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Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:58 pm
by Deleted User 4246
shoa myself.


Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:03 pm
by Deleted User 4246


Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:37 pm
by Deleted User 4246

Re: I don't really know where to "put" this but Putt appears to be posting to the Voat chat today.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:27 pm
by antiliberalsociety
DawnRazor wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:37 pm
antiliberalsociety wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:30 pm
DawnRazor wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:46 am

That was wild.

I had no idea!!

Those old NYC cops looked so sharp in their long police coats!!

My dad uses to watch World at War all the time and I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I'm starting to think I might want to seek out that series.

Do you think the information in it is accurate or just written by the victors with a slant?

I am troubled by Stalingrad, though, what happened there?

Wow. Very nice. Comprehensive.

I once had a blowout fight with a boyfriend over the movie Easy Rider. I was very upset about how it ended and he was all, "WTF, it's just a movie." I was like, "DUDE. No. It's NOT 'just a movie,' none of them are."I think the making of a movie makes something real, that's why it matters if it's true or not. I think the movie and people watching it manifests it somehow, in the same way I believe reading fake news to believing viewers makes them manifest the fake news into reality.

So all this 'subtle' disinformation is really damaging, especially with a few errant truths inserted.

It's too long a setup, but I got wrongly fired from a wait job in CA in 2006. I got unemployment but then my old boss came after me in court and tried to get me to pay it all back. Meanwhile this is the exact period of time when I had died from my three betrayals - two in love and one from being present for 9/11, two blocks away. The case was completely fucked-up and I had no lawyer, I had to go in alone. I won, but only because my boss fucked up and let me work for two weeks after she fired me because I begged her because I literally had no money and would have been homeless. That woman was evil incarnate. But what happened during court was she was allowed to question me, and this is where the evil was: She asked me a series of what were extremely crafted sentences that were like, "Isn't it true that when (true thing) happened that (not-true thing) (slander)(slander) (lie)(lie)(TRUE THING)(lie)(libel) (lie) (truth)(truth)(truth)?!"

She had constructed some Jenga tower that I literally had to parse and pull the truth out of and deny the lies, but it was so expertly crafted that it was literally a Black Forest I was caught in. The added fuckery was that the black woman judge saw what she was doing, cared zero fucks for my experience with this woman or how she had debased and tormented me, and ONLY granted me the win on a "technicality." Don't get me started on the court system, I am almost a year into losing my unemployment case with my last job as covid hit and am at the highest appellate level, on my own, trying to win still, because I shouldn't have been denied in the first place, I had a corrupt judge who took my employer's side and I can prove in all three ways that they lied. It's pretty fucked up.
Let me guess, (((she))) somehow "knew" the judge and "donations" were involved?

I was working in a heavily niggerized environment once; talking about how jews monopolized all the positions of power, from medical to law firms, to banking & politics. My "friend" told me she used to "like her bad boys" and dated a drug dealer. He got busted with large amount, intent to distribute, looking at 10 years. He paid his lawyer $50,000. She said her jewish lawyer went in, talked to the judge, and came out with his probation conditions. She said "WE NEVER EVEN WENT TO COURT!!!"

I simply said, "That's what Jews want, your people destroying law & order because communism can't take hold without it - why do you think they killed Malcom X?"

She was silenced with shock. Then said "I FUCKING KNEW HE DIDNT JUST DIE!" She was going to school at the time, and said she was learning about Karl Marx because "open minded". So I asked if her professor was Jewish. Her face dropped, she said "yes! ...why?"

I giggled. Then I told her to write these words down.

Kalergi Plan




Then I had her ask what these words meant, and I advised her to pay very close attention to his body language. (Street niggers are usually good at that). The next day, she waved me down when it was very busy. She actually made some clients wait to tell me what happened.

So she said she waited till the end of class, and when people were leaving she approached him and asked what these words meant. He shifted in his chair, leaned back, and said, "look - I'm not a Marxist, and I don't support communism. But be careful."

I laughed. I asked her if they didn't wield a great power, why the warning? It's almost like they control your educational destiny, and if you don't swim with their stream you'll flunk out and lose your degree along with being sunk into debt trying to pay it off without the career it was supposed to provide to pay for it...

Her face. Fucking. Dropped.

Then I went in for the kill. Angry clients be damned (more niggers).

I said if they were truly open minded, they'd have people studying everything. Did they teach you about National Socialism? Racial homogeneity? Usury? Did you get to study Hitler like you did Karl Marx? Ohhh, you didn't? Well jeez I wonder why? We're so open minded we have you studying a communist like Marx, but not Hitler? Oh, and Marx? Guessss whatttt?

She was used to my demeanor by then, so she finished "He's Jewish?"


She later told me she got an A in that class. I laughed and said "hush money".

I tell you, I studied what Hitler wrote about debating jews. The shit is real! Knowing pilpul is a life savior! Sticking to facts kills their argument. "The greatest threat to the jew is the truth." - Joseph Goebbels.

I test it all the time on kike owned Ruqqus. Keeps my skills sharp.

Re: ...

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:56 am
by antiliberalsociety
DawnRazor wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:37 pm...
Why did you delete this?

Re: ...

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:52 am
by Deleted User 4246

Re: ...

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:25 pm
by antiliberalsociety
DawnRazor wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:52 am
antiliberalsociety wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:56 am
DawnRazor wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:37 pm...
Why did you delete this?

I'm not sure what it was now, but I deleted all my other stuff when I got incessantly flamed and challenged about my sanity by every passing blue name. I had a massive tantrum, took everything down and planned not to talk again forever but frankly I like you guys now and can't stop.

TL;DR my feewings got hurt and I took my ball home.

If you remember what it was I'll post it again. If you're looking for your TexasVet infographic that still stands on your password thread here:
It was the Puttitout chat, I was looking for the story telling of what I did to Ruqqus. It might be time to reveal to them my little experiment.

Re: ...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:01 am
by Deleted User 4246

Re: ...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:25 pm
by antiliberalsociety
DawnRazor wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:01 am
antiliberalsociety wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:25 pm
DawnRazor wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:52 am

I'm not sure what it was now, but I deleted all my other stuff when I got incessantly flamed and challenged about my sanity by every passing blue name. I had a massive tantrum, took everything down and planned not to talk again forever but frankly I like you guys now and can't stop.

TL;DR my feewings got hurt and I took my ball home.

If you remember what it was I'll post it again. If you're looking for your TexasVet infographic that still stands on your password thread here:
It was the Puttitout chat, I was looking for the story telling of what I did to Ruqqus. It might be time to reveal to them my little experiment.

Nope, dude, I heart you and I left up your important things, it's here: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=577&start=10
I have the chat with putt but the one where I told the Ruqqus story, it's not there

Re: ...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:39 pm
by Deleted User 4246