think- ago

Also - remember that one of the DHL founders (Kraft iirc) was a pedo.




All of these shell companies connect to the DIRECTOR of Momentous and the Hampstead address : Heath Lodge Heath Side, Hampstead, London, NW3 1LB

What we offer

Experienced office relocation project managers

Office moves

Crate management

Moves and changes – churn and restack

Furniture installation

Desktop IT decommissioning and recommissioning

Server relocation

IT audits

GPS tracking of IT assets

Sealed IT crates and cages for transportation

Office furniture recycling

Up-recycling of furniture

Resale of furniture

Furniture audits

Business storage

Containerised storage

Inventory management including photographic

EVANS, Paul John

Correspondence address

Heath Lodge, Heath Side, Hampstead, London, United Kingdom, NW3 1LB

Role ACTIVE Director

Date of birth May 1947

Appointed on 19 March 2014



is accused here of being involved with TAVISTOCK, Baby P Investigation, and Hampstead!!!!???




Is a 200 year old private estate worth $9 M.

In current family ownership for nearly 50 years this is a rare opportunity to acquire one

of the finest period houses in Hampstead Village. South Lodge and the adjoining

house are a stately pair of mid-eighteenth houses in a quiet backwater facing the lower

slopes of Hampstead Heath.

Arranged on five floors and with ample width the house commands a prominent yet

private position behind a deep front garden in this coveted residential address,

originally laid-out c.1740 and comprising just four houses.


Add nightlife to shipping, art, removal, and real estate.

The Deltic Group is the UK’s largest operator of late night bars and clubs. Its brands include Bar&Beyond, eden, ATIK, PRYZM, Fiction, Cameo, Kuda and Vinyl, which each offer a distinctive and exciting night out; as well as a number of unique venues, each with their own identity created especially with their customers in mind.

MercurysBall2 ago

I haven't found anything much on Deltic.


Theyre the UKs biggest nightlife brand. With all the illegal stuff around nightclub style business drugs, prostitution, etc its worth a deeper look. The private venues made me think of Comets back room events. Just another angle of the abuse cycle potentially covered by their companies.

MercurysBall2 ago


Lord Tim Bell, PR guru of Bell Pottinger, and his propaganda wars. He lived in HAMPSTEAD near THAT school. Guess what he was once arrested for...

Lord Timothy "Tim" Bell (born 18 October 1941 and ennobled in 1998 as Lord Bell of Belgravia) is a British advertising and public relations executive, best known for his advisory role in Margaret Thatcher's three successful General Election campaigns....Tim Bell began his career in 1959 at Colman Prentis and Varley and, after stints with Hobson Bates and Geers Gross, he helped form Saatchi & Saatchi in 1970, where he was Chief Executive and later International Chairman.

In 1977 he was arrested for 'exposing' himself ; ... More about that at this link

Interestingly, he also lives near to a place called Heath Lodge. .. also connected to the Hampstead case and a business which does work for the Royal family and the Ministry of Defence (MOD)

Heath Lodge is a 6 minute walk from the school..

One of the companies Interdean rebranded in 2015 to become SANTA FE EUROPE LIMITED (03788202) . It has a lovely horse logo - always makes me think of spooks I had a look

**Some of their specialities are : Visas and Immigration Border Control Leadership Homeland Security International Strategy, Policy and Law Strategy Development Identity management and biometrics Law Enforcement **


YES Merc! Thats it. Seems like shipping, 'removal' or clean-up, and real estate connected to the LLCs. I will help follow up on the real estate connected to their shell companies. Their financials are public too- looks like some of them make around 4M a year- 30+ all directed by Paul John Evans , most connected to one Hampstead address.

We've got something here...

MercurysBall2 ago

Fantastic. Looking forward to any new stuff you find.

Vindicator ago

How would they ship babies in DHL boxes? Wouldn't they suffocate and/or die of dehydration? Wouldn't they cry and people hear them?

YogSoggoth ago

Drugged, taken out of boxes on plane, then resealed/drugged on landing?

MercurysBall2 ago

We wrote about this previously on voat but here are excerpts from a related article: THE SICKEST TRADE: BODY PART TRAFFICKING

My investigation into online Black Magic cults which trade in human baby parts includes Malawi, Thailand and Britain. By delving into this sick trade, I came to realise that some of the events actually corroborated allegations made by two Hampstead schoolchildren, back in September 2014...

