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Precipitate ago

When I did a google image search of this guy google brings up al masih ad dajjal.

Echo_of_Savages ago

"In 2004, the BBC produced a documentary titled The Secret Swami, as part of its series "The World Uncovered".[166] One central theme of the BBC documentary was again Alaya Rahm's sexual abuse allegations against Sathya Sai Baba.[167] This documentary interviewed him together with Mark Roche, who had spent 25 years of his life since 1969 in the movement and alleged abuse by Sai Baba.[167] The show also featured allegations from Sai Baba critic Basava Premanand. Premanand stated in the documentary that, in his opinion, Sai Baba faked his materialisations. Here, he claimed that Sathya Sai Baba was "not just a fraud, but a dangerous sexual abuser". According to his interview, he had stories which spanned 30 years, and he stated that his stories were similar, a common practice being the rubbing of genitals with oil by the spiritual leader. Among his claims were that one ex-devotee claimed Sai Baba "put the oil on his hands, told me to drop my pants and rubbed my genitals with the oil". Premanand theorised that many Indian boys were abused but were never heard from because they were too afraid to speak out, alleging Sai Baba was well-connected with the elite and powerful of India."

Precipitate ago

Of course. It's sad that this stuff doesn't surprise me anymore.

Echo_of_Savages ago

It reminds me of how drug users in the art/entertainment industry make references to their favorite drugs in their art. This is the same thing, but with child abuse and torture.