Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

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Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

In this post I focus on the Dutch arm of an international pedophile ring that was broken up and only partly reported on by American news outlets ...

Yesterday @EricKaliberhall posted an article from the Washington Post relating to “Pizzagate’s violent legacy: QAnon” viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1978 .. Coincidentally, I happened to be looking into something else when I came across this related post : $1mil funding from Craig Newmark (craigslist), Poynter Journo School, Tampa Bay times, Politifact, Omidyar, Democracy now, Clinton Foundation, scrubbed news
Poynter Institute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poynter_Institute
The Poynter Institute for Media Studies is a non-profit journalism school and research organization..The school is the owner of the Tampa Bay Times newspaper and the International Fact-Checking Network, and operates PolitiFact...Since 2019, The Washington Post has been partnering with the Poynter Institute ..Other sponsors are CNN, the Scripps Howard Foundations, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation and TEGNA Foundation.
So, they are all part of the same network of gatekeepers, I mean journalists.. keep that in mind..

back to that Voat post :
First picked up on this from [https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1515874]  about Tampa bay times removing a pedo article..
As the link above shows, an article about a pedo trail that led to a number of people domestically and internationally was available at the Tampa Bay Times...best we can tell a couple weeks ago by the OP.
The article was about Operation Holitna and only mentioned the involvement of a Dutch national without giving out any more information about that aspect of the case. Here again the Daily Mail writes about the operation without mentioning the Dutch arm at all.. Trigger warning: some of the details are gruesome and involves very young children https://archive.is/9ZXuS

Onwards to Amsterdam : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amsterdam_sex_crimes_case
The Amsterdam sex crimes case (Dutch: Amsterdamse zedenzaak) is a court case involving Robert Mikelson's abuse of babies in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The defendant was Roberts Mikelson,[1] dubbed "the Monster of Riga" by the Dutch press, who had worked at several daycare centres in Amsterdam and was accused of abusing 87 children[4] as well as possession, production and distribution of child pornography. Mikelson was found guilty and sentenced to 18 years and 11 months in prison, followed by involuntary commitment

Roberts Miķelsons (born in Riga, Latvia, 14 September 1983) became a naturalized Dutch citizen in 2008. He was convicted of possession of child pornography in Germany in 2003 while working at a daycare facility in Heidelberg.[11] In 2004, he married Richard van Olffen. From 2007 to 2009, he worked at several daycare centres of "het Hofnarretje" group, and from 2009 to 2010, at "Jenno's Knuffelparadijs"....Richard van Olffen is accused of possession of child pornography as well as sexual assault on an 11-16-year-old boy, both of which he was acquitted. He is charged with being an accessory to the crimes of Robert Miķelsons
One of the striking things looking at Dutch articles is the lack of information .. looking around, I came across this piece which details the fact that mothers at the daycare had already started raising the alarm but were put off by the authorities who refused to investigate:

Translated from Dutch : https://yersinia.wordpress.com/2010/12/ ... m-updated/
..daycare center 'Het Hofnarretje' ..A complaint had previously been lodged against Mikelsons in connection with a suspicion of child abuse. At the time, this did not lead to a declaration. It now appears that two mothers who did want to report the crime were not taken seriously by the police and the GGD in August 2008. ..According to the police, "such young children are not reliable". In addition, they had called the director of the [daycare centre] and 'he had said that the children were lying'.
According to Mayor Eberhard van der Laan, “an error of judgment” may have been made at the time. Police spokesman Jelmer Visser, however, denies that.

One of the mothers had previously not been taken seriously by the director of the daycare center 'Het Hofnarretje' in the Van Woustraat. According to him, children younger than 4 tend to 'fantasize' a lot.

