and cultural expression.

Politically, however, the vast Commonwealth was in steady decline and by 1768, it started to be considered by Russians as a protectorate of the Russian Empire despite the fact that it was still an independent state.[119][120] A majority of control over Poland was central to Catherine's diplomatic and military strategies.[121] Attempts at reform, such as the Four-Year Sejm's May Constitution, came too late. The country was partitioned in three stages by the Russian Empire, the German Kingdom of Prussia, and the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy. By 1795, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth had been completely erased from the map of Europe. Poland and Lithuania were not re-established as independent countries until 1918
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Re: UK PM Rishi Sunak's hedge fund Theleme Partners had it's origins with the French navy. A closer look at Thelemites

Post by MercurysBall2 » ... 9326089220
The partially lost German silent horror film inspired by a Jewish folktale, the 16th century Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel who created the Golem to protect his people from antisemites

Der Golem 1915
dir. Paul Wegener, Henrik Galeen

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Re: UK PM Rishi Sunak's hedge fund Theleme Partners had it's origins with the French navy. A closer look at Thelemites

Post by MercurysBall2 »

The Golem (1915 film)
Der Golem (German: Der Golem, shown in the US as The Monster of Fate) is a partially lost 1915 German silent horror film written and directed by Paul Wegener and Henrik Galeen. ..

The film was the first of a trilogy produced by Wegener, followed by The Golem and the Dancing Girl (1917) and The Golem: How He Came into the World (1920).

Produced by : Henrik Galeen
Henrik Galeen
Henrik Galeen (7 January 1881 – 30 July 1949) was an Austrian-born actor, screenwriter and film director considered an influential figure in the development of German Expressionist cinema during the silent era.

Considerable mystery exists about Galeen's early life, and for many years it was uncertain where exactly he was born. Galeen came from a Jewish family in Lemberg, Galicia, which was then part of the Austrian Empire. He moved from Austria to Germany before the First World War, and became assistant to the leading theatre figure Max Reinhardt. Galeen subsequently became an actor in Berlin and touring other German-speaking cities..

Galeen first became involved in film in 1913 when he worked on the screenplays for several uncredited films. In 1914 he wrote, directed and acted in The Golem the first of several depictions of the mythical figure The Golem. Following the First World War, he went to work for a branch of the major German studio UFA
UFA GmbH, shortened to UFA (German: [ˈuːfa] (listen)), is a film and television production company that unites all production activities of the media conglomerate Bertelsmann in Germany. Its name derives from Universum-Film Aktiengesellschaft (normally abbreviated as UFA), a major German film company headquartered in Babelsberg, producing and distributing motion pictures from 1917 until the end of the Nazi era. The name UFA was revived by Bertelsmann for an otherwise unrelated film and television outfit, UFA GmbH.

The original UFA was established as Universum-Film Aktiengesellschaft on December 18, 1917, as a direct response to foreign competition in film and propaganda. UFA was founded by a consortium headed by Emil Georg von Stauß, a former Deutsche Bank board member.[1] In March 1927, Alfred Hugenberg, an influential German media entrepreneur and later Minister of the Economy, Agriculture and Nutrition in Hitler's cabinet, purchased UFA and transferred ownership of it to the Nazi Party in 1933.

..An early step towards the founding of UFA was taken on January 13, 1917, with the creation of the Bild- und Filmamt (Bufa) by Germany's Supreme Army Command. Formed as a reaction to the perceived advantage of Germany's enemies in the realm of film propaganda, Bufa's task was to use film for psychological warfare.

The plans envisaged by the German General Staff – especially those of Erich Ludendorff – went far beyond the creation of Bufa.[4] Ludendorff foresaw a large-scale, state-controlled film corporation that would serve national interests. In this spirit, Universum-Film AG (UFA) was founded as a consolidation of private film companies on December 18, 1917 in Berlin. The company's starting capital was 25 million Reichsmark (equivalent to 62 million 2021 €): among the contributors were the German government, the War Ministry and Deutsche Bank.

Three main film companies formed the nucleus of UFA from the end of 1917:

Messter Film, owned by Oskar Messter, a dominant German producer[6]
PAGU (Projektions Union), originally formed by Paul Davidson in Frankfurt, with the Templehof Studios in Oberlandstraße in Berlin-Tempelhof and in Weissensee; and the Union-Theater (U.T. or U.T- Lichtspiele) chain of some 50 cinemas[6]
The entire German operation of Nordisk Film (founded in 1906 by Ole Olsen) including Nordische Films, the production company Oliver-Film of David Oliver [de], cinemas, and a distribution company, was bought by UFA in 1918
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