Jem777 ago

Shocker...more are coming I am sure

ChippyTubes ago

very weird, Hollywood a criminal abusive under belly?

derram ago | :

Roman Polanski Accused of Rape by Former German Actress - The New York Times

'Polanski in the United States for the second time. '

'Polanski to stand trial in the United States. '

'Polanski’s reaction had been “I don’t know what this is about.”In 2010, the British actress Charlotte Lewis also accused Mr. '

'Polanski has been living in exile from the United States since fleeing the country in 1978 on the eve of his sentencing in the Geimer case. '

'Polanski in which he said he considered the Geimer case to be closed.“As far as what I did: It’s over. '

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EricKaliberhall ago

This is the second rape accusation within a month against Roman Polanski.

Ok, this is a conundrum that's been bugging me for a while. Roman Polanski's wife Sharon Tate was murdered, sacrificed in some occult, satanic ritual by the Manson cult. I've read that Sharon Tate was found in a position what I now know is called the "the hanged man", same position but on the ground.

The movie The Ninth Gate from 1999 is directed by Roman Polanski: In this movie, there is a murder in this specific way!

Why would Roman Polanski recreate or reenact the murder of his wife Sharon Tate in a movie?

carmencita ago

Because he is totally convinced they will keep on protecting him. His partners in "crime". Yes rape is a crime and so is murder.That is why he has not returned.

BTCKek__cheef_jnkbx ago

maybe relattiong to 6hangman

tf (((actual demo)))ritualling stop proposing? demons +/- ropE - addictEDAN all in Hang_E_D__m_A_N

EricKaliberhall ago

Don't want to be rude, but WTF are you on about?