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MercurysBall2 ago

World Vision and War Child :

World Vision leads new programme to eradicate child slavery in East Africa -

There are more than 40 million victims of modern slavery worldwide, a quarter of whom are children. This is nothing short of a global tragedy. Partnering with World Vision and War Child, the UK is prioritising the protection of children from the worst forms of child labour and trafficking. Through our UK Aid Connect programme we are helping businesses root out child labour from supply chains, educating children on the often-hidden risks of trafficking and helping provide a platform for their experiences to be heard.

Tim Pilkington, CEO of World Vision UK

World Vision UK will lead a consortium of organisations, including War Child UK, Thomson Reuters Foundation and Columbia University.

In Data Dump for Eastman Kodak, Lucent Technologies, RFID, the Crowley Company and the Occult

The Crowley Company ..THEIR GOVERNMENT CLIENT LIST:including: Central Intelligence Agency, the Navy, US Mission to the UN, NASA, NIH, US Senate, House of Represenatives, etc ..

Connections with the Hague:

Very involved with the pharmaceutical industry. For example, Sterling Drug

HQ address: 90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016

The Company was established in 1901 (then called Neuralgyline Co.) in Wheeling, West Virginia, by Albert H. Diebold and William E. Weiss, a pharmacist.[2][citation needed] At the end of World War I in 1918, Sterling purchased the US assets of a German company now known as Bayer AG for US $5.3 million...

there are the connections between The Crowley Co., Eastman Kodak, Mercy Corp and Bright Horizons (SC Johnson Child Care Learning Center):

That brings us up to date to the connections with the IPPF : International Planned Parenthood Federation, the world's biggest sexual health charity, is accused of offering YOUNG volunteers to adults at events in Africa...Here's what we know.. .. .IPPF works with Mercy Corps

REPORT from ActionAid, War Child International, International Center for Research on Women, Islamic Relief, Marie Stopes International, International Planned Parenthood Federation, CARE, Mercy Corps, Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion, Action Contre la Faim France, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, International Medical Corps, Save the Children, Plan International, Women's Refugee Commission, Legal