In November 2014, just a day or so after METROPOLITAN POLICE abandoned further investigation and closed the Hampstead case, DHL did indeed discover baby body parts in a consignment – what’s more, there were three DHL boxes, being shipped to three addresses – suggesting that a CULT NETWORK was involved. The grisly DHL consignments were discovered in Bangkok, Thailand.

..In actual fact, that COVER STORY has now been blown open by investigators at THE ENIGMA CHANNEL: There were TWO – not one – American ‘tourists’ – and they were not tourists at all – they were two American “filmmakers”, which we can now name as Ryen McPherson and Daniel Tanner. What kind of films did they make? They made BUM-FIGHT videos of homeless people beating each other – rather similar to some of the pranks found in the God Damn and Jackass TV shows – except more ‘real’. What were they doing in Thailand, well, allegedly, they were filming homeless people and getting them to fight each other.

..The DHL parcels are said to have contained a baby’s skull, a sheet of skin and baby’s feet sealed in bags and boxed for shipping, according to CNN News on Nov. 16.

..But there were three consignments – and we still are not sure about all the contents. Some reports said there was an adult human heart in one of the DHL boxes which had been addressed to Las Vegas – a stabbed heart can only mean one thing – this was a MURDER – it also has connotations to BLACK MAGIC SATANIC RITUAL SACRIFICE....According to Thai police one of the boxes contained pieces of HUMAN skin.

Yet again, this confirms what the Hampstead children alleged – they said that cult members removed sheets of skin from the slain babies, and this skin was used to adorn ritual shoes, rather like HUMAN LEATHER. A forensic examination confirmed the DHL box contents in Thailand [which were destined for the USA] were indeed Human in origin, said, the Bangkok Post.

..We then see a Thai cover-up happening – right on the same day that the Barnet Metropolitan police CLOSE THE HAMPSTEAD INVESTIGATION: The Thai police did not press any charges against the ‘American Tourist’ – just like the London Metropolitan Police failed to make charges against any of the alleged Hampstead cult members.


Back in 2012, we see yet more signs of an international Satanic Cult shipping babies – this time the premature babies had been ROASTED. This yet again confirms and at least puts heavy credence to the allegations made by the Hampstead whistleblower children – they alleged that the babies which their father sacrificed were ROASTED AND EATEN by the Black Magic cult members in London.

Well, evidence which corroborates their claims can be found from a 2012 case, again in Thailand, which involved a British man… Several courier packages were discovered marked ‘children’s toys’ but x-rays showed they were not children’s toys.’

Vindicator ago

Holy crap! Roasted babies covered in gold leaf. How the hell did I miss this @think- research when it was posted?

January 2019...very bad time for me. Investigating ES fuckery while dealing with a horrible attack of shingles plus difficult daughter moving home. :-(

MB2, were you aware of this:

Now the trouble they went to creating that Hampstead debunking website makes sense. God help us.

MercurysBall2 ago

Now the trouble they went to creating that Hampstead debunking website makes sense. God help us.

I've just discovered some of those same trolls doing the same thing in the 'Samantha Baldwin' case. This is a woman who had her sons taken away from her by the courts and it looks like another big cover up but I don't know yet too much about the case. I just ng to d some of the trolls because they are trying to debunk SRA.. and then I recognized one of the names. Not going to say more about that yet .. need to do more research on that nest of vipers.

think- ago

I'm still not sure what to think about the Baldwin case. One of her supporters, Richard Carvath, who runs a blog, claims that he witnessed the abuse of one of the boys while hiding in the bushes on the father's premises.

But he didn't bang at the windows, or call the police, but merely wrote a letter - three weeks later, no less - to the police. They didn't invstigate his claims (of course....).

Also, a close friend of the mother burned a house down where the father had been staying with the kids.

It's really odd.

MercurysBall2 ago

Yes, I agree. It's odd. And I only came across it when I was recently looking into the Essex police corruption case. I would not have paid any attention but I came across some characters on Twitter that I recognize.

He supports her:

think- ago

He supports her:

Yes. He has also supported Carl Beech (who imo was abused by his father, but maybe not by the VIPs he named, although they have raped other children).

MercurysBall2 ago

MercurysBall2 ago

This is one of the Twitter accounts that is trying to debunk Baldwin's story and I believe served a similar role with the Hampstead case.

