Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Steve Huffman, Reddit CEO
During spring break of his senior year at UVA, Huffman and college roommate Alexis Ohanian[1] drove to Boston, Massachusetts, to attend a lecture[6] delivered by programmer-entrepreneur Paul Graham.[1][7] Huffman and Ohanian talked with Graham after the lecture and he invited them to apply to his startup incubator Y Combinator.[1] Huffman came up with their original idea, My Mobile Menu,[7] which was intended to allow users to order food by SMS.[1][7] The idea was rejected, but Graham asked Huffman and Ohanian to meet him in Boston to pitch another idea for a start-up; it was at this brainstorming session that the idea for what Graham called the "front page of the Internet" was created.[1] Huffman and Ohanian were accepted in Y Combinator's first class.[1][7] Huffman coded the entire site in Lisp.[8][9] He and Ohanian launched Reddit in June 2005, funded by Y Combinator
I'm guessing that idea came from Paul Graham.. let's check him out..
Paul Graham (/ɡræm/; born 13 November 1964)[1] is an English-born American computer scientist, essayist, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and author. ..

Graham and his family moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1968, where he later attended Gateway High School. Graham gained interest in science and mathematics from his father who was a nuclear physicist.
One of his tweets :
Apparently my news sources lean so far left that I "may have a blindspot on the right" I'm happy with my top three news influencers though.
So, his first listed 'influencer' is Patrick Collision
I live in San Francisco and work at Stripe. I grew up in Ireland and previously studied math at MIT. I am on the boards of Stripe and the Long Now Foundation
Long Now Foundation? Uh huh..

A long list of board members like Esther Dyson and Brian Eno... AND we're back to elite pedophiles.

I can link that board of futurists to Epstein, Brockman, Gates, the Parvati Foundation and much more... But not today. Time to take a break.
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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by kestrel9 »

During Aimee Knight's time as a mod on Reddit she was acting as an activist to enforce Marxist 'right think' (which cloaks itself under the guise of anti racism social justice').
From The Atlantic 2020 article: Reddit Is Finally Facing Its Legacy of Racism

2018 ".. an open letter to CEO Huffman was posted all over the site, urged the company to take racism more seriously. “The problem of Reddit’s leadership supporting and providing a platform for racist users and hateful communities has long been an issue,” it began, before listing demands, including the proactive banning of hateful communities and “a sitewide policy against racism, slurs, and hate speech.” (Huffman responded to the letter in the post’s comments, writing in part, “Your list and our list have a high amount of overlap.” A Reddit spokesperson declined to comment further.)..."

"Aimee Knight, a 22-year-old moderator of r/transgenderteens, asked her subreddit to sign on to the letter because of its similarities to an open letter it published last month about raids on LGBTQ subreddits. “Subreddit moderators in general are becoming louder and more united in our stance against abusive behavior on Reddit,” she told me."
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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by MercurysBall2 » ... 8044505090
One of Aimee Challenor's partners, Katrina Swales / Knight, has been removed from one of the children's Reddit groups they were moderating. Katrina's story has been detailed here: ... isappeared ... isappeared
Meet Peter “Katrina” Swales, a trans-identified male, freelance programmer and very close friend of the Knight-Challenors. On social media Swales’s aliases include nekosuneAD and nekosune. It’s the name of his own personal website and the handle he uses on and (You will notice that Swales sometimes uses the surname Knight - more on that later.)..

Swales is involved in various sexual fetish communities. He’s an “adult baby diaper lover” (which speaks for itself), a “furry” (someone who is a sexually aroused by role playing anthropomorphic / cartoon animal characters) and a “babyfur” (a branch of furrydom in which participants role-play as infantilised characters.)

The image above is called “Sissy Kitten”. It is one of the pictures posted to a profile with the username “Nekosune”, undoubtedly Swales, on a furry fetish website. It is one of several ‘sissy porn’ animal images on that profile. This is significant as ‘sissy porn’ is a particular grubby crevasse of porn culture in which males find sexual gratification by being humiliated and degraded in a submissive female persona, very often role-playing as little girls or young teens.

Swales is the moderator of over 80 Reddit communities. Most of them are LGBT sites and many (eg r/lgbt_KidsZone and r/transgenderteens) are aimed at children and/or young teenagers.

Some of the sites moderated by Swales (eg r/hypnocaptions and r/TransBodies) involve nudity and sexually explicit content and several (eg r/pokegirls/) contain paedophilic images.

Evidence suggests that Swales was (and probably still is) in an intimate relationship with Aimee Challenor and Nathaniel Knight. Swales often calls himself Knight online. Here is his LinkedIn profile, for example.

Knight is now Aimee Challenor’s married name. In 2017 Aimee Challenor talked on social media about travelling to Aberdeen to ‘visit family’. Based on his response to this comment, the ‘family’ in question obviously included Swales.