It now appears that Robert M., who calls himself a 'baby whisperer', has also worked as a volunteer in an orphanage in Kenya, Africa. He kept a website about his experiences there and posted photos on the Latvian network of friends draugiem.lv. ..Johan Richard van Olffen is owner of the website ' boyhood-magazine.org ' (link is to a server report, not to the website) which would give access to an underground pedophile forum according to 'de telegraaf' funded by one Arend (Jacobus) M However, the telegraph has had to rectify this conclusion because it is based on unfounded claims by Yvonne van Hertum. Van Olffen was also involved in youth water polo.

..Latvian police meanwhile are investigating whether Mikelsons has been guilty of child abuse or other crimes in Latvia. He left Latvia in 2004. The police in Latvia announced that the Dutch police have not yet made a request for assistance.
A childhood friend of Mikelsons, politician Ivar Tenters, 24, who would initially act as a lender for a childcare company to be set up by Mikelsons, hastened to declare that he had previously cut all business ties with Mikelsons.

According to one of the parents involved, Edwin Rotgans has regularly organized sleep parties in the home of Albert Drent, director of daycare center Het Hofnarretje, in Enkhuizen and 't Gooi. Mayor Eberhard van der Laan said yesterday that Drent is not a suspect at the moment. “Amazing for me, for the parents, for the children,” the director responded to the news that his daycare center is involved in the case. Justice has announced that it will investigate these parties.
The director of the daycare Albert Drent was NOT a suspect? Continuing from that article:
Update December 15, 2010 :
The departure of Drent is not as definitive as the municipality wanted us to believe yesterday. This is evident from the statement that Drent submitted yesterday. Drent will continue as financial director and will remain the owner of 6 day-care centers. The GG&GD appoints an interim manager for day-to-day management. The case will be reviewed in February next year. So it seems primarily a cosmetic measure.
It has now become clear that parents were not necessarily welcome at the sleepovers that were held in the house of Drent in Bussum. The arrested suspect Edwin Rotgans was present. Parents who brought their children to those fesstjes thought it initially 'strange', but were convinced and thought that it was 'just an active daycare'.

The dubious parties for the children took place not only in the home of the owner of the daycare center Het Hofnarretje. Robert Mikelsons also held 'drop-off parties' for the 4-year-old children who left for primary school.
This happened in the clubhouse of the Saense Handboog Skutters on the Sportlaan in Zaandam. Those 'parties' were led by the main suspect Robert Mikelsons, his husband Richard van Olffen, who was also arrested, and the third suspect Edwin Rotgans.
Albert Drent hired a lawyer. https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/oud-direct ... ~a0868c10/
Former owner Albert Drent of daycare center Het Hofnarretje in Amsterdam has hired lawyer Geert-Jan Knoops to prevent him from being prosecuted...A group of parents had reported Drent. They believed that the former director knew or should have known about the abuse and that he is therefore complicit in it.

However, the Public Prosecution Service decided in November not to prosecute Drent. According to the judiciary, he was not aware of the abuse and cannot be held criminally responsible because of his position. A group of parents is now trying to enforce through the court that the Justice Department will prosecute Drent.
Geert-Jan Knoops is no ordinary lawyer: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geert-Jan_Knoops
Gerardus Godefridus Johannes Alexander (Geert-Jan) Knoops  trained at the pedagogical academy from 1977 to 1980 and then officer training with the Marine Corps until 1982, after which he became commander of an infantry platoon...In 2002 he founded the Forensic Sciences Expert Center, which aims to provide attorneys with access to independent forensic experts, and that same year he was appointed a Reserve Major in the Marine Corps. As of February 1, 2003, Knoops was appointed professor of criminal law and criminal procedure law at the Faculty of Law of Utrecht University ..