MercurysBall2 ago

I have the impression that Beech got stitched up just like every other whistleblower in the UK of elite pedophiles. But again, I haven't paid too much attention to that case. I'm still working on Hampstead and that's enough for me.

think- ago

The whole thing was staged, imo.

That was my first impression when I watched Tom Watson speaking up in Parliament.

They intentionally chose Beech, who then went on exposing VIP perps. Then it turned out that Beech wasn't a credible witness, so they sent him to prison, and are now able to claim all allegations against the perps he named are made up.

Which is bs of course, because Janner, Procter, Brittan etc. have been named by many other genuine survivors.

MercurysBall2 ago

You could be right. Is Hampstead the same?

This is the judge in Baldwin's case and was also the judge for Melanie Shaw

think- ago

Hampstead the same?

I have no idea. I'm not that familiar with the Hampstead case.

and was also the judge for Melanie Shaw

Interesting. Didn't know that he was also the judge in the Melanie Shaw case.

think- ago

I really hope they won't take @ciabaudo's Twitter down. They suspended the @JamesRusbridger account a couple of days ago. :-/

MercurysBall2 ago

Interesting that it hasn't been taken down.. yet.

think- ago

Yes. I've always wondered how he managed to do that....although the likes of Barbara Hewson (Bono's sister) and her buddies have tried to take the account down.

@ciabaudo thinks that the @JamesRusbridger account was taken down because he had tweeted about Lady Iveagh, shortly before it was suspended.

Vindicator ago


Benkitchen105 ago

Many of these children came from CAFCASS. The children in their initial testimony stated that Ricky dearman used "plastic / rubber Willie's" made in his shed using moulds ect. He now has a slime company that uses the same materials.

MercurysBall2 ago

That's a good question Vindicator. I'm not sure what they actually mean because it's obviously not possible for live babies to be shipped like that. I'm just pointing out the unusual pieces of information that we have gathered around those 2 companies.

Vindicator ago

I wonder if they made the kids think they were getting them there that way, so people would disbelieve their stories?

MercurysBall2 ago

The mother had been attending the Tavistock clinic with them for behavioural therapy prior to all their testimonies.

Vindicator ago

Do we have an executive summary timeline submission on Hampstead that puts all the research in order? That would be a great addition.

think- ago

No, we haven't.

Benkitchen105 ago

The mother is innocent, it's their father who is the guilty one. Masonic police, social services , cafcass, teachers of the school, the list goes on.

think- ago

Imo all the adults involved are a bit creepy.

MercurysBall2 ago

Yes, that's one of the theories.

millennial_vulcan ago

Was wondering that myself!

AnFiorillo2 ago

Very well researched. It is a tough job but hopefully this might be a contribution in draining the swamp

MercurysBall2 ago

FEDEX Board of Directors -

  • John A. Edwardson

Mr. Edwardson is the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CDW Corporation, a provider of technology products and services, serving as Chief Executive Officer from 2001 to September 2011 and as Chairman from 2001 to December 2012. He was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Burns International Services Corporation, a provider of security services, from 1999 to 2000. He was President and Chief Operating Officer of UAL Corporation (the parent company of United Air Lines, Inc.), an airline, from 1995 to 1998. He is currently a director of Chubb Limited, and he is a former director of CDW Corporation and Rockwell Collins, Inc.

Rockwell Collins was a multinational corporation company headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa providing avionics and information technology systems and services to government agencies and aircraft manufacturers...The company was acquired by United Technologies Corporation on November 27, 2018, and now operates as part of Collins Aerospace.

I did a search for United Technologies and found quite a few in our 'suicided' posts:

So, remember we have had a spate of NYPD cops 'suicides' and I wrote a number of posts about various Departments of Human Services?..Connections/similarities: Arkansas Department of Human Services, Michigan Department of Human Services, Child fostering and accusations of corruption and human trafficking, Dentons Law firm... and DynCorp [and Epstein] (see below)..

A plane registered to both Epstein and Dyncorp is owned by Centurion Aviation LLC, 677 Greentree Lane, Ada, Michigan... Daniel J Szymanski is current agent of Centurion Aviation, Llc. He is also the Chairman of the Board, Jedco, Inc. President of Jedco is John Boeschenstein. He is also CEO at Custom Profile and Vice Chair of Board of Directors Children's Advocacy Center of Kent County, Grand Rapids, Michigan Working with the CAC staff and the other board members to bring hope and healing to every child in Kent County who has been sexually abused [despite having no qualifications for the work whatsoever].

