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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:32 am
by MercurysBall2
Heisenberg123 wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:27 am Why did Nora Maccoby delete her Instagram and Facebook account? ... 20hathaway

I wonder what happened.
So that piqued my interest...

Instagram posts from ART MIAMI/ART BASEL ... /251337361
Stunning job by noramaccoby . Alcyone, 7th Guardian of the Pleiades 62”x34” oil on canvas Website: noramaccoby . link to my books: The Intelligence ... 1729311040 Identity Cartography ... B07JH3ZV8X
Guardian of the Pleiades? Uh huh.. I'll get to the origins of that New Age-speak later...

Nora's book The Intelligence ... 1729311040
DESCRIPTION: A UFO crashes on a Caribbean island, setting in motion a series of events that changes the lives of Americans stationed at a secret military base. Established over 100 years ago and run by Controllers, the dark cabal at the heart of the deep state that dictates what information and technology can and cannot be released to the public.An other-worldly being connects with Otis, an officer at the base, whose ambition has trapped him in a horrible relationship with Penelope, the general's daughter.How will he choose between career ambition and freedom by risking his life to organize the Seekers to save the planet from the Controllers?The clock is ticking... All Stars Review for "The Intelligence":"In this one book, Nora Maccoby has brought together some of the most important ideas related to extra-terrestrial intelligence, human intelligence, and cosmic intelligence – everything is a form of energy with inherent intelligence. As a former spy who is also a top Amazon non-fiction reviewer, reading in 98 categories, it has taken me decades to achieve a diversified understanding that this one book offers any reader. The author has melded a vast potpourri of nested concepts of intelligence, consciousness, and universalism. I found this book gripping, enchanting, and uplifting. Have you ever wanted your own personal Star Gate? You have it in your hands." - Robert David Steele, American activist for open source intelligence; former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer; former Marine intelligence officer.

So, Nora is married to Army Major Todd Hathaway.. his resume here:

Hathaway contributed to this book : Psychoanalytic and Historical Perspectives on the Leadership of Donald Trump ...
edited by Michael Maccoby, Ken Fuchsman

I'm kinda suspecting that Michael Maccoby is one of those leadership experts that recommended a President with Trump characteristics after the Obama admin as he has written about US president characteristics as needed according to the 'zeitgeist'.. a zeitgeist that is manipulated and nudged by the Deep State I should add.. controlled opposition anyone? Anyhoo...

Here's a weird video featuring Hathaway.. I only watched the first couple of minutes: Army Major Todd Hathaway Talks to Pete Sumaruck About his Stolen Experimental Car and Trailer

Hathaway also wrote a book on The Singularity. He commented on it here: ... 1980259933
Feb. 2018: This is an interesting summary of experiences over the years that lead to a simple conclusion: the world will know peace, but a false peace will precede the real deal.
Hathaway and Nora Maccoby are mentioned several times on this Project Avalon forum. Examples: ... ved-/page6
I have another link somewhere else about Nora's involvement in various things that they also talked about here on the forum, involving alternative energy stuff and I think some kind of economic position relating to Asian nations. I haven't had the time to dig into any of it in detail but if I did, based on the info that's been pouring out lately, a lot of dots could probably get linked up pretty fast. A lot of this stuff has to do with graft and misdirecting funds, blackmail and similar things.

I know that Simon Parkes was eventually exposed here as, what I think Bill Ryan himself termed a "sexual predator." I certainly hope these two were not personal friends of Mr. Alefantis because that would deeply disturb me much more than Mr. Parkes ever did. James Alefantis is not "just a pizza shop owner," because you don't just own a pizza shop in DC and suddenly meet personally with President Obama numerous times, visit the White House hundreds of times, get ranked as one of the most influential people in all of Washington DC and all the rest. Something stinks really really bad about all of this and the FBI is still actively investigating him. It's just been on the down-low and will continue to be on the down-low until probably about 9 days from now. ... Initiative
ok, someone seriously explain this to me...I took 10 min. to do a little research on Todd Hathaway, here's what I'm finding... and I'm not liking what I'm finding as I'm feeling more and more that this is an attempt to control the free energy movement. This is an organization he's been connected to, though I would have to further research to see if the connection still exists.... Check out this website that Todd is on:
Yeah, I'd already found it. Let's look at one of their contributors
Solihin Millin - Spiritual advisor for Panacea. Formally qualified as a physicist, Sol is also the trustee of the Charitable Trust 'Love light' of Byron Bay. Sol is also a trustee of the non-profit open-source energy community called Byron New Energy.
Millin is an anti-lockdown 'activist' dontcha know and is all over the Australian news being arrested during protests.. just like jeremy Corbyn's brother does in the UK.. *cough*... ... 57974.html
A man accused of inciting others to attend a protest against coronavirus restrictions through a series of Facebook posts has had his criminal case adjourned while he challenges the law in the High Court.

