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Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:19 am
by MercurysBall2 ... ominicana/
Published on 8 June, 2015By Gustavo Cisneros

A few days ago in the Dominican Republic, I had the honor of accompanying his Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain at the inauguration of the street which now bears his name in La Romana.

H.M. King Juan Carlos, alongside President Danilo Medina, cut the ribbon and declared the “Avenida Rey Juan Carlos I” inaugurated. This street provides direct access to Casa de Campo from the International Airport of Romana via the Coral motorway.

Ministers of the Presidency, Gustavo Montalvo and José Ramón Peralta, were also present at the ceremony as well as well-known businessmen José and Alfy Fanjul, Felipe Vicini and Ramón A. Méndez.

The Dominican Republic is one of King Juan Carlos’ most visited vacation places and he has become one of the country’s most loved visitors.

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:44 am
by MercurysBall2
Bárbara Bush, George H. W. Bush, Patricia Phelps de Cisneros y Gustavo Cisneros.
Agosto, 2010.Kennebunkport, Maine. ... 7291768694
Gustavo Cisneros y David Rockefeller
Agosto, 2010.Seal Harbor, Maine. ... otostream/
Gustavo Cisneros y René Prevál
Mayo, 2010. Gustavo Cisneros y René Prevál, ex presidente de Haití.
Palacio Nacional.
Puerto Príncipe, Haití. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros, Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Elaine Wolfensohn y James Wolfensohn
Abril, 2010. La Romana, República Dominicana. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros con Jane Eisner y Michael Eisner [Disney]
Abril, 2010. La Romana, República Dominicana. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros en Florida International University
Febrero, 2010. Febrero, 2010. Gustavo Cisneros al lado de Mark Rosenberg, Presidente de Florida International University, durante su discurso en el Colegio de Administración de Empresas de FIU.
Florida International University. Miami, Florida. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros y Mark Rosenberg ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros y Valentin Fuster
Febrero, 2010. Cena ofrecida por Patricia y Gustavo Cisneros en honor al Dr. Valentin Fuster, Jefe de la división de Cardiología de Mt. Sinai.
Riviera Country Club. Coral Gables, Florida. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros, Carlos Slim Helú, Leonel Fernández, George H. W. Bush y Martín Torrijos
Febrero, 2010. Encuentro en la Residencia privada de Patricia y Gustavo Cisneros “La Serenísima”, en La Romana, República Dominicana. ... otostream/

Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Venezuela. Together with her husband, Gustavo A. Cisneros, she founded the Cisneros Foundation. He is also a member of the board of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MOMA). ... 579_7.html

Gustavo Cisneros y Leonel Fernández, Presidente de República Dominicana ... otostream/

Peter Munk, David Rockefeller y Gustavo Cisneros
Junio, 2008. The Americas Society/Consejo de las Américas 28th Annual Spring Party en honor a Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Peter Munk y Carlos Fuentes.
Cipriani Wall Street Restaurant, Nueva York. ... otostream/
John DeGioia y Gustavo Cisneros
Noviembre, 2007. Inauguración de “Global Competitiveness and Governability Journal” de Georgetown University.
Washington, D.C, ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros con su Majestad la Reina Sofía de España ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros en la Undécima Conferencia de las Américas de The Miami Herald
Septiembre, 2007. Gustavo Cisneros, Presidente de la Junta Directiva de la Organización Cisneros, en la XI Conferencia de las Américas de The Miami Herald.
Hotel Coral Gables, Florida. 2007. ... otostream/

Henry Kravis, Herbert Allen y Gustavo Cisneros
Julio, 2007. Gustavo Cisneros con Henry Kravis y Herbert Allen.
Sun Valley, Idaho. ... otostream/

Henry Kravis posts here: ... um=on&b=on

including: CDAM Clue: Underage Prostitution At Shore Stops Of David Geffen's Celebrity Cruises