Jedco’s No. 1 customer is Pratt & Whitney.. Pratt & Whitney, a fully owned subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation...

In May, Pratt & Whitney, which has been a Jedco customer since the mid-1980s, was awarded a $1.13 billion contract from the Department of Defense to produce engines for the F-35 Lightning II jet fighter.

F-35s should make you recall Raniere's patents (and all the stuff I've written about his connections to the aerospace industry)..

UNITED WAY... UNITED TECHNOLOGIES.. connection, perhaps? Yup..

Someone claimed Jeffrey Epstein was seen picking up young women from the Lake Forest, Illinois train stations..Lake Forest is a very wealthy town, Tony Podesta once worked there as Admissions Director of the now closed Barat College a Catholic women's school*, there was a rash of teen suicides by train, and there's a rail connection to Racine, Wisconsin.

FOREIGN MILITARY FINANCING is a form of money laundering run by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense that allows the US government to give direct aid to US weapon's manufacturers. It's the "military-industrial complex" Eisenhower warned about. The money given to Israel will mostly go towards the purchase of the F-35 made by Lockheed-Martin, Northrop-Grumman and Pratt and Whitney.

Pratt & Whitney, a fully owned subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation

Voat posts re United Technologies:

Clinton ties to united technologies by @fogdryer

Podesta Group: The Lobbyist Brothers Represent Some Interesting Clients United Technologies

NEW LEAD! Ties from the Franklin scandal to Podesta! Yup!

A number of big names in defense circles have opened their checkbooks for Clinton. They include former Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens; Edward Kangas, who chairs the board of directors at United Technologies; Pam Wickham, the vice president for corporate affairs and communications at Raytheon; John Casey, who leads the Marine Systems division at General Dynamics; Vivek Lall, a senior executive at General Atomics; and Frank Ruggiero, the top in-house lobbyist at BAE Systems, among others.

U.S Manufacturers Under Attack - China China China

Boeing had their Lion Air Crash occur in October, come November the China-Russia Jointly developed plane is announced. ..We now know what caused this flight to crash in the first place, it was due to a AoA sensor picking up false readings...Who makes the AoA sensors? and why has the media largely chose to ignore this question entirely? They blamed a company that helped repair one of the AoA sensors. Faulty 737 Sensor in Lion Air Crash Linked to U.S. Repairer, but completely avoided the question as to who manufacturers these AoA sensors.

A company called United Technologies Corp would be the supplier of these AoA sensors, through their subsidary company Rosemount Aerospace.

and on and on it goes, including: >Pratt & Whitney, a fully owned subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation

Voat posts re United Technologies:

Clinton ties to united technologies by @fogdryer

Podesta Group: The Lobbyist Brothers Represent Some Interesting Clients United Technologies

NEW LEAD! Ties from the Franklin scandal to Podesta! Yup!

A number of big names in defense circles have opened their checkbooks for Clinton. They include former Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens; Edward Kangas, who chairs the board of directors at United Technologies; Pam Wickham, the vice president for corporate affairs and communications at Raytheon; John Casey, who leads the Marine Systems division at General Dynamics; Vivek Lall, a senior executive at General Atomics; and Frank Ruggiero, the top in-house lobbyist at BAE Systems, among others.

U.S Manufacturers Under Attack - China China China

and on and on it goes,including:

Apparently Aerojet was started in 1936 by Theodore von Kármán, Frank Malina and Jack Parsons...

And we all know that Frank Malina takes us back to the Maxwell family.

argosciv ago

You've got an interesting chain of threads going here, I saw the previous one earlier.

I've never really been sure regarding the Hampstead thing, but I don't discount the possibility that an element of truth exists there in the kids' claims. The jump to FedEx seems a bit long, but we're in 'long shot' territory for some of this anyway...

We do know that Robert Maxwell (-> Kroll -> Hollander) was largely UK based, so the potential for a tie in here isn't totally farfetched especially given the global reach of things...

Sorry, don't mind me just thinking out loud. Appreciate the ping/crosslink, keep up the digging.

rickman2 ago

Here's something interesting to consider. The kids described supposedly upstanding, respectable members of the community as having tattoos and piercings. None of the accused were investigated. However Andrew Cuomo has a nipple ring and who was that woman who was fired after she was photographed naked with her female aide? She had an intimate tattoo. Basically it proves just because someone has a certain position in society doesn't mean they are hugely conservative and mundane. Everyone has skeletons.

kazza64 ago

andrew cuomo was married to a kennedy

millennial_vulcan ago

What about R Stone and the tattoo of Nixon on his back. Of course he’s a freakazoid, but really. A back tattoo? ICK.

think- ago

and who was that woman who was fired after she was photographed naked with her female aide?