Solihin Millin is one of a handful of Victorians charged with encouraging others to attend anti-lockdown protests while restrictions on gatherings were in place during the worst weeks of the pandemic last year... blah blah...

Mr Millin, the founder of anti-vaccination group Make Australia Healthy Again, is also charged with possessing a drug of dependence related to cannabidiol.
And there's your clue folks... mentions of cannabis derivatives are common to operatives stories too... can you dig it, man?
Here's Millin's website Make Australia Healthy Again

Now Solihin Millin is also known as Sol Millin and he wrote another book not listed on Amazon: Sex is Beautiful
About the Book
Erotic adventure into extreme sexuality in modern society.

My experiences at Cap d'Agde, in the south of France, the Swinging capital of the World.

An 'outing' of intimate sexual secrets.

An honest thought provoking true story that will take you into many joyful, dark and erotic aspects of your own sexuality.
Uh huh.. Cap d'Agde
Cap d'Agde (French pronunciation: ​[kap daɡd]) is a seaside resort on France's Mediterranean coast. It is located in the commune of Agde, in the Hérault department within the region of Occitanie. Cap d'Agde was planned by architect Jean Le Couteur as part of one of the largest state-run development schemes in French history...

The Musée de l'Ephèbe houses the bronze nude statue known as "l'Ephèbe d'Agde" ("the Youth of Agde"). The statue was discovered in the River Hérault and was housed in the Louvre Museum prior to suitable facilities being made available in Cap d'Agde to house it...

Cap d'Agde has a large family-style naturist resort.[1] The Village Naturiste (43°17′42″N 03°31′38″E) is a large fenced-off part at the north-eastern edge of Cap d'Agde, although it is accessible along the public beach from the east. It is a self-contained town (sometimes referred to as the "Naked City"), where nudity is legal and common in the whole resort. In the evening, when it gets colder, more people are dressed, sometimes in revealing clothes. A local tourist tax is charged per person, per day.

At the far end of naturism ethics, the village is also becoming a hotspot for swingers and libertines...

A BDSM club in a shopping complex, Cap d'Agde
Byron New Energy Charitable Trust ... able_trust
Byron New Energy Charitable Trust is a not for profit organisation with the following mission statement:
The group has a goal of love and selfless service to humanity at large, of researching, developing publishing freely in the public domain for the good of humanity at large, and manufacturing, devices that use clean renewable energy sources that supply viable alternatives to those devices that use non-environmentally friendly non-renewable fuel..

Solihin Millin - Founder and Trustee
Sathya Sai Baba Devotee
Solihin Millin is a Sathya Sai Baba Devotee? Uh huh..
Accusations against Sathya Sai Baba by his critics over the years have included sleight of hand, sexual abuse, money laundering, fraud in the performance of service projects, and murder..

Allegations of abuse
In January 2002, a documentary produced by Denmark's national television and radio broadcast company, Danmarks Radio (DR), called Seduced By Sai Baba, analysed videos of public manifestations of Sai Baba and suggested that they could be explained as sleight of hand.[124] The documentary also presented interviews with Alaya Rahm, former devotee of Sathya Sai Baba, where he alleged abuse by Sathya Sai Baba.[8] As a result, in 2002 the parliament of the United Kingdom discussed the danger to male children of British families intending to visit the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba in case of individual audiences with the guru.
Related voat post:

Extracted subliminal images from "Apes - The Neutered Noel" YouTube video -- Comet Ping Pong venue performers