The other person mentioned in Swales’ reply is feefers, aka “Fiona” Brown, another trans-identified male with a furry / babyfur/adult baby nappy fetish who, like Swales, lives in Aberdeen. (Brown also goes by the handles Fionacat and Fiona Lovecraft.)..
You can read the rest of the article at the link. It's puke making.
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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by kestrel9 »

Thanks for all the digs, I didn't realize I needed a puke bucket before reading about Aimee (Challenor) Knight's circle of friends and family. Apparently convicted child rapist/torturer (of a 10 year old girl), Papa Challenor was also (like Aimee's partner 'Katrina') a 'nappies' grade pervert:

"It emerged that Challenor senior committed his crimes while dressed as a little girl, wearing baby-doll dresses and nappies."

It's also creepy how much Aimee and 'Katrina' look like they could be twins (their faces). A pair of cold smug fish.
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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Interesting. Aimee Challenor and Peter Tatchell doing their '1, 2' routine at the Oxford Union
A University Should Be A Safe Space | Aimee Challenor | Part 3 of 6

A University Should NOT Be A Safe Space | Peter Tatchell | Part 4 of 6
Voat posts re Tatchell:

As part of his campaign to lower the age of consent,Roderic O'Gorman associate Peter Tatchell wrote an article about a 14 yr old boy called Lee who was raped by adult men'

Newly elected Irish Minister for Children trending on Twitter over pic with paedophile sympathiser Peter Tatchell
Tatchell's a former PIE man. The Paedophile Information Exchange was a child rape advocacy group which lobbied for the age of consent to be reduced to 10 (ultimately 4) and for the decriminalisation of child pornography. He said that raping a child does them no harm, described the English High Court's decision to lower the legal age of consent for sodomy to 16 as, "A good start" and was caught engaging in pederastic banter on his Facebook page with fellow boy buggerers (see t0mcahill's YT channel for the expose on the latter).
In 2009 Oxford and Cambridge were accused of illegally taking blood from Nyumbani children's home - on adrenochrome, vaccines and PIE
In the Andrew Wakefield video he mentions the journalist Brian Deer who was the instigator of the initial complaint against the doctor...Deer was working hand-in-hand with Dr. Evan Harris a British Member of Parliament, Glaxo-Wellcome Fellow and active Member of the British Medical Association.

Dr. Evan Harris is also Vice President of Humanists UK-affiliated Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA), and was Patron of the Oxford Secular Society.

Associated with GALHA is Peter Tatchell ..Tatchell has notorious links with the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) :

Andrew Wakefield was a distinguished doctor who spoke out about possible links between vaccines and autism. He had to leave the UK because his career was destroyed for doing so.
UK schools to teach children how to masturbate with possibly no opt-out for parents
The Peter Tatchell Foundation has organised a letter (to which Stephen Fry, actor, is a signatory) to the education department asking that it be made more difficult for parents to opt out of RSE saying that to do so " jeopardises their emotional, sexual and physical health". This program will be taught to children after their first year of primary school.
Hmm.. that links the Groucho Club with Nyumbani, British Airways, Birx, Wasserman Schultz, Oxford and Cambridge.
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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by kestrel9 »

Aimee's early circle of 'nappie' friends hung out here

Who knows if she was into meeting furry diapersexuals when she was known as Ashton
'"General Election candidate Aimee Challenor was arrested four years ago on suspicion of threatening to launch a cyber attack on the Birmingham Bullring Shopping Centre, the Telegraph can reveal.
The Green Party candidate, who is transgender, was living as a boy at the time of the arrest in February 2013 when she was 15 years old. But no charges were ever brought and the case was later dropped. Her identity was protected until she turned 19.
At the time of the arrest, Miss Challenor attached herself to the group of internet activists known as Anonymous and was suspected of threatening to bring the Bullring website down after a disagreement with security guards during a tax evasion protest at the site." Aimee
Admits to being screwed up (wetting the bed at age 15) because she was surrounded by fetishists from a young age.

this didn't make it into the archive but it's a retweet by Aimee (Mucky Meerkat), so she thinks LMAO meaning 'Let's Murder An Orphan' is funny:
Mucky Meerkat Retweeted
Jamie Jones
Jun 29, 2014
Got kids on twitter? Here's a guide to twitter slang.
DM: Doing Meth
BTW: Bring The Weed
RT: Really Tripping
LMAO: Let's Murder An Orphan

Why was Aimee's furry fetish dad, now convicted pedo-rapist/torturer of a 10 year old girl, and her dysfunctional mother's then cheesy love story, ever worth publishing, even as tabloid material? ... er-5041659

Some years later... Dad was newsworthy ... d-13128981
Inside sick 'torture den' where twisted sadist tied girl, 10, to beam and gave her electric shocks
"After leaving, she was initially too frightened to tell anyone what he had done - but eventually did so.