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:51 am
by MercurysBall2
Gustavo Cisneros junto a Bill y Melinda Gates
Febrero, 2005. Encuentro en la Residencia privada de Patricia y Gustavo Cisneros “La Serenísima”, en La Romana, República Dominicana. ... 7291399944
Paul Desmarais, Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Jackie Desmarais, George H.W. Bush, Gustavo Cisneros, Mila Mulroney y Brian Mulroney.
Enero, 2005. Oficina Oval de La Casa Blanca.
Washington, D. C. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros y Dr. Ralph Sorenson
Abril, 2004. 25 aniversario de la Academy of Distinguished Entrepreneurs en honor al Dr. Ralph Sorenson en el Babson College Founder’s Day.
Prudential Building. Boston, Massachusets. ... otostream/ ... -sorenson/
Dr. Sorenson the Managing General Partner of the Sorenson Limited Partnership. He was the 7th President of Babson College, serving from 1974 to 1981. From 1981 to 1989 he was the chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president of Barry Wright Corporation. He has also served as dean of the College of Business at the University of Colorado and as a professor at the Harvard Business School. He currently serves on the board of Whole Foods Market, Inc. and on a number of private company boards in which the Sorenson Limited Partnership has investments. Dr. Sorenson is a life trustee of the Boston Museum of Science, where he served as Chairman of the Board, and a trustee of the Colorado Nature Conservancy, where he serves as Colorado's representative to the Conservancy's National Trustee council. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of the Asian Institute of Management. He earned his BA from Amherst College, his MBA and DBA from the Harvard Business School. In 1985, he was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree from Babson College.

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:00 am
by MercurysBall2
Gustavo Cisneros en la Gala realizada en su honor en el Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Marzo, 2004. Gustavo Cisneros en la Gala en su honor en el Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars con el Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service.
Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Coconut Grove, Florida. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros con Warren Buffet
Julio, 2001.
Sun Valley, Idaho. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros y George W. Bush
2001. Casa Blanca, Washington D.C. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros y Gianni Agnelli, 1991 ... otostream/
Agnelli posts here: ... n&forum=on

including in Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic by @Heisenberg123

Count Yann de Meeûs d'Argenteuil (gave a list in 1999 of people he accused of being involved in the trafficking of children and drugs; committed suicide a year later)..
Chevalier Pierre Bauchau : Honorary chairman and president of Banque Belgolaise, established in Congo in 1909 (Zaire/Congo is the former colony of Belgium). This bank entirely focuses on Africa and is majority owned by the Fortis Bank, of which the Belgian branch has been headed by such figures as Maurice Lippens, Etienne Davignon, Baron Daniel Janssen and Guy de Selliers de Moranville.
The bank has offices in Brussels, Paris, London, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa. Bauchau is one of the primary sponsors of Université Senghor d'Alexandrie, together with Gianni Agnelli. Donated some costly antiques to the King Baudouin Foundation

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:10 am
by MercurysBall2
Gustavo Cisneros en China
1998. Gustavo Cisneros durante su visita a China como miembro del Comité Asesor Internacional de Chase Manhattan Bank (JP Morgan Chase), dirigido por David Rockefeller Sr. y Henry Kissinger, en donde él y los miembros del Comité tuvieron una audiencia con Deng Xiaoping, el legendario líder chino.
China. ... otostream/

Gustavo A. Cisneros -Presidente de la Junta Directiva de Cisneros- con Adriana Cisneros -CEO y Vice Chairman de Cisneros- durante el acto que dio inicio a la construcción de Four Seasons Tropicalia.
República Dominicana.
Febrero, 2016 ... 150621591/

Gustavo J Cisneros with his wife -Patricia Phelps de Cisneros-, Gabriela Rangel, David Rockefeller and Susan Segal. ... otostream/

David Rockefeller, Gustavo Cisneros, Bill Clinton, president of the United States between 1993 and 2001, Patricia Cisneros and Bill Rhodes, president of Citibank.

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:23 am
by MercurysBall2
The Cisneros couple with their three children in the gardens of their residence in Caracas in the company of the Dalai Lama, who stayed there during their stay. Caracas, June 1992. ... otostream/

His Holiness Pope John Paul II receives the Cisneros Phelps couple with two of their children, Carolina and Guillermo, in a private audience. ... otostream/

Diego Cisneros with his son Gustavo on a visit to the Pepsi-Cola plant in Puerto Ordaz in 1965. ... otostream/

Antonio José, Ricardo, Gerardo, and Gustavo with their father Diego Cisneros on Ricardo Cisneros' graduation day from Babson College, Boston, Massachusetts, in June 1969. ... otostream/

Gustavo Cisneros -President of the Board of Directors of the Cisneros Organization- with Danilo Medina -President of the Dominican Republic-, Manuel Rocha -President of Barrick Pueblo Viejo- and Edgar Pichardo -President of EGE Haina-; within the framework of the opening of the Quisqueya Energy Park in the Dominican Republic.
September 2013.
Quisqueya, San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic ... 953271545/