"In 2004, the BBC produced a documentary titled The Secret Swami, as part of its series "The World Uncovered".[166] One central theme of the BBC documentary was again Alaya Rahm's sexual abuse allegations against Sathya Sai Baba.[167] This documentary interviewed him together with Mark Roche, who had spent 25 years of his life since 1969 in the movement and alleged abuse by Sai Baba.[167] The show also featured allegations from Sai Baba critic Basava Premanand. Premanand stated in the documentary that, in his opinion, Sai Baba faked his materialisations. Here, he claimed that Sathya Sai Baba was "not just a fraud, but a dangerous sexual abuser". According to his interview, he had stories which spanned 30 years, and he stated that his stories were similar, a common practice being the rubbing of genitals with oil by the spiritual leader. Among his claims were that one ex-devotee claimed Sai Baba "put the oil on his hands, told me to drop my pants and rubbed my genitals with the oil". Premanand theorised that many Indian boys were abused but were never heard from because they were too afraid to speak out, alleging Sai Baba was well-connected with the elite and powerful of India."
Another cult follower... uh huh.. no doubt there's more digging to be done on these freaks...

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:16 am
by MercurysBall2
@Heisenberg123 what are your thoughts on this collaboration between Nora Maccoby, Robert David Steele and Joachim Hagopian who put out a series of books on Pedophilia ... B08P3QTHK1

Robert David Steele defended the Maccoby family early on in the Pizzagate saga and said that us pizzagate researchers didn't know what we were doing. Now he's selling books as an authority on pedophilia.

Here's a 2017 article by Joachim Hagopian : PedoGate Update: The Global Elite's Pedophile Empire is Crumbling - But Will it Ever Crash? ... Ever-Crash
Since the internet bombshell launched by WikiLeaks' release of John Podesta emails and the uncovered Comet Pizza's bizarre and suspicious activities leading to last fall's Pizzagate scandal, and the simultaneous reporting of unprecedented number of arrests made in child sex trafficking rings worldwide, clearly demonstrate that law enforcement is finally treating the global epidemic seriously. Yet the systematic kidnapping, torturing and raping of children by highly organized trafficking rings have barely if at all even scratched the surface of mainstream media coverage, which has chosen to act as a complicit accomplice and partner-in-crime in the unholiest of alliances with the child rapists themselves, consistently ignoring child sex trafficking rings being operated by powerful members of the world's elite ruling class.
That pizzagate scandal link : Pizzagate for Dummies ... fB88WZi3Lg
So, apparently he's on board with the whole Alefantis is dodgy story. Yet, the Maccobys are frequently photographed with Alefantis. They are close friends. Including Nora
So, what's going on?

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:24 pm
by Heisenberg123
@Heisenberg123 what are your thoughts on this collaboration between Nora Maccoby, Robert David Steele and Joachim Hagopian who put out a series of books on Pedophilia ... B08P3QTHK1

Robert David Steele defended the Maccoby family early on in the Pizzagate saga and said that us pizzagate researchers didn't know what we were doing. Now he's selling books as an authority on pedophilia.
One of the strangest facts out there. I was thinking why would Nora Maccoby do this if she was targeted by "pizzagaters"? There's no simple explanation to this, it's very suspicious and these people are real weirdos with connections to army/intelligence so we can suspect that they are connected to disinformation campaigns and much more.

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:04 am
by MercurysBall2
Some more stuff re Michael Maccoby...


PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 27—To reduce the “dehumanizing” effects of modern factory life, it was reported here today, two Swedish automobile makers, Volvo and Saab, have begun to eliminate that pillar of mass production, the assembly line...As part of a growing emphasis on team production methods, the parts will be brought to the cars and installed by semi‐autonomous groups of workers instead of the cars being transported through a gantlet of men, each of whom performs a single, monotonous job.

The change in practice was described at a symposium on “Technology and the Humanization of Work” at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The symposium was held at the Bellevue‐Stratford Hotel.

Opposed by Youth

However, the new unrest relates to human relations as much as to mechanical monotony. As Michael Maccoby of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, a co‐organizer of the symposium, put it: “Modes of work and life‐styles that were acceptable in the past are increasingly felt as oppressive by young workers in factories, offices and development labs.”

