Kiwi Farms is down.

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Kiwi Farms is down.

Post by MadWorld » ...
Kiwi Farms
Downtime Update
August 26th, 2022

The forum is down because upstream ISPs have blackholed routes to our network. When a computer tries to connect to our servers, the global network has no way to reach them. This is a deliberate action from our host.

They are not answering my emails and I do not know why this has been done. However, prior to going down, we were being targeted by a DDoS attack and other forms of attempted network intrusion. It is likely that these efforts disrupted the entire ISP and forced them to blackhole our network to protect other customers from disruption.

In an ideal situation, they will restore access eventually on their own. I am working on securing the network from DDoS attacks in the mean time. Other service providers are working on a solution which may restore access in the next few days.

Regardless of what happens, I will decentralize our setup across multiple datacenters. In the near future, there will be no single point of failure. Since I acquired my own network, I have been stubborn and complacent in thinking that such a solution would be permanent. I've been aware of this single point of failure, but decided to ignore it, mostly because decentralization would be expensive.

I have received extremely generous offers of support in the last few days. Long-term plans are being developed to keep the site up. However, it's unlikely anything can happen before Monday.

I will keep in touch on Telegram. If that goes down, I will be on Poast.
August 28th, 2022

A resourceful network engineer managed to tunnel our server so we could get a completely up-to-date copy of the database and attachments. Even in a worst case scenario, there will be no data loss.

If you want to send him some sats for a new laptop, his BTC wallet is 17dnK5LdCb9zsBB9yjFtKTs2myVr6J8aZQ and XMR is 49kNeGqkLCpSGzGRtvTP9WanQcHrSGs1r8BUkhmA1yb1NHcXKkknm4rgvCviurk1jaXAfk5YGS7iaSZ2bQmZswNw1VxTy6B.

If I don't hear good news from upstream by tomorrow, I will prepare to leave them behind. The mob on Twitter is promising a final solution to the Kiwi Farms on Monday at the same time. If that is not an empty threat, this might be coming to a head tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night ...
General Statement

The Kiwi Farms is an online discussion forum about people on the Internet. It is without agenda. If you want to talk about a public figure and their presence online, there is likely space to do so on my website. All I ask of my users is that they keep a cool head, a good sense of humor, and stay strictly within the boundaries of US law.

In the digital era, personal reputation has become a very valuable form of capital. Google, Wikipedia, online news outlets, and other large websites allow a public figure meticulous control over their public perception.

When a community of random anonymous nobodies can setup a forum and talk about a person candidly, where this control does not exist, it creates problems for influential people.

The opponents of this forum lie about its purpose and character. They misrepresent our speech as violence, our information as harassment, and our discussions as stalking.

Google cleans up their search results, the news prints their hit pieces, and Wikipedia canonizes those stories as truth. Instantly, the general public is left with one narrative available to them.

The mob then harass innocent people running unrelated third party services by sending emails in the thousands and threatening their families. This mob claims to be oppressed, when they can summon a hundred thousand dollars out of thin air and bend multi-billion dollar organizations to do what they want.

Meanwhile, our website is down through criminal behavior. Any outlet I use to discuss the ongoing attack is also targeted.

They have tried to justify this behavior with the logic that we "do not respond to anything except fear."
What I fear more than losing my site, being sued, or dealing with police is living in a world where fat eunuchs can groom little boys and girls into mutilating their bodies and taking drugs in secret, while normal people are not allowed to even discuss it.

The mob has already planned subsequent targets. Should we stay down, they will then attack 'gender critical' communities - especially those ran by and for women. No place can exist online which allows criticism of their fetishistic lifestyle, and nothing would excite them more than this power and domination struggle being inflicted on a female space instead.

They've made it clear that I and my family will be targeted for abuse and violence regardless of if I keep the site up or let it stay down. I have no reason to do anything but continue forward. Fuck these people.

See you soon,
Joshua Moon
The Critics

These are the people who want the forum down.
Resubmitted from ... hip/569860
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