Director of Barrick Gold ... cb99e2e78a
Mr. Cisneros is the Chairman of Cisneros, a privately-held worldwide media, entertainment, telecommunications and consumer products organization. Additionally, he is the owner of Tropicalia, a largescale, high-end, environmentally and socially responsible, tourism real estate development in the Dominican Republic. Mr. Cisneros is a member of Barrick’s International Advisory Board. He is also a senior advisor to
RRE Ventures LLC, a venture capital firm. During his career, Mr. Cisneros has held board positions and other leadership roles at a number of organizations, including: Univision Communications, Chase Manhattan Bank, All-American Bottling Corporation, Spalding, the Panama Canal Authority, the United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force, the Ibero-American Council for Productivity and Competitiveness, the Council for the Atlantic Institute of Government, The Nature Conservancy, Americas Society, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and Harvard University. Mr. Cisneros holds honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Miami and Babson College and an undergraduate degree from Babson College.
Barrick Gold posts here ... um=on&b=on

including Tanzania's late Covid-sceptic, anti-globalist president was a threat to Mossad-linked mining company by @TFS
President Magafuli who famously tested a papaya, a bicycle and a goat, of which all showed a Covid-19 positive result, banned the DNA-changing injections, kicked out the WHO and banned GMO crops before he hastily and unexpectedly disappeared and later was found dead, also presented a threat to a Mossad-linked mining company:

...just a month before he disappeared, Magufuli had signed an agreement to begin developing that nickel deposit, a deposit that had been previously co-owned by Barrick Gold and Glencore, the commodity giant deeply tied to Israel’s Mossad, until Magufuli revoked their licenses for the project in 2018.

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:33 am
by MercurysBall2
“Strike MoMA” Shines Spotlight on Trustee’s Connection to Toxic Gold Mine ... gold-mine/
Activists condemned Gustavo Cisneros, husband to trustee Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, for his connections to mining in the Dominican Republic.

“MoMA has the blood of Dominicans on their hands,” said Sandy Plácido, addressing a crowd of about 60 gathered across from the Museum of Modern Art on Friday, May 7 for the fifth week of “Strike MoMA” protests against toxic philanthropy at the museum.

Critics of MoMA’s sources of funding often target board members Leon Black, questioned for his financial ties to Jeffrey Epstein; or Larry Fink, denounced as a private prison profiteer. But Plácido, a Dominican Studies scholar and professor of history at the City University of New York (CUNY), was there on Friday to shine a light on a rarely invoked name: Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, MoMA trustee and founder of its Cisneros Research Institute for the Study of Art from Latin America.

Her husband, Gustavo Cisneros, sits on the international advisory of Barrick Gold Corporation, which has been accused of poisoning and displacing hundreds of people through its Pueblo Viejo gold mine outside the capital city of Santo Domingo.

“The sinister logic of a husband who advises a global corporation creating havoc through its mining initiatives all over the world, and specifically the Third World, and a wife who then turns around, collects abstract geometric art from Latin America, and sets up a foundation to ‘help people,’ is what brings us here today,” Plácido continued.

“If you want to help, tell your husband to get Barrick out of the DR and from all communities that are suffering because of violent and environmentally dangerous mining processes,” she added.

Earlier, activists passed out flyers and posters to all attendees, including a large-scale, richly-colored print designed by artist Kyle Goen featuring an upside-down MoMA overlaid with the diverse goals of the movement: Black liberation, Indigenous sovereignty, de-gentrification. The gesture of offering a free screenprinted art work to the public was partly to draw attention to the museum’s role in the art market and its hoarding of luxury and looted objects. Andrew Ross, a New York University professor, delivered a speech that touched on the power of these printed materials — freely distributed, yet high-quality — to complicate definitions of so-called “fine” art...

The revelations around Cisneros come in the wake of leadership shifts at MoMA, which recently announced the election of Marie-Josée Kravis as Chair to replace the disgraced financier Leon Black. But members of the International Imagination of Anti-National Anti-Imperialist Feelings — the coalition of activists leading “Strike MoMA” — called Kravis’s appointment “a game of musical chairs,” pointing to her politically conservative ties.
Hundreds March Through Midtown for Final Week of “Strike MoMA” ... rike-moma/

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:04 am
by MercurysBall2
Wanna bet the Cisneros family, Bill Gates, Barrick Gold , MoMa are all connected to this story?

Money-laundering ring pushed $4billion through HSBC ... rough-hsbc
A vast money-laundering ring moved $4.2bn through a network of 60 HSBC accounts in Hong Kong starting only two years after the bank promised to clean up its act, an investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Guardian has revealed.

Insiders have raised questions over whether HSBC appropriately informed US monitors about the ring, which was uncovered by the bank during an internal review. The independent monitoring team was specifically installed by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) as part of a deal not to prosecute HSBC in 2012, when the bank admitted allowing Latin American drug cartels to launder hundreds of millions of dollars through its accounts.

