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antiliberalsociety ago

Part 2:

(continued from part 1 )

Their subversive tactics

They pose the female as the pursuer of men, kissing, "exploring", getting naked, and having sex; promoting promiscuity. They will also denounce promiscuity, but assign that role to the overzealous, authoritarian, extremist parents or church; thus dismissing the argument. (Taking both sides to sway the narrative). Using this psychological warfare, a child will more likely disagree with an authority figure, because "I'm not a little kid!" is constantly beat into their heads, causing the child to associate the fictional extremist authority figure to normal parenting. This creates infighting and rebellion within families, thus breaking down the family bond, and often results in teen pregnancy & a fatherless child situation. The rest is history.

The Jews use coming of age, romantic comedy, and horror films to corrupt young minds and promote pedophilia. Note: Age gaps & lack of supervision. Even Natalie Portman herself admits her parents said "NO WAY" to doing the movie because it was inappropriate. But if she didn't another would, so the sellout begins. (That, and it helps that she's Jewish so naturally they chose her). Movie after movie, the girl pursues older man, man accepts to a degree (not to hurt her feelings, of course) and everyone either accepts it as normal, doesn't seriously question it, or protests overzealously based on a falsehood. Using the fact objection is written in is often used as an excuse for producing this trash in the first place. "It teaches not to do it" they might say, but how well did that work with the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program?

They're always teaching kids "Don't take that pill!" But they wouldn't have taken it if you didn't tell them about it in the first place, man!

  • Charles Manson

They still have to plant that seed.

There's a lot going on with camera angles. They often use tight zoomed closeups, keeping the camera at eye level or below to rob you of scale, thus the child appears bigger/older. "Accidental" down-shirt or up-skirt shots are no accident, it's all been meticulously planned. They may release it as an R rated movie, but they are still putting kids in these adult situations. This is usually where the child uses more adult phrases and terminology that average kids that age would know nothing about, often posed as "advanced" IQ to appeal to an adult audience. It also encourages kids watching to act more like adults with their new found vocabulary. If parents try to combat it; they are faced with "teenage rebellion", a term that didn't exist before the advent of the television. If a parent tries to cut the cord, the child is still exposed via friends at school who repeat what they see & hear, slinging their new catchphrases around.

The raising of taxes upon the populace negates the ability for the mother to stay at home to home school, forcing many to use public schools. If a child "grounded" off of all media indefinitely tells friends, enter the "extremist parent" stereotype offered freely from Jewish media. The entire situation is manipulated to guarantee the masses are subject to this psychological warfare. Kids who aren't interested in media exposure, or shows a lack of it, face peer pressure by being labeled "sheltered", "mama's boy", "daddy's little girl", "goody goody", etc. The natural survival instinct kicks in, and many will go out of their way to try and fit in to stop the humiliation and mistreatment. Their subversive tactics are like layers of an onion.

One person that shined a light onto the pedophiles of Hollywood was Stanley Kubrick. He mysteriously died after doing Eyes Wide Shut which told the story of satan worship among elites, and eluded to human/child trafficking. He even filmed the main premise of it at a Rothschild mansion. (24 minutes were cut out of the film after Kubrick died). The video illustrates all the meticulous planning that goes into setting a stage; there are no coincidences or accidents.

Humor is another main guise they use to sell degeneracy. If it's just a joke, anything goes, like pedophilia. The whole gay/transvestite movement began as just a joke, so what are the intentions of the pedophile jokes?

In the field they have a saying for the news: "If it bleeds it leads". They act like crime, blood & gore is all people want to see, forgetting the fact the same jews that own their local station control the entire market. When asked why they do it, they blame the viewers. "It's what people want", "In today's climate you have to be edgy/competitive" (against themselves?).

But the truth is they use porn as psychological warfare by constantly barraging us with the above examples. The Jews themselves admit it. (((Al Goldstein))) Jews in the American porn industry

We see today the ending results of that subversion. In Israel, porn & racemixing is illegal.

Niggers in Jewish Media

Communist Jews use race to subvert and overthrow nations. This cannot be done quickly, it takes 30-90 years to flip a country communist. They must boil the frog slowly to prevent a revolution from stopping them. So during the subversive years, they must gain control of all banking and media. Using media they can hypnotize the masses through propaganda to create the divide so they may conquer. It is very powerful the effects of something as subtle as a racially charged movie that pits two sides against eachother, that is mandated to be seen in public schools.

This is why Niggers always get good press, they have power over the white man, and they can disrespect whites with impunity as the whiteboy is portrayed as weak, trying to be nigger strong. Knowing how dumb niggers are, jews exploit their frontal lobes and feed this to them, making them think it's true. They don't tell them that prejudice and hate is bad and that they shouldn't do it... Only the white Christians are capable of committing those atrocities, therefore whites shouldn't be mad, ever.