Concern over the morale of industrial workers is not limited to the capitalist world. Some months ago it was the subject of a meeting of specialists from Eastern as well as Western nations. The Chinese Communists have attacked the problem by installing selected workers alongside specialists on the managerial level and by insisting that the specialists spend time on the factory floor...

Management Found Cool

However, Mr. Maccoby noted that management was often cool to such programs because, even though productivity may increase, “humanizing work gives more initiative and autonomy to the worker.” “He or she becomes less controlled by the manager,” he added...Mr. Herrick noted that productivity per man‐hour in Japan rose 14.2 per cent from 1965 to 1970, compared with only 1.9 per cent in the United State.

However, he questioned whether this meant that Japan's paternalistic labor practices were desirable. A recent survey of worker attitudes in Japan, he said, showed 48 per cent of them negative toward their jobs. The figure in a similar American survey was about 15 per cent.
Re Institute for Policy Studies:
German police raid dozens of homes of people accused of posting far-right hate messages on social media
IMF's Prescription for Europe: Exploit Refugees with Low Wages

Economist calls IMF 'the sancta sanctorum of neoclassical/neoliberal thinking.'

The outcomes put forth in the report are unrealistic, he said. "Most probably, the first effect should be a workers substitution (more expensive for less expensive ones), thus increasing the xenophobia amongst substituted and at risk of substitution workers; the second effect, an aggregate decrease of salaries as GDP %, increasing profits and global inequality," Angusto said. "From the demand side, lower salaries should mean less demand than supply; a lack of demand that, if compensated by exports, should imply a beggar-thy-neighbour strategy, adding pressure to cut wages in third countries."

Tiffany Williams, associate director at the Institute for Policy Studies, added: "In my field of human trafficking, which shares many similarities with forced migration caused by conflict, advocates know that safe, paid work is one of the keys to helping displaced people rebuild their lives. It is important that the IMF is acknowledging that access to work is crucial. But creating a second class of workers who will be pit against the existing low wage workforce is a risky move which might fuel a deeper anti-immigrant backlash, undercutting efforts to humanely resettle vulnerable families."

In Germany, which took in more than one million migrants and refugees in 2015, the current minimum wage is 8.50 euros ($9.1). The IMF's report follows a similar call by the German Council of Economic Experts (GCEE), which in November said, "The minimum wage is likely to pose a barrier to entry [into the job market] for many refugees. Considering the growing supply of low-wage labor the minimum wage should under no circumstance be raised."

The proposal also comes in stark contrast to the measures recently adopted in Turkey, which currently hosts about 2.5 million Syrian refugees—more than any other country. The Turkish government announced new regulations earlier this month that will allow Syrians who have been living in the country for at least six months to apply for work permits, enabling them to earn the minimum wage or higher. ... -low-wages

[comment]... This is the real plan ... alergi.jpg
2016 document: An Organizing Approach to Human Trafficking in Domestic Work by TIFFANY WILLIAMS
Social worker and the Associate Director of the Institute for Policy Studies and Leah Obias..
Pg 656: See Annie Kelly, US Human Trafficking Report Under Fire as Cuba and Malaysia Are Upgraded, The
Guardian (July 27, 2015, 10:24 AM), ... 15/jul/27/
us-human-trafficking-in-persons-report-under-fire-cuba-malaysia-upgraded. ... a-upgraded
The United States is facing criticism after it removed Cuba and Malaysia from the US State Department’s list of the countries categorically failing to respond to widespread human trafficking...

The US State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, which produces the TiP report, has been beset by a leadership vaccuum after the sudden departure of Ambassador Lou CdeBaca last year. President Obama only confirmed Susan Coppedge, a former assistant US State Attorney, as his replacement last week.