HSBC discovered the Hong Kong ring in 2016 while trying to assess its exposure to the wealthy Gupta family, who have been embroiled in corruption scandal allegations in South Africa. The Guptas have denied any wrongdoing.

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:36 pm
by MercurysBall2
Looking at the Latin media scene in the US...

<...The companies belonging to Cisneros include.. Miss Venezuela: The Miss Venezuela beauty pageant is now a multimedia event. During the Interactive Gala, the public can vote for their preferred candidate through social media networks. In 2013, the Miss Venezuela contest partnered with CIC Media and Sony Entertainment to create a reality show titled “Todo por la Corona” [All For the Crown] which was broadcast throughout Latin America by Univision. Similarly, in 2013 it partnered with P&G to create pan-regional product and works with 30 brands....>

Univision: TV Success Story That Will Last? ... story.html

In 1961, Mexican media mogul Emilio Azcarraga Vidaurreta saw a rich future in the steady stream of his viewers heading north and the vast population of Latinos who had already put down U.S. roots. So he made a move, buying KCOR-TV in San Antonio, the nation’s first Spanish-language TV station. He envisioned a vast Spanish-language TV network--christened Spanish International Network--that would bring programming, fed from his extensive library of shows, to Spanish-speakers across America.

In a classic journey of immigrant assimilation, what started as one small Texas TV station has indeed blossomed into a nationwide broadcast network, now called Univision. The Los Angeles-based network today holds an astonishing 92% share of the prime-time audience that watches TV in Spanish--a universe that Nielsen Media Research estimates to be 8.3 million households and 28.3 million viewers age 2 and older.

In Los Angeles, Miami and Houston, Univision-owned stations often draw more viewers than the major network-owned stations, and Univision is gaining share among key Latino 18-to-49-year-olds who watch television in prime time, whether in Spanish or English....

..If Azcarraga had the vision, however, it fell to a Hollywood insider, A. Jerrold Perenchio, Univision’s 68-year-old chairman and chief executive, to realize his dream. As Univision attempts to straddle two Latino cultures, it is undergoing its own assimilation journey internally. Perenchio is an American who isn’t fluent in Spanish, and the company has hired so many non-Latinos in its sales and marketing staff that some dub it “McUnivision.”

Yet its president and chief operating officer is an establishment Latino, Henry Cisneros, 51, a former Clinton cabinet member. Programming is headed by an immigrant, and a few years ago, Univision decided not to allow a word of English in its regular programming or advertising (product titles and movie dialogue excepted). As Cisneros explains it, “We believe that we should defend the Spanish language like Tiffany defends its jewels.”..

The Early Days of the Network

After acquiring the San Antonio station and renaming it KWEX, Azcarraga quickly added stations in Los Angeles, New York, Miami and San Francisco. But instead of investing in original fare, he filled the air time with material from his Mexican Grupo Televisa, the world’s leading producer of Spanish-language broadcast programs..

Azcarraga’s son Emilio inherited the business in 1972, but lost it, after a protracted legal battle, when the Federal Communications Commission found Spanish International Network in violation of rules prohibiting foreigners from controlling U.S. broadcast stations. In a two-year process starting in 1986, Televisa sold the network to Hallmark Cards Inc. for $600 million.

Hallmark, hoping to profit from the growing Latino community, changed the name to Univision and ramped up U.S. production. But Televisa took its popular Mexican telenovelas elsewhere, and replacement soaps from South America failed. Ad revenue never materialized. With a huge debt load to cover from the acquisition, bankruptcy loomed for Hallmark, as it did for rival Telemundo. In 1992, Hallmark bailed out, selling to Perenchio for about $550 million, the man it had outbid in 1986.

Perenchio’s purchase went through, despite protests from American Latinos that his minority partners--Televisa, again, and Gustavo Cisneros (no relation to Henry Cisneros), owner of Venevision, Venezuela’s leading television network--would mean a return to the days when programming was largely imported. “We were concerned that he wasn’t going to be committed to the [American] Hispanic community,” says Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos.

New Ownership and a New Era

Activists’ worst fears were realized as staff and programming budgets were slashed. Four senior executives defected to Telemundo. But Perenchio, a protege of legendary agent and studio chief Lew Wasserman and a former partner of Norman Lear, soon followed with a round of reinvestment. “Perenchio’s role was very significant,” says Jessica Reif Cohen, a Merrill Lynch securities analyst. “They took it step by step by step.”..