I don't recall her first name, but her last name is Hill.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Tragic. Same as the YouTube channel Phoenix and Aria Speak Out. Phoenix attended Kings House school in England during the 80s where sexual and physical abuse were rampant.

millennial_vulcan ago

There are so many of these testimonies now on YT. I’m trying not to become desensitized to it :(

Is the Phoenix and Aria channel the same girls who talked about being abused by M Jagger and the Richmond/SW London posh set? I can’t keep up. Not to mention the 13 year old that Jagger’s co-Stones mate married in the 80s and the dude from The Who who was caught with child porn in the early 2000s :(

Truthseeker3000 ago

Whoa no not those ones. Remember there are FAKE survivors doing channels for attention, very few and rare but they are out there. I pointed out one on here a while back and got attacked relentlessly for it but I could prove what she was saying were regurgitated bits of info from many real survivors stories and doing it for the sympathy and attention.

Phoenix is male and Aria is female both around age 35 to 40 I’d say, Arias father was a Freemason and she grew up with abuse from him and at the lodge and talks about it. Phoenix went to boys school Kings House elite prep school in UK and abuse was rampant. Same with Outward Bound camp Prince Philip and Saville were vested in. Programming and sexual abuse. He recently filed an official complaint and the police response is extremely telling. They both fled England.

millennial_vulcan ago

Yes, there are a few podcasters who get on fake interviewees, rack up the views, split the $$ etc. Same happens with ‘animal welfare or rescue’ type vids, run by scammers in Asia etc. begging for donations. Yet the YouTube clean-up department prefers to spend time banning David Icke and Pedo Hunters.

Is there a British boarding school that has NOT been touched by abuse?

MercurysBall2 ago

I'm sure that the intelligence services were involved .. as I was there at the start of it and saw the massive operation to cover it up and throw disinfo into the mix..

At any rate, I always wonder why people say they aren't sure about the Hampstead thing because THE ONE THING THAT IS CLEAR is that what comes out of the mouths of those children will have had a devastating lifelong effect on their psyche.. and whoever did that to them -real or imagined- needs to go to jail, at the very least. There are some very dark forces on this planet.

argosciv ago

throw disinfo into the mix..

That tracks with my current view of the situation given the video from your previous post picking apart his interview.

At any rate, I always wonder why people say they aren't sure about the Hampstead thing because THE ONE THING THAT IS CLEAR is that what comes out of the mouths of those children will have had a devastating lifelong effect on their psyche.. and whoever did that to them -real or imagined- needs to go to jail, at the very least.

Well without really wanting to get into a yuge argument or anything, I'm guessing a few people might understand one of my reasons for taking it with a huge grain of salt. Aside from the unspoken, I was generally unsure as to which side of the story from the adults involved had more credibility – I think this is the first time I'd heard it from the kids directly though.

Having seen the boy's candor in his interview(s), especially combined with the mention of coke, the signs of abuse/truth are there for sure.

MercurysBall2 ago

Btw, there's disinfo in pizzagate too :)

MercurysBall2 ago

I think that most if not all the adults were working with intelligence. As I keep saying, the key is Will Draper.

argosciv ago

I think that most if not all the adults were working with intelligence.

Quite possibly.

As I keep saying, the key is Will Draper.

Name's not familiar to me, but I haven't read all of your work on this to date. I'll try to remember to look it up on searchvoat at some point.

MercurysBall2 ago

It's understandable that you don't know the name. The Hampstead case is of particular interest in the UK. However, I keep bringing it up here because it links the international pedo ring and the intelligence services of the US and the UK. JizzLane Maxwell, Epstein, the City of London, the Royal family, it's all there..

millennial_vulcan ago

It certainly does :)

blain_Damaged ago

I now believe all of this shit and apologize for doubting you guys in the beginning.

Post it all now. The true gods have cursed the pedo left with endless bad luck.

Their time has come.

MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you for that comment. Some of us have had to go through a lot of mud in an attempt to bring truth to the surface. It's not nice work.. but some people are called to do it.