Launching the report, the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, said, “The bottom line is that this is no time for complacency. Right now, across the globe, victims of human trafficking are daring to imagine the possibility of escape, the chance for a life without fear, and the opportunity to earn a living wage. I echo the words of President Obama and say to them: ‘We hear you, and we will do all we can to make that dream come true.’”
Re CdeBaca :
FOUNDATION REVIEW of the international community and the human trafficking network of international predators - background post for Ambassador Luis CdeBaca

And round and round we go.. human trafficking and the Crescent Gorup, UAE, Rockefellers, Clintons
Jafar has been named as one of the 25 most powerful people in the Middle East oil and gas sector...The UAE’s Jafar family, which owns and controls both the Crescent Group and Gulftainer, has both direct and indirect connections to former President Clinton, a 1776 Channel investigation has discovered.....On Gulfainer: (1776 Channel) Beginning next month, ocean shipping container operations at Florida’s deep-water Port Canaveral, teeming with U.S. Navy nuclear submarines, NATO-ally nuclear submarines, and record numbers of cruise ships, and situated close to Kennedy Space Center..

Majid co-Chairs, alongside former President Clinton, Business Backs Education, a United Nations UNESCO-run global educational campaign. The campaign is funded by the Varkey GEMS foundation, a contributor to the Clinton Global Initiative.

Related posts: Oil and gas executives, big pharma and bankers on the boards of children's charities. Clintons, Majid Jafar, Loulou Foundation and Porton Biopharma.

I think there is also a connection with Care 2 Communities, formerly Containers 2 Clinics:

and thus: FOUNDATION REVIEW of the international community and the human trafficking network of international predators - background post for Ambassador Luis CdeBaca..
FBI Anon made reference to "the cards" ? Here is a HRC wiki-leaked email connecting cards, and trafficking,
FBIAnon suggests to focus on the Foundation and they also allude to human trafficking...HRC from her personal email instructed Luis CdeBaca the United States Ambassador in the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons to prepare an informal paper RE: Child Slavery in Haiti. The email was written in 2009. Note: the Earthquake in Haiti was in 2010
2016 Concordia Summit Convenes World Leaders To Discuss The Power Of Partnerships - Day 1
NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 19: Ambassador Susan Coppedge speaks at 2016 Concordia Summit - Day 1 at Grand Hyatt New York on September 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit)

2016 Concordia Summit Convenes World Leaders To Discuss The Power Of Partnerships - Day 1
NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 19: Senior Associate Editor, The Washington Post, Lally Graham Weymouth, Director, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami, Dr. Stephen Nimer, Chief Scientific Officer for Immunobiology, Eli Lilly & Company, Dr. Michael Kalos, Chief of the Melanoma, President and Chief Executive Officer, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Dr. James R. Downing and Immunotherapeutics Service Memorial Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center, Dr. Jedd Wolchok speak at the 2016 Concordia Summit - Day 1 at Grand Hyatt New York on September 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Ben Hider/Getty Images for Concordia Summit)

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:40 am
by MercurysBall2
<... Ambassador Susan Coppedge speaks at 2016 Concordia Summit...> ... Report.pdf
Pervasive Challenges Across Industries: A Governance Approach to Eradicating Labor Trafficking
Conversation Lead: Ambassador Susan Coppedge, U.S. Department of State’s Bureau to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

The private sector alone cannot prevent labor trafficking and
ensure a fully clean supply chain: meaningful government
commitment is necessary. This agenda explored steps being taken
by the U.S. Government at a federal and state level. The UK AntiSlavery Act was also identified as a powerful tool, particularly its stipulation that a corporation’s Board must annually sign-off on
the report. Governments can play an important equalizing role in
an industry, minimizing any competitive disadvantage resulting
from good labor practices. Some saw the possible end of TTIP as
a missed opportunity for global advancement, and the loss of an
important carrot.
Let's see now.. who else spoke on that day at the 2016 Concordia Summit? Why, it's only Lawrence Bloom of the Parvati Foundation... viewtopic.php?f=50&p=9457#p9457
Chairman of Dakia Institute Lawrence Bloom speaks at the 2016 Concordia Summit - Day 1 at Grand Hyatt New York on September 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit)

About Concordia
CONCORDIA LEADERSHIP COUNCIL [just a few listed here] :









This is the website with all the global crooks listed: ... ualsummit/

2016 Concordia Summit Keynote: George Soros on Migration
phpBB [video]
Also from that 2016 summit: ... Report.pdf
Dr. Seth Berkeley, CEO, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
Dr. Richard Besser, Chief Health & Medical Editor, ABC News (Moderator)
Dr. Tom Frieden, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Michael J. Nyenhuis, President and CEO, AmeriCares
Dr. Peter Salama, Executive Director, Health Emergencies Programme,
World Health Organization
Susan Silbermann, President & General Manager, Pfizer Vaccines

In the case of epidemics, we have learned three lessons from
the recent Ebola outbreak: speed is of the essence; “a blind spot
anywhere is a risk everywhere”; and true accountability and
assistance are needed when responding to an outbreak.

