OpakapakaCaca ago

Are there really people who don't know how to get their own selves off? Truly?

Piscina ago

I know. It's something that kids discover for themselves at their own time. They don't need adults' interference.

theooeht ago

Seriously, at what point are the parents going to get a clue and all get together and pull their children out of school?

This is ridiculous. It's actually child abuse under the guise of education. They sexualizing children and the parents are sitting idly by and waiting for permission to take action?

Keep the kids home! Do it en masse! They can't throw thousands of people in prison ... although they'd like to!

siegnagel ago

Every day I'm thankful I send my daughter to a traditional private school. I nearly didn't, as I went to a draconian dickensian nightmare of a school. But things have changed and she won't be subject to the shit I was, neither will she be subject to this perverted PIE influenced homo/paedo propaganda.

Mind_Games ago

They've lost control over how their children are taught. They lost this because of their fucked up desire to be socialists/communists.

This is what you get for not fighting for your beliefs and wanting someone else to raise your kids (and raising means educating)

knockoutcheesepizza ago

Peter Tatchell is an advocate of lowering the age of consent, has associations with PIE, and has written many articles on Man / Boy sex. He is filth. He wants the age of consent for sodomy lowered to 14, if not abolished. He’s been campaigning for years https://cigpapers.blog/2014/02/20/is-peter-tatchell-a-paedophile-or-simply-misunderstood/

He’s outwardly anti Israel and pro Palestine and is one of those ‘Muslims and Fags unite’ clowns. He’s probably controlled ‘opposition’ whilst his true mission is to degenerate and multiculturalise the west.

Mind_Games ago

So fucking kill him. What are you waiting for ? ...oh wait, "someone else". Never mind. Its no wonder the English dynasty was so short lived.

Piscina ago

You're a douche and no doubt a shill. With remarks like 'kill him' you are painting Voaters as rabid, violent alt-righters, which is not what we are. Go away.

Mind_Games ago

"painting Voaters as rabid, violent alt-righters". False, You're the one trying to do that. I'm saying , do more than talk. If you see degenracy destroying your culture/civilization and do nothing, then you're equally as guilt. Kill the jew. Kill the muslim. Kill anyone who means to control. you. Not doing so, is aiding the enemy. Nothing you said alters what I've said. You've merely thrown a tantrum, a meaningless prayer against a swinging fist. ..at your face.

knockoutcheesepizza ago

It’s hardly that easy. He’s also an Australian bizarrely

Mind_Games ago

Its easy. Very easy. You just lack the discipline to do what you already know is right.

knockoutcheesepizza ago

I am doing my bit and by best and am utterly committed. I’ve spread the word from early days on pizzagate and got endless banned by twitter etc. I red pill my friends. I fight back and IRL I am involved in a case concerning historical abuse at an institution I attended. I have more planned and continue to push the knowledge I am not interested in salving conscience and feeling good. This is about JUSTICE. For me and all the good people. I am currently going through harassment to do with my social media posts, police harassment for posts, and trying to find somewhere to live. I have happily and gladly left the corporate world after earning well.... to help the movement. Spread the knowledge. I was involved in the early investigation and found some good info on the comet ping pong workers. I am doing it. And I want to do more. I have more research to reveal but my life is, like many survivors, chaotic, disorganised and subject to huge ups and downs. We’ll get there. I really believe so. And it’s a moral and spiritual fight. 👍🏻

Mind_Games ago

Do what you can, when you can. There's no such thing as "doing enough' or "Doing too much". Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise. What you're fighting for is more than just against "culture change" it's against, culture replacement or cultural murder (yours). Fight with everything you have. EVERYthing.

knockoutcheesepizza ago

And what have you done exactly!? You urge us to ’kill’ perpetrators? What have you done? Have you done anything of that nature?!!!

Mind_Games ago

Sorry jew, I'm not going to very publicly say things that would incriminate me :) Go kill yourself. That'd sure help this country get back on track. Good luck.

GritD2 ago

Maybe the mudslimes msles will jerk off instead of raping

separationordeath ago

The white man is the devil.

Oh_Well_ian ago

How'd we get from teachers being banned from spanking kids...

to Laws making them jerk kids off ?

Micheal84 ago

"Ian Campbell Dunn, co-founder and leader of PIE"

If you didn't know, PIE stands for Pedophile Information Exchange.

brandnewset ago

No one masturbated in the 80's. Remember that. No one.

Unless they got caught like Pat, at lunch, in his front window, by girls from school.

So yeah, just Pat. No one else did it, honest.

HeavyBrain ago

Yeah I don't know about todays kids but I didn't need an insturction how to jerk off.

Fucking degenerates, lets hope muslims do their thing.

letsdothis3 ago

Peter Tatchell Organiser of UK anti Trump protest and the 'Trump baby balloon' advocates paedophilia

I'm fairly certain Stephen Fry works with the spooks.

DerivaUK ago

I’m not altogether convinced Fry isn’t a paedophile. I can’t back it up with links as the stories heard were anecdotal.

justregtoasku ago

Didn't Rik Mayall flip out after Fry did something with an underage boy?

letsdothis3 ago

I agree.

letsdothis3 ago

Birmingham school stops LGBT lessons after parents protest

On Friday about 600 Muslim children, aged between four and 11, were withdrawn from the school for the day, parents said. The school would not confirm the number.

That's the Muslim community showing the way forward. People need to develop a few more cajones and stand up for their children. See what happens when you STAND UP and say I DO NOT CONSENT ???

Piscina ago

Yes, I agree.

Modernminuteman ago

The People of the U.K. need to find a way to get armed and start a revolution to overthrow their sick and perverted tyrannical government who think they are the parents of their kids and them. Enough is enough!

Mind_Games ago

You're absolutely right. Their tyrannical Government knows this , which is why they've disarmed them of tools of equality. Instead of making their own tools, they worry about how to appease their new lords, get giddy over some newborn chimp, and get drunk dreaming about kicky ball. If they were going to revolt and actually make a difference, itd be done by now.

Marku1 ago

.....and only muslims will do something about it by pulling their kids from schools? English are complete cunts and losers

Yuke ago

That isn't the only example of this being stood up to. It's the only one publicised, but others have done similar things against this ridiculousness as well. Just because the media don't report it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

siegnagel ago

Geee! Generalise much? You know what you see in the media about England. Scotland is far far worse for this kind of stuff. London isn't England. England still exists if you get away from the big cities. Asshole.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Most kids are Muslim in UK feminism has single handly destroyed every egg in English women body

Geo_synchronous ago

Incorrect. Most kids in the UK are not Muslim. You can't battle fake news with more fake news bro. "Two wrongs don't make it right"

Turkeypotato ago

Well the weak stayed behind. Those stronger ones were killed off in the wars and now the kike is taking the last bits of meat so they can look white.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Literal pedophilia holy fuck and dad thing is many parents are to dumb to see it

fluxusp ago

Yes, Fry is Jewish.

derram ago

https://files.catbox.moe/8nna0d.png :

Stephen Fry backs calls to review relationships and sex education | Education | The Guardian

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