Roman Polanski, prince William, Kate Middleton and the anti-Christ

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Roman Polanski, prince William, Kate Middleton and the anti-Christ

Post by EricKaliberhall »


Previous submissions regarding Roman Polanski...



Robin the victim/sacrifice is wearing Rosemary's necklace from the movie (Polanski) Rosmary's baby.


Rosemary's Baby

Briefly about the plot

A young childless (which is important!) couple Guy and Rosemary Woodhouse are moving into their new home. After a while Rosemary (Mia Farrow) meets Terry, a neighbour who lives with an elderly couple. The next day, the girl is thrown out the window. The reason for that remains unknown. Rosemary and her husband meet the same old couple, Roman and Minnie Castevet. Minnie invites them to dinner, and then begins to visit Rosemary, increasingly coping with her desire to have a child. Soon, after a strange night involving otherworldly powers, Rosemary gets pregnant. Throughout the pregnancy, her condition is deteriorating time and again: the girl is in terrible pain, she quickly loses weight, eats raw meat. Despite this, she continues to drink homemade broth from Minnie’s hands and check up with her doctor. At the end of her term, realizing that she is surrounded by Satanists, the girl makes a weak attempt to escape, but falls into a trap and gives birth.

Briefly about the ending

After a difficult birth, Rosemary’s husband tells her the baby’s dead. The girl does not believe and with a knife goes to the neighbors, where she finds her child in a black cradle with a crucifix upside down. The appearance of the child frightens Rosemary and Satanists explain to her that it is a child of the devil, conceived on that strange night, born under the sign of three sixes – June 28, 1966, that is 6/66. A little sobbing, Rosemary approaches the cradle and begins to pump the baby.

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