Countries need incentivizes to be transparent in their reporting
of outbreaks, and this should be matched with a partnership for
response. When countries realize that they will be given assistance
when they accurately report an outbreak.
Prevention, vaccination, and preparedness are hugely important
in mitigating the risks of an epidemic.

The panel called for a public health emergency response
organization in the United States, similar to FEMA.
the establishment of this agency, leaders would not need
Congressional approval to secure funding and respond to a public
health emergency.
Precursor to Event 201?

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:02 am
by MercurysBall2
I kind of got ahead of myself there, let me just return to Susan Coppedge for a minute.
Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (R) and US Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State, Susan Coppedge (L), poses for pictures ahead of their meeting in Putrajaya on July 26, 2016. Coppedge is in Kuala Lumpur to meet with senior officials in the attorney generals chambers and host a round-table with nongovernment groups from July 25-26. / AFP / MOHD RASFAN (Photo credit should read MOHD RASFAN/AFP via Getty Images)
Image ... curity_Act
Corruption charges
On 18 October 2018, Zahid was arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and charged in court the following day on 45 counts of criminal breach of trust (CBT), abuse of power and money laundering involving a total of RM114 million (about US$27.4 million) funds of Yayasan Akalbudi.[33][34] On 14 December 2018, he was charged with another CBT offence, involving RM10 million.[35] On 20 February 2019, Zahid was again charged with an additional CBT charge, involving RM260,000.[36][37]

On 26 June 2019, Zahid became the subject of 7 new corruption charges involving S$4.2 million (RM12.8 million) which he allegedly received from a foreign visa (VLN) system operator totalling RM42.76 million under his capacity as the Home Minister then. [38] On the next day, he faced 33 more charges totalling RM42.76 million involving the VLN system two years before.[39] The latest charges brought the total number of outstanding charges to 87.
Zahid: I did not profit from trafficking Nepali migrants ... -migrants/

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (pic) says he is not afraid if anti-corruption officers investigate him over allegations that his family members profited from the trafficking of Nepali migrant workers.

“I am not afraid and ready to be investigated,” said the former deputy prime minister.

“I am ready to be shown evidence that I was said to have been involved or had abused my power or that any of my family members were involved,” he told reporters at Parliament lobby yesterday...

The report stated that Dr Ahmad Zahid, who was the former home minister, had allegedly outsourced this to a private company,

That company made it such that Nepali migrant workers were required to apply for work visas through a Katmandu-based affiliate firm.

The report said the agency charged RM118 (Rs3,200) from every Malaysia-bound Nepali worker, and collected RM72mil (Rs 1.95bil) from more than 600,000 workers between September 2013 and April 2018.

This included making it mandatory for all Nepali migrants to undergo a biometric health screening test via Bestinet Sdn Bhd, allegedly linked to Dr Ahmad Zahid’s brother-in-law.

The Nepali newspaper report also claimed that Dr Ahmad Zahid’s brother Abdul Hakim Hamidi and former environment minister Tan Sri Azmi Khalid also reportedly owned shares in Bestinet.
US Envoy to Visit Malaysia Amid Questions Over Mass Graves ... ss-graves/

WASHINGTON — The U.S. envoy on combating human trafficking will visit Malaysia next week, an official said Friday, amid complaints that the Southeast Asian nation has failed to investigate properly alleged official complicity over mass graves of suspected trafficking victims.

The State Department has faced a barrage of congressional criticism after Malaysia, a key U.S. trading partner, was kept off a blacklist of countries that fail to meet minimum standards against modern-day slavery.

Susan Coppedge, ambassador-at-large to monitor and combat trafficking in persons, will meet Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, during her two-day visit to the main city Kuala Lumpur starting Monday.