Meanwhile, Univision got a big boost this past season as Telemundo, under new owners Sony and Liberty Media, faltered in its own strategy to lure assimilated Latinos with high production values and mainstream stories. ..
Ok... An interesting thread on Gustavo Cisneros ... 8305982464
Gustavo Cisneros's daughter, Adriana Cisneros, is a board member at the Knight Foundation, foundation financed by George Soros's Open Society Foundation. Which also funds "Human Rights" NGOs in #Venezuela, like
In post Ritual Human Sacrifice on Tv to outrage the Masses?? One Bad Odd Fellow was killed by another Corrupt OddFellow Cop, so How come no one is talking about how bad of a person Floyd was ?
The former owner of the bar, Maya Santamaria, is a leader of La Raza, which Soros helps fund.
Breaking: What are the Odds?!?
I think the club (El Nuevo) that both Floyd and Derek the cop worked at was a front.

A front for money laundering that may involve 1 or more alphabet agencies.

If you search the club name and owners it comes back to a bunch of sketchy LLC's and the name Omar Investments Inc.

Does the name Omar ring a bell in Minney?

Ms. Beehive head herself.

This Omar Investments had prior dealings with the FBI.

This is not shocking because Minney has more national security operations ongoing than any other place in the country.

Various Somali groups are being watched for terrorist activities.

Omar Investments has owned Club Nuevo since 1996.

The principle proprietor of Omar Inc is Muna Sabri.

Sabri was caught up in a FBI sting op in 2001. ... /452567973

Now we see this chick (Maya Santamaria), being used as a front as the owner of El Nuervo.

I think El Nuevo is a front for a money laundering ops maybe being conducted by one of the alphabet agencies.... ... -$20-bill/
Who is Maya Santamaria?
phpBB [video]
She is a member of the Latino Chamber of Commerce MN
Business owner, author, performing artist, scholar, community leader and Concert Producer, Maya Santamaria has built a burgeoning media/event empire focused on the Twin Cities Latino community. The owner of seven businesses, Santamaria is a local Latina media Mogul, as the only Latino to own their own Broadcasting signals; La Raza Radio and Telemundo Minnesota, which has brought original programming and the only Local News in Spanish to both radio and Television audiences in Minnesota. She also books the hottest artists from Latin America to perform at her restaurant/nightclub El Nuevo Rodeo and produces major Latino outdoor Music Festivals and events, bringing thousands of Latinos together for the biggest and most important events in the Latino community in the State. In addition to being one of the area’s most prominent Hispanic business owners, Maya serves on various Boards, including Meet Minneapolis, previously on The Super Bowl Advisory Board, and is a Mother to two children, Citlali and Nicolas.

Re: Marina Abramovic and the Venezuelan Grupo Cisneros at Campus Biotech in Geneva

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:01 pm
by MercurysBall2 ... story.html
The national Republican Party is heaping criticism on Hillary Clinton for the family foundation's ties to foreign donors — even though some of those same donors have ties to former Gov. Jeb Bush and his family.

In its latest missive directed at Clinton, the Republican National committee complained about four specific donors to the Clinton Foundation during the time she was secretary of state.

One of those donations highlighted Thursday by the Republican Party came from Gustavo Cisneros of Venezuela, who it listed as "tied to Nicholas Maduro."

That's an attempt to link Clinton to President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela, whose running of the country has been widely condemned because of his human rights violations and imprisonment of dissidents. Maduro is a highly controversial figure among Venezuelans and Cuban-Americans in South Florida.

Although the Republicans complained that Cisneros donated to the Clinton Foundation, he's the same man who was reportedly among a group of wealthy investors Bush assembled to try to buy the Miami Marlins. In February 2015, the Miami Herald reported that Cisneros was part of a Bush-led "large offer" to buy the Marlins, an offer rejected by team owner Jeffrey Loria.

And when Cisneros appeared at the Herald's Americas Conference at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables in 2007, he was effusive in his praise for the former governor and talked about what, almost a decade later, may actually happen. Speaking in Spanish about Bush, the Herald reported that Cisneros declared: "I want to see a third Bush friend in the White House." ...

Cisneros was one of four specific donors the Republican statement cited. It's not clear how much any donor gave to the foundation or the total amount of foreign money, because the foundation website lists contributions in broad categories. Cisneros and his Venevisión TV network are listed on the website as contributing from $500,001 to $1 million.

Another Clinton Foundation donor the Republicans complained about was Victor Pinchuk of Ukraine. He's been involved with the Bush family as well.
Wayfair, Kidco and the baby products industry
I came across Pilot Flying J when I was looking into Nica Inc.. .. Starting to get bizarre because I recently found a Jeb Bush connection to George Floyd and the whole rap scene he was involved with in Houston, Texas...