Knoops is known as a lawyer for the Marine Eric O. , the brothers-in-law Wilco Viets and Herman du Bois ( Putten murder case ), Machiel Kuijt , Ernest Louwes ( Deventer murder case ), Julio Poch , Martien Hunnik (reopening the criminal case of the Hilversumse showbiz murder), Marco Kroon and Geert Wilders . [2] He also dealt with cases before the Yugoslavia Tribunal , the Rwanda Tribunal , and the Sierra Leon Tribunal . He also acted as an adviser in a trial before the US Supreme Courtwas brought in by Ahmed Hamden 
Those are some pretty high profile cases. He's usually found at the Hague. The director of a group of child care companies hires a Hague lawyer? I found this on instagram... https://www.instagram.com/p/ByP7tYXixnn/
The K. family has arranged for Robert Mikelsons to come to the #Netherlands from Germany. Mikelsons has been requested for his pedophilia and pedophile history in Germany. The K. family has ensured that Robert Mikelsons, as an intermediate station between Germany and the Netherlands, stayed in a children's home in Africa for a long time. The son of the female owner of that African children's home lives in Amsterdam and is one of the many criminal assistants of the K. family. From the beginning, Robert Mikel's task has been to deliver babies and toddlers for the pedo association of high-ranking people. After the start of the daycare center, these babies and toddlers were handed over by Robert Mikelsons to his partner Richard van Olffen, who then came to the children's home with his van, equipped with 2 child seats. Richard van Olffen then brought those children to a high-ranking pedo who was allowed to go his own way. That against a cash settlement of between 5,000 and 15,000 per child per turn. ..

Mikelsons received payment through his young Latvian boyfriend. Richard van Olffen's escort agenda included the cell phone number of #FritsvanStraelen of the OM in Amsterdam. 2005 and 2007, because Mikelsons then gave an address in Amsterdam on marktplaats.nl, the Amsterdam vice squad was told of the actual work of Robert Mikelsons. In 2005 and in 2007 the relevant Amsterdam vice detective brought it to the 3 corner and the 4 corner; further investigation has been withheld from a higher level. After Robert Mikelsons, via the US, and later Richard van Olffen, were arrested, the Amsterdam misconduct was again reminded of the reports in 2005 and 2007. But the Amsterdam misconduct investigated hastily that extensive investigations had been conducted all the way to Latvia, and that there is no evidence of a supply of high-ranking pedophiles. Well now read on wikipedia the lied version

So, who is the K family? The answer to that was "Korlaar "
Voat posts with that name : https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=com ... rlaar&b=on
Other nations are truly investigating this Elite Satanic torture rape mind control ring - article linked https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1507951/7333496
This article ties directly into another article written on the Vatican crime syndicate Octopus. Article [Mafia Wife Says Royals, Politicians, are Killing, Raping Children For Fun].
My name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh. I have been married for twenty four years to Kees van Korlaar. Together with his three brothers, Kees van Korlaar formed a criminal organization known as the Octopus Syndicate (The Octopus Syndicate is a Holland slang term for Ndrangheta, the modern Italian-based mafia connected to the Vatican
Mafia Wife Says Royals, Politicians, are Killing, Raping Children For Fun https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1476442
phpBB [video]
I'll stop there .. for now. Dig in.
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Richard van Olffen's escort agenda included the cell phone number of #FritsvanStraelen of the OM in Amsterdam.
Looking up #FritsvanStraelen on Twitter:
https://tweetsave.com/nirvana_demi/stat ... 2482626560
ZAAK-FRITS VAN STRAELEN: CRISISBERAAD http://klokkenluideronline.nl
#ROBERTM #HERMANBOLHAAR #FritsvanStraelen #Donner #Demmink
http://klokkenluideronline.nl redirects to https://state-xnewforms.nl/
State-X New Forms is a co-production of Haags pop Centrum and Paard van Troje..Read more information about staying overnight here...

State-X New Forms is a 10-day internationally oriented festival for avant-garde rock, cutting-edge electronics & nu-art. State-X New Forms takes place from Friday December 9 to Sunday December 18 at various locations in the center of The Hague...330live is a fairly new concept in The Hague. The former cellar of Café Cremers was renovated last year into a unique cultural platform, 330 cm underground. Including: Broken Note, Brokenchord, Jesus Crost and video mapping from Basement.