Spokeswoman Mai Shiozaki said Coppedge will also will meet with senior officials in the attorney general’s chambers and the prime minister’s office, and host a round-table with nongovernment groups.

The department says there are several million migrant laborers in Malaysia and more than 150,000 registered refugees and asylum-seekers who are also vulnerable to traffickers.

The Obama administration controversially took Malaysia off its human trafficking blacklist in 2015 although it had secured only a handful of human trafficking convictions in the previous year. The administration denied accusations of political interference driven by Malaysia’s participation in the U.S.-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

The upgrade of Malaysia to a so-called “watch list” came soon after the May 2015 discovery of suspected human trafficking camps and dozens of graves along the border with Thailand. The watch list ranking was renewed in the department’s latest human trafficking report issued three weeks ago, which found that the Malaysian government questioned several officials in connection with the mass graves but did not prosecute any officials last year for complicity in trafficking crimes.

Several lawmakers pressed Coppedge on the issue at congressional hearings July 12. She agreed that it was “troubling” that no government officials have been prosecuted or held accountable.

Kristen Abrams, acting director of the Washington-based Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking, said Coppedge’s visit would send an important signal to Malaysia that “the world is watching.”
More like the message: Nothing to see here, move along...

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:23 pm
by MercurysBall2
Nora maccoby with husband and Philip Deutch at J Street Gala Dinner 2009 ... la-Dinner/

Philip Deutch is a friend of Sheryl Sandberg:

Sheryl Sandberg Is Dating Again After Loss of Beloved Husband ... 58967.html
It’s been nearly two years since Sheryl Sandbergs husband died suddenly of a cardiac arrhythmia while the two were on vacation with friends and family in Mexico. ...

Sandberg, Goldberg’s younger brother Rob and Rob’s wife were the ones who discovered 47-year-old Goldberg lying in a pool of his own blood after he collapsed in a hotel gym in Punta Mita on May 1, 2015.

“I started doing CPR,” Rob recalls now to TIME. “I remember not being sure if I could feel a pulse or if it was really my own heart pounding.” After Goldberg was rushed to a local hospital, a doctor delivered the news that would turn Sandberg’s world upside down.

“The wails of her crying in that hospital were unlike anything that I’d ever heard in my life,” says family friend Phil Deutch, whose birthday was the occasion for the Mexico trip. “It was an awful, awful scene.”
the accident happened at the Palmasola at the Four Seasons Resort, May 2015...

Bill Gates' Recently Renovated Reclusive Mexican Resort Becomes Magnet For Top Tech Executives ... ca3fdf3f43
Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita, an ocean-front resort located on a private peninsula surrounded by white sand beaches in the Mexican state of Nayarit, is close to completing a "multi-million dollar renovation" that will turn the secluded property into one of Mexico's most exclusive beach destinations, the hotel said on December 15...

In 2014, in a vote of confidence for Mexico's buoyant tourist industry, Cascade Investment LLC, billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates’ private investment arm, purchased the 177-room Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita and adjacent land for $200 million in cash, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission....

Gates is not the first billionaire to see Punta Mita's potential as a prime retreat for the well-heeled. Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim Helú has been involved for some years in Punta Mita's real estate scene through Inbursa, Slim's banking and financial services company...

Inbursa has a stake in Dine S.A. de C.V., the leading real estate developer for Punta Mita created 15 years ago when Dine bought property to develop a luxury resort with high-end hotels and top ranking golf courses. Arturo Elías Ayub, Slim's spokesperson and son-in-law, confirmed Inbursa's long-standing connection to Dine. According to Dine's web site, in recent years this private luxury enclave has become a magnet for executives from high-profile technology firms such as Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon, Qualcomm, and British Telecom.

In the past five years, MITA Ventures, a San Francisco-based venture capital firm that sees Mexico as the innovation bridge between Latin America and Silicon Valley, has hosted the MITA Tech Talks, an exclusive invitation-only networking event of Silicon Valley and Latin America investors, entrepreneurs, executives and policy makers. This year's MITA Tech Talks will take place from February 12 to 14 at Punta Mita's Four Seasons Resort.