NSFL: Even though these built up prominent niggers are often race mixing faggots. All you have to do is look up each prominent nigger's history, and you will find scenes of degeneracy (say, what's that I see at 4:17?) , race mixing, and overall representation of all of the Jewish agendas. They, like most of Hollywood, sold their souls. Each time I had a nigger in conversation say "why can't there be a black James Bond?" I point out the fact that he'd be a faggot, and show him clips of actors he thought were legit, taking sperm enimas with joy. Then I laugh at him for putting faith into a queer actor instead of someone who actually does some good in life.

I was doing a movie project once and I needed old music, as old as I could get. In my search I came to realize that most music used in old movies were black musicians. I knew a lot of the songs, I didn't realize they were all black. All these movies taking place in the 30's - 50's had black musical tracks. Ella Fitzgerald, Lightning Hopkins, Laverne Baker, a whole slew of them - and a lot of the songs made by whites were recycled black music. Only after I became redpilled did I understand why.

antiliberalsociety ago

Jewish Control of Record Companies.

They slyly slid jungle music into our white mainstream and we didn't notice. Going back to music associated with movies, you see it's a key strategy. How many movies had this song? That is not the original, of course the original is once again black music, a slave song about a slutty slave girl recorded in the 1930's by Alan Lomax. The same guy that gave you the opening song in The Green Mile.

You may recognize this song from movies, but - once again we were duped, again and again credit was given to niggers.

My favorite band growing up was Led Zeppelin. They did a song called When the Levee Breaks that helped me learn to play drums. But, once again, it was already done by Memphis Minnie, an old blues singer. I wanted to hear what else she'd done:

Bumble Bee, 1930 where she sings "please come back to me, you got the best little stinger I ever did see"

Kissing in the Dark, 1953 From the video description: "A 1953 stomper about STD's."

This is what they promote? We have been under their spell for far longer than most realize. Take this interview with Johnny Rebel, he says "We started listening to their music, rhythm and blues, that's black music. They figured if we accepted their music, everything else could come along, and it did. It eventually got to the civil rights bill... How can you legislate that I HAVE to like somebody?" In case you're not familiar with Johnny Rebel, Here's his collection

Well, George Wallace tried to warn us what was really in that bill.

It removes state's rights. It has written into it only 10% civil rights, and 90% expansion of federal governmental powers. It introduces thought control where you can be jailed for just THINKING about violating the bill. It removes rights to private property, if you refuse to sell to someone you don't want to, a judge can file an injunction and lock you up indefinitely, without a trial by jury until you DO sell. And we all know, in countries where there are no property rights, there are no human rights. There are no property rights in China, Cuba, or any communist nation."

Things start to become clear, and finding a solution won't be easy as they have most of the world hypnotized. They marketed gangster rap to guarantee good returns on investments into private prisons. Niggers are programmed to hate whites, cops, and whoever (((they))) deem fit to target. v/GeorgeLincolnRockwel found a document that turned out to be a communist handbook distributed by a Robert Williams (ex-head of the NAACP who kidnapped a white couple and fled to Cuba). Since you couldn't get it from Cuba it was sent via Canada. In that book it gave instructions on how to rise up with Mao Mao terrorism in the streets. One of the requirements was to destroy the police, as it's the last line of defense against the uprising communists. Their battle cry is "police brutality!" while they turn around and commit violent crimes against the cops.

All the craziness you see & here is by design. The black ghettos are the communist armies awaiting orders to invade white territories. The orders will come via movies, music, social media, and jews' news.

Always accuse your adversary of what you are doing to keep them scrambling and create confusion.

  • Karl Marx

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing...

But let’s not forget the Jew. Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t 't pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite.

Jews befriend the negro and claim to fight white oppression by our side, but the Jew benefits because it keeps white oppressors focused on negroes and off of the Jews.

  • Malcolm X

How are they 2% of the population and 98% of media ownership? The Jewish people are GENIUSES I won't deny them that, but then they've abused their power. They keep telling us Niggers are great and Jews are even better, why don't we give them to Israel if they love 'em so much?

I agree with Malcolm X, we owe niggers the right to have their own nation free of white interference. But we've seen the results of that after thousands of years in the Congo they're still eating eachother.

  • George Lincoln Rockwell

The Jews cannot succeed in a nation without bastardizing a race... America is half judefied and negrified, how could any nation survive that?

If you do not see your name smeared in the Jewish press, you have not made proper use of the day before.

  • Adolf Hitler

What the Jews did to the Germans


Extra Sauce

Transgenderism started as "just a joke" in women's sports

Pitting men against women

Gay is "just a joke"

Wag the Dog predicted the use of war as a distraction, released right when Bill Clinton was being impeached and went to war with Serbia.

Corporations rule the world, There are no nations, only corporations.

One man rose up and faught this system.