There is a special program here on Wednesday 14 December. State-X New Forms programs: Haunted Hall. This evening is all about witchcraft and Satanism with a live soundtrack by Ghédalia Tazartès and industrial sounds from the witch house scene.
Cort Heyligersstraat 4, 2518 PD The Hague
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Prof. Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops was sworn in as a lawyer in 1987, and in addition to his function at Knoops’ Advocaten, he is lead counsel at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. He is a professor by special appointment in the politics of international law at the University of Amsterdam as well as visiting professor of international criminal law at Shandong University (Jinan, China). Prof. Knoops is the Vice President of the European Innocence Network...

Prof. Knoops was appointed expert advisor in the case for the defense in the Hamden v. Rumsfeld case relating to the Bush administration’s policy towards Guantanamo Bay. He also advised the Obama administration regarding the closure of Guantanamo Bay, and he is advisor to Sunsglow New York, an organization dedicated to the promotion of international law.

..As a reserve lieutenant in the Marine Corps of the Netherlands, Prof. Knoops has acted as an advisor during various international exercises. He was an expert witness for the Dutch Parliamentary Committee on the ISAF mission in Uruzgan, Afghanistan and for the Parliamentary Committee on anti-piracy.
Sunsglow http://www.sunsglow.com/
The birthplace was NOVA Law Center, NOVA Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where SUNSGLOW’s founder, Dr. Yassin El-Ayouty, was a Distinguished Visiting Professor. Under the acronym of “SUNSGLOW” (The Center for) “the Study of the United Nations Systems and the Global Legal Order”, it began as a not-for-profit.

It then evolved in 2003 into a for-profit entity, with a view to enhancing its program effectiveness. In the process, a “w” was added to its name, making it now stand for the glow of the sun of the Rule of Law.

Mission Statement : In 1999, SUNSGLOW was launched for the purpose of fostering the globalization of the Rule of Law.

SUNSGLOW’s mission was formally endorsed by the UN Secretary-General, His Excellency Kofi Annan, who described this unique non-governmental venture which is dedicated to the service of civil society as one of the UN “partners”.

Founder: Dr. Yassin El-Ayouty, Esq

President: Dr. Zahra Hend Shnayen

SUNSGLOW Board of Officers, Trustees, Advisors & Associates http://www.sunsglow.com/SUNSGLOW%20BOARD.pdf
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

An interesting blog which I'll have to go through later : Part 1. Her Majesty's secret service ? - THE CRIMINAL RULE OF LAW OF THE NETHERLANDS? ? http://capoditutticapi007.blogspot.com/2012/ [archived: https://archive.is/WSNdi]
Note: The following unverified story has been presented as true events.
Given the details, we seriously consider that this story might contain the truth.
This information has been presented to the police and the MSM, but this has not been followed up.
We see it as our duty to urge the reader as well as the judiciary in this way to judge this story on the right merits..

Around 1985 André Brilleman arranged an appointment for a meeting with Klaas Bruinsma for 4 emerging young criminals (the Van Korlaar, Evert, Kees, Peter and Adelbert family) . The 4 had set up a full-fledged import and export line in and through the Netherlands. For this purpose, a full fleet of seaworthy sailing yachts was available to them for collecting coke off the coast of South America and also a fleet of hotel ships with home port Arnhem for transporting the coke throughout Europe.

The family had recruited their own suppliers in Colombia, in particular the twin brothers Miguel Angel and Victor Manuel Mejia Munera, who were fully raised by the Van Korlaar family from the age of 18 ...
Van Korlaar company - Services for the ship building and yacht building industry http://www.vankorlaar-holland.nl/en/ind ... rlaar.html
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Okay, now I'll tackle the content of that video, interview between Kevin Annett and the wife of Kees van Korlaar. Someone kindly produced a transcript here: https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1476442

I've never known what to make of Annett but it is interesting that I got to that video via a pedophile case which has been documented in the MSM. So, Anne Marie van Blijenburgh named a few people who were allegedly present at the murder of children.. I'm just going to note if any of them had any connections to the high profile Hague lawyer of the child care agencies' director.