Part of the reason for Punta Mita's attraction is its relative proximity to the U.S. Puerto Vallarta’s International Airport is only a three-hour flight from California and has direct flights from all major airport hubs in North America as well as private jet access. And with its heavenly tropical weather, iconic beaches, Pacific surf, world class golf and privacy, Punta Mita is an easy 40-minute drive north of Puerto Vallarta


See post :

Haitian charity YELE, Hollywood, Epstein and the Fanjul brothers - sugar kings of Florida and the Dominican Republic : Pirates of the Caribbean
Mr. David M. Hryck..serves on the board of directors of the Amy Winehouse Foundation, and is a board member of the Happy Hearts Fund, founded by fashion model Petra Nemcova. He is a World Fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award for Excellence Fund, founded by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and travels regularly to royal occasions around the world, advising on international interaction in Third World countries. David also served as a US member of the Duke’s Business Advisory Group, headed by HRH Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex. He is also a board member of the Lifeline Humanitarian Organization, founded by TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine of Yugoslavia.

He is on the board of The Nat King Cole Generation Hope, Inc. and also a Board Member of the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development, which was founded by Vuk Jeremic, President of the United Nations General Assembly for the 67th Session.
Re Happy Hearts Foundation:

Need Help Investigating Happy Hearts Fund - Pedo Symbol in Logo, Supported by Carlos Slim & Clinton Foundation, Wife of ex Prime Minister of Haiti
Looking into the Happy Heart Fund's website reveals that it was founded by Petra Němcová

..according to the Our Partners section of the Happy Hearts Fund website, the Carlos Slim foundation in one of the Program partners.

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:46 pm
by MercurysBall2
Nora Maccoby, husband Todd Hathaway and congresswoman Donna Edwards at the 2009 J Street Gala Dinner
and here they are in 2006:
Source: ... a-edwards/
August 8 and 9 • Patricia Bauman's Residences

Patricia Bauman hosted two receptions at her homes honoring Donna Edwards, who is running for Congress in Maryland's 4th district (Prince George and Mongomery counties).

After light hors d'oeuvres, guests listened as Edwards spoke about Internet freedom, fully funding the No Child Left Behind Act, reformin campaign finance laws and lobbying reform. Her endorsements include Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters and ACORN.

Gloria Steinem, Peter Yarrow from the 60's folk group Peter, Paul and Mary, Bethany Yarrow and David Brock.
See post:

Since 2006 James Alefantis has supported Donna Edwards for Congress. In 2009 she voted for an amendment to a hate crimes bill which would protect pedophiles.

I guess Nora Maccoby, Robert David Steele, et al didn't notice that.. ;)

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:52 pm
by MercurysBall2
Nora Maccoby and AN OPEN LETTER TO DR. CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD ... upport.pdf
We are women and men who grew up in the same world as both you and Brett Kavanaugh -
in Chevy Chase, Bethesda, and Northwest DC. We attended the same elite private schools,
country clubs, and churches.

And we believe you.

Each one of us heard your story and not one of us was surprised. These are the stories of our
lives and our friends’ lives. We know the terrible impact of sexual assault, coercive behavior,
and harassment that pervaded the culture of our youth and continues today. And we understand why girls and women often do not report their attackers because of the fear of being
disbelieved, shamed, and ostracized.

Nor will we be surprised by the ugliness that will likely come next as your character and
your memories are attacked and belittled.

We stand with you. We are humbled by your bravery. We will not allow you to be silenced.


[long list including..}
Nora Maccoby, Sidwell Friends , 1985

Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:19 pm
by Heisenberg123
August 8 and 9 • Patricia Bauman's Residences
This guy Kyle Samperton aka midnightcelt is everywhere. He really is photographer for the elite. I've found him through researching Maccoby wherabouts here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2056

Friends with Alefantis, Maccobys, Christopher Boutlier, and probably much more.

Also that connection with that amendment is extremely interesting given that Todd Hathaway and Nora Maccoby Hathaway were socializing around Donna Edwards and James was donating her. From what I see Anthony Weiner and Donna Edwards voted no to amendment that would exclude pedos from that hate crime bill? Huh. Can't make this up.