carmencita ago


Definitely sounds like Geffen and Paul Mcartney ( if that's really who he is ) is a frequent guest of Geffen's. Geffen is a known pedofile. Birds of a feather. So many people in denial.

kazza64 ago

the things they do they do offshore on private islands and on private yachts thats how they escape the law

evademoney2 ago

Check out the Disney cruise incidents and rosie odnnell family friendly cruises as well

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Misha Nonoo, one of the guests, is Markle's matchmaker. She's tied into both SOHO House and yachting, big time.

Factfinder2 ago

Marine tracking websites show where the Rising Sun sails and docks. Right now it's in Italy:

Matt_Helm ago

Awesome why don't some Navy Seals go grab Geffen and his friends and take them to a Navy prison in the Mediteranean some place where they can be given a military tribunal and executed for their crimes.

Factfinder2 ago

An excellent idea.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

So far as I've read, I'm convinced that D. Geffen wants to be Lucifer's right hand man.

carmencita ago

From the Blindd:

which celebrities can be confirmed to be taking this cruise with him?

The group included musicians Paul McCartney, supermodel Karlie Kloss, designer Misha Nonoo, billionaires Henry Kravis and Barry Diller, Hollywood-agent-turned-media-adviser Michael Kives and venture capitalist Joshua Kushner.

carmencita ago

If you want to get a clue who goes to those hotels look at DG Instagram. There are plenty of celebs on his yacht. Diane Sawyer Oprah and Gayle, Steven S Diane F and Hubby and his bf and plenty more.

Quicktor ago

that pick of JJ Abrams, Steven Spielberg, Martin Short and David Geffen is a real dandy...Happy Birthday Mr. Shoah...

carmencita ago

Ya gotta love it :)

derram ago :

David Geffen hosts Paul McCartney Karlie Kloss and Josh Kushner, Barry Diller, Henry Kravis on yacht | Daily Mail Online :

Oprah, Gayle King, Diane Sawyer on David Geffen's yacht | Daily Mail Online

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