1. Queen Beatrix .. any connections ?.. YUP. https://www.speakersacademy.com/en/spea ... an-knoops/
On 29 April 2009 professor Knoops was knighted as an Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands for his legal-political services to the country and elected as best lawyer of the Netherlands in 2000-2002 and 2010.
2. Herr Donner, a former minister of the law department, the Vice Roy of the Netherlands .. any connections to Knoops? Yup https://www.volkskrant.nl/nieuws-achter ... ~bcc6a0c0/
More info on Piet Hein Donner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet_Hein_Donner
The Donner family has produced a number of Calvinist judges. Piet Hein Donner's father, André Donner, was a judge at the European Court of Justice in 1958-1979 and was part of the government commission that looked into Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld's dealing with the Lockheed Corporation...
3. Ernst Hirsch Ballin, former minister of justice. Any connections with Knoops? Yup. The Julio Poch case https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaak-Julio_Poch

4. Mr. van den Emster ? Yup https://www.bijzonderstrafrecht.nl/home ... echtspraak An evening full of imaginative stories about the Judiciary,..A selection of the storytellers: Geert Jan Knoops.....During the afternoon, both professor of Public Administration Paul Frissen and chairman of the Council for the Judiciary Erik van den Emster will speak.

5. Dick Berlijn? Yup. https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/artikel ... -lang-vast The three Dutch soldiers who have been arrested in Libya may have to remain in the Libyan prison for a long time. That says criminal law expert Geert-Jan Knoops... However, former Armed Forces Commander Dick Berlin does not think the military 's action was rash.

6. Carla Eradus, judge and wife of Prince wife of Prince Friso’s psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont? Yup.
Friso died from his injuries which occurred during a freak skiing accident, coincidentally not long after the pedophile case came to light https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-23669317
7. Mark Rutte, President of the Netherlands? Yup https://www.dw.com/en/geert-wilders-app ... a-43824211

https://thesmellingsalts.wordpress.com/ ... ro-mosque/

“Geert-Jan Knoops. Born in 1960. Marine officer. Worked as an attorney for the famous Moszkowicz family 1991-1994. Together with his father Max, Bram Moscowicz defended Dutch underworld figures Klaas Bruinsma (relationship with Mabel Wisse Smit, a Soros employee who married a brother of Crown Prince Alexander) and the Heineken kidnappers Cor van Hout and Willem Holleeder (another later top criminal who Moscowicz continued to represent for 20 years; Bruinsma and Holleeder are Holland’s most famous criminal superstars), Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse (whom the CIA and Dutch government tried to overthrow), Willem Endstra, and neocon politician Geert Wilders. Knoops marries an attorney at Moszkowics and switches his belief from Catholic to pretty strict Judaism. These days the couple enjoys sailing and classical music. The couple began their own law firm in 1994. Geert-Jan Knoops has defended sepcial forces soldier Eric O. (a minor war crimes case, with accusations that it was covered up), the Puttens’ murder case (a controversial rape/murder case with bizarre twists and two apparently innocent people sent to jail), Deventer murder case (another prominent case that went on for years), green beret Marco Kroon case (Afghanistan war hero; close to CIA director David Petraeus; cocaine and XTC found in his hairsamples, pants, jacket and car, but somehow cleared of that), tribunals in Rwanda, Yugoslavia and Sierra Leone, asked to become advisor to Saddam Hussein’s judicial team for his appeal. In 2011 he strenously defended on Dutch television the U.S. judicial decision that Dominique Strauss-Kahn was innocent and his victim Nafissatou Diallo completely unreliable.”
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

https://www.story.nl/artikel/showbizz/g ... zijn-vrouw
Lawyers Geert-Jan and Carry Knoops are life partners as well as colleagues...The legendary mr. Max Moszkowicz, the father and mentor of, among others, Bram, once laid the foundation for the glorious career of Geert-Jan Knoops and the love between him and Carry Hamburger, who came to the same Moszkowicz office in Maastricht in the early 1990s to work.
Max Moszkowicz Sr. (born 5 October 1926) is a retired Dutch lawyer...The Jewish Moszkowicz family fled Nazi Germany in 1933.[1] During the Holocaust his parents were murdered. Max Moszkowicz himself survived Auschwitz.

Moszkowicz became well known in the Netherlands for defending the godfather of the Amsterdam underworld Klaas Bruinsma and the Heineken kidnappers Cor van Hout and Willem Holleeder.
I noticed that coincidentally, the child care company with the pedophile ring was in the neighborhood of the Heineken factory.

Heineken voat posts:

Who Is Fiona Mcilwham, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's New Chief of Staff? Let's take a look... https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/3392708
Her husband is Daniel Korski who was special advisor to PM David Cameron..Korski, who now runs outsourcing tech backer Public, was helping to rebuild Iraq’s Basra province in the second Gulf war. ..Still, there are stressful days ahead as Korski — with co-founder and heir to the Heineken empire Alex de Carvalho ..De Carvalho, meanwhile, brings a City background to Public. His career has traversed investment banking, private equity (with Lion Capital) and working for his wife’s medical tech firm Doctify.
There's a whole other story there with these people, connections to Nicole Junkermann and the Epstein network... but Twitter deleted that stuff too and I'll have to dig into my notes..

Revisiting the Absolute Return for Kids (ARK) and JEFFREY EPSTEIN connections. Who is Peter Dubens? https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3583762/21917760
https://files.catbox.moe/1xa26i.jpg LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 15: Michel de Carvalho, Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken and Charles Finch attend the Charles Finch and Jean Pigozzi dinner with Mulberry Chairman, Godfrey Davis at Harry's Bar on October 15, 2014 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett / Getty Images for Mulberry)

The names of Dutch beer magnate Freddy Heineken and that of his daughter Charlene appear in the address book of Jeffrey Epstein ..

Heineken’s Charlene de Carvalho: A self-made heiress ... [** COUGH **] https://fortune.com/2014/12/03/heineken ... e-heiress/
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Awww.. look who got awards from then President Obama for all that hard work catching all the LITTLE guys in Operation Holitna. Well done chaps... nothing more to see here... move along...keep moving..

Article: OP STORY: HSI Operation Holitna recognized for extraordinary effort https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/top-s ... ary-effort
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

https://www.expatica.com/nl/uncategoriz ... ion-22223/
Kenya connection
Last spring Robert Mikelson lived at an orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya, where he worked as a volunteer. The home provided a pre-school programme for young children. He wrote in a blog: “I met and helped many children there. The kids at this pre-school are in the age group between 3½ and 8. After that they move on to regular primary schools.” In the blog he also mentioned undergoing HIV testing.
I've been looking for further information on which Nairobi orphanage this could be but our intrepid gatekeepers, I mean journalists, have not provided a name. We have posts on a notorious Nairobi orphanage for children with AIDS here on Voat.. Nyumbani.. there is no evidence to show a connection but it's a place where Oxford, Cambridge, UK government officials, a pedo BA pilot , Wasserman Schultz, Dr. Deborah Brix all visit .. voat posts https://searchvoat.co/search.php?t=nyumbani and https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=comments&t=nyumbani

It would be VERY interesting to find out which orphanage Mikelson was at..
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Together with his father Max, Bram Moscowicz defended Dutch underworld figures Klaas Bruinsma (relationship with Mabel Wisse Smit, a Soros employee who married a brother of Crown Prince Alexander)
Voat posts on Wisse Smit https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=com ... +Smit&b=on
Evidence: Celebrity Freud family quietly invested millions in multiple ping pong and pizza restaurants in London and Chicago https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2920604/15642954
Arpad Busson is the boyfriend of Mabel Wisse-Smit, the sister-in-law of the Dutch king. She was the lover of a gangster who allegedly was involved in human trafficking, before the married the Dutch royal.
phpBB [video]

Why is ARK and Kosovo key to unraveling pizzagate? https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1604949/7828885
ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) Donated over $1M to HRC. ...Arpad Busson founded ARK. He has since a year a relationship with the Dutch Princess Mabel.

Mabel Wisse Smit was co-founder of the European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans in 1994. In 1995 she was one of the co-founders of charity War Child Netherlands, she was on the Trustee Board until 1999.

In 1995 she had a relationship with Muhamed Sacirbey, Bosnian minister of foreign affairs. Hence a source writes that Mabel was involved in an arms lobby for Bosnian muslims.

More reading:

http://archive.is/kEi5Q = http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2078
http://archive.is/hXwVK = http://archive.larouchepac.com/node/6503
Soros London Headquarters: The Anglo-Dutch Royal Connection For Dope and War http://archive.is/hXwVK
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau, daughter-in-law of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, is "Director of International Advocacy" for George Soros' Open Society Institute, based in Soros' London offices. A Dutch "Mata Hari" and long-time Soros employee, the Princess is also co-chairman of the European Council on Foreign Relations which Soros launched last year to guide the EU into Eurasian war. Her career story gives new meaning to the phrase, "the Soros human rights mafia."

Around 1989, while she was at college (she graduated in 1993), Mabel got into a relationship with northern Europe's biggest drug-kingpin, the Dutch Klaas Bruinsma — an ultra-violent killer. Initially meeting him in high-society circles, Mabel went to spend nights on Bruinsma's yacht. Bruinsma's monumental narcotics trafficking (tens of thousands of kilos at a shot) was based on the cooperation of the Dutch royal family, the Nazi Prince Bernhard and others, who effectively legalized dope....

..In the early 1990s, perhaps as a "student intern," Mabel worked for the Secretariat of the United Nations in New York; for Shell Oil Company in Malaysia; for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at The Hague; and for ABN-AMRO Bank in Barcelona.

In her U.N. work, the late Bruinsma's moll, Mabel, took an immediate interest in — Yugoslavia. Mabel began an affair with Bosnia's ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed Sacirbey. In 1994 she set up the "European Acton Council for Peace in the Balkans," in conjunction with Dutch lawyer Phon van den Biesen; he represented Bosnia at the International Court in The Hague, when Bosnia charged Serbia with genocide. Her group and her affair with Sacirbey are the subject of investigations charging her involvement with arms trafficking. She was ostensibly prosecuting Balkan war rather than peace.

In 1995, Mabel co-founded a Dutch branch of the War Child group, using the name and logo of London's (British government-funded) War Child charity.
Samaritan's Purse in Central Park, Mount Sinai Hospital, NY Tunnels and World VISION.. Hmmmm https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3748739/23265735
Voat post: Meghan Markle, Hillary, World Vision, USAID and the CI@

World Vision and War Child : https://www.worldvision.org.uk/news-and ... st-africa/

Tim Pilkington, CEO of World Vision UK :

World Vision UK will lead a consortium of organisations, including War Child UK, Thomson Reuters Foundation and Columbia University.
Isn't it an interesting coincidence that CIA placement Meghan Markles married the second son of the British monarch while Mabel (also rumored to be CIA connected) married the second son of the Dutch monarch?
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:33 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why?

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Continuing with this link: Part 1. Her Majesty's secret service http://capoditutticapi007.blogspot.com/2012/
In the eighties, an international pedophile network from the Netherlands-Germany gave small children in Zandvoort - Belgium and England, Portugal, to which notables were included, abusedand we come across familiar names of men who live together in a hunting lodge. German porn producer Gerrie Ulrich comes up here. The photos found in Zandvoort are said to 'partly come from Jersey's' House of Hell', where crimes were committed between 1960 and 1980 'beyond any imagination.' Babies were raped, tortured and killed in specially equipped torture chambers, forensic experts have found evidence in the basement of the home. This concerned 90,000 abused and tortured children and babies, which partly came to light through the Morkhoven action group. In the Morkhoven action group, names such as Joris Demmink, Ed Nijpels are photographed in a pink dress, Hirsch Ballin and Donner in SM club Paradise in Bredarun by Leo (nne) Zeegers and possibly starting the Royal cover-up affairs again. It is known that Ed Nijpels had 'a relationship' with the spider of the Dutch child pornography network mr. Frits Salomonson. See for this: http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2008/07/z ... troux.html. But above all: http://boinnk.nl/blog/tag/joyce-labruyere-vermoord/
We will come back to this child trafficking in detail below, especially with regard to the above top criminals and the pedophile needs of top civil servants in the Netherlands and beyond.
Translated from Dutch: Missing German Manuel never solved despite tips https://www.ad.nl/amsterdam/vermissing- ... ~aac0f1f0/
12-year-old Manuel Schadwald, who has been missing since 1993, is said to have been horribly killed during a sex trip on a sailing boat, just outside Amsterdam. This is evident from investigations by the AD and Welt am Sonntag, who reveal that despite various denials, the police did receive concrete tips about the fate of the boy...

Soon after the disappearance, the police received signals that Manuel has ended up in the Dutch child prostitution circuit. But after years of research, the Berlin, Rotterdam and Amsterdam police conclude that 'no indications' have been found for this. An investigation by Welt am Sonntag and the AD now leads to a different conclusion: the police and the AIVD received much more information than has been announced...

.."An informant who is known to the vice squad as reliable, states that Manuel was seen on a boat. It is a sailboat called Apollo, which according to the informant has Spaarnwoude as its berth...In 2015, the 13-meter-long ketch appears to have been renamed years ago. The ship now serves as a charter ship in Scheveningen. But in the 1990s, the Apollo was indeed moored in the harbor of the fishing village of Spaarndam - on the outskirts of Spaarnwoude. This can be found in the property and insurance certificates of the Apollo, which are in the possession of the AD. More striking is that the sailing ship at that time was in the name of a notorious pedophile: Gerrie Ulrich.

..During a motorcycle trip in Italy, Ulrich is shot dead by his younger friend. A few days after the death of the German, the police found tens of thousands of photos and videos of naked and abused children in his home. Ulrich's friend, who is also deep in the pedo-sex circuit, confesses just before the murder that he saw Manuel Schadwald in Amsterdam.

In the 1990s, Amsterdam was considered a place of pilgrimage for pedophiles. Boy brothels openly advertise through the Spartacus, an international gay travel guide. There are even organized sex trips from countries like England to boy brothels in our capital. But for some it cannot go far enough, says the Englishman Edward in the TV documentary The boy business from 1997.

..I read that a German boy died on a sailing boat. Because there were high-ranking people on board, the murder was concealed, "the source said." I was shocked when I read it. "

Technical error
The investigation at the Rotterdam police ended even more curiously. The so-called daily journals of the investigation into Manuel Schadwald, in which all activities of the police are described, appear to have been deleted in the computer. "A purely technical error," said spokesman R. Noordermeer of the Rotterdam Police in 1997. "It has been overwritten."..
Related post:

Zandvoort Case - International Child Ring: MUST SEE!! https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1439025
This case happened in the 90s between Belgium/Holland/Germany/France and others. It got totally covered up. It is in my opinion, the closest we got in discovering an organized international pedo ring, making money by abducting children and creating CP, involving highly placed individuals.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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