She confided in someone what had happened, which was reported to the police who interviewed her towards the end of 2015."
EDIT: (the rape occurred in 2010)

"As the police investigation and later trial progressed, Aimee cut off all relations with the victim, supporting Daddy wholeheartedly, nominating him for a 'Best Dad' prize in June 2018, using him as his election agent and generally sucking up. It is not known if Aimee was called as a witness at the trial, however Tina (Aimee's mom) was, and continued to call the victim a liar and support David." ... ght.47181/ ... 8313315329

Aimee said it wasn’t until 2014, when she attended Henley College, that she felt able to be open about being transgender and actively campaign around LGBT issues.
Asked about the decision to run for election so soon after such a dramatic life change, she said: “I wouldn’t say it’s brave.

...aaaand that's the Green Party in a nutshell! Or nutcase more like. /s (Although even the Green Party had to give Aimee the boot, though she might have preferred some cozy knit baby booties instead!)
Last edited by kestrel9 on Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:55 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by MercurysBall2 »

So, I've suspected that it was Paul Graham and Y Combinator who really came up with the idea for Reddit "the front page of the internet"..

returning to his tweet about influencers:

Another one of his top 3 is Matt Yglesias
Yglesias's father Rafael Yglesias is a screenwriter and novelist, and he has a brother named Nicolas. His paternal grandparents were novelists Jose Yglesias and Helen Yglesias (née Bassine). His paternal grandfather was of Spanish-Cuban background, and his three other grandparents were of Eastern European Jewish descent.[5]

Yglesias went to high school at the Dalton School in New York City, and later attended Harvard University, where he studied philosophy..

Yglesias has stated that he voted for Mitt Romney when he ran for Governor of Massachusetts in 2002.... In February 2014, he left Slate and joined Vox Media to co-found Vox with Ezra Klein and Melissa Bell.
Matt wrote the Slate article : Why I Worked With Roman Polanski ... child.html
I worked for a man who raped a 13-year-old girl. I knew he had raped her, everyone knew he had raped her, and I was eager to get the job. I did not hesitate even though I had been sexually molested when I was 8 years old. I did not pause although I was still struggling from ongoing complications 30 years after an adult seducer had permanently interfered with my sexual development...
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Sat Mar 27, 2021 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by MercurysBall2 »

So Graham's third influencer is World of Engineering

They describe themselves as an Amazon affiliate but there's little to no further information about them on their website which usually means one thing to me.. cough..

They post ALOT of stuff about Elon Musk and SpaceX and Musk is the first Twitter account that they followed.

Speaking of Amazon and SpaceX : SpaceX’s Elon Musk and Amazon’s Project Kuiper stir up a war of words over satellites ... atellites/
Musk complained that Amazon’s protest would “hamstring” SpaceX’s Starlink broadband satellites, while Amazon replied that SpaceX was seeking to “smother competition in the cradle if it can.”
It's the Deep State's age-old old routine of providing 2 supposedly opposing titans to give the illusion of competition when they are both working for the same people. And to distract the people from the fact that they really need to be investigating what exactly all these satellite companies are doing up in space.

Bill Gates has his own satellites, so does Pierre Omidyar and Nicole Junkermann too.
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Re: Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private

Post by MercurysBall2 »

We have a lot of Y Combinator posts btw... like:

Elon Musk and Human Brain Chipping - Transhumanism in action. Are their Jeffrey Epstein and Junkermann connections? Hell, yeah...
OpenAI is the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP, whose parent organization is the non-profit organization OpenAI Inc[3] that conducts research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with the stated aim to promote and develop friendly AI in such a way as to benefit humanity as a whole. ..The founders (notably Elon Musk and Sam Altman) are motivated in part by concerns about existential risk from artificial general intelligence.

In 2009, Sequoia Capital led the $2 million investment round into an entity of Y Combinator.. Sequoia Capital is an interesting company because of its deep links to the intelligence community.. it has close links with In-Q-Tel, the CIA venture capital firm..

In-Q-Tel (named after "Q" in the James Bond films) invests in companies that can deliver useful technology to the intelligence community within 36 months.
Y Combinator takes machine intelligence startups to school and learns a thing or two
Daniel Gross, a Partner at Y Combinator and the brains behind the AI track, explained to me that his aim was to offer founders desirable data sets, compute resources and technical mentors, among other things. With experience founding a company and solving machine learning problems for Apple, Gross’ relatable technical background helps to emphasize the legitimacy of the storied accelerator.

..Moving past APIs and other developer services, perception and autonomy were easily the most populated spaces for startups within the YC AI track. The perception subcategory includes startups like Standard Cognition, automating store checkout, VergeSense, facility management, CureSkin, classifying skin conditions, Modular Science, robotic farming, and D-ID, obfuscating faces for security. With a bias towards deep learning, these companies are exploiting unique data sets and readily available compute to automate tasks that were previously inconceivable.

Meanwhile, on the autonomy front, startups like May Mobility, creating autonomous vehicles, and Zendar, building its own radar, are very desirable on the M&A front as automakers and suppliers look to stand their ground in the rapidly evolving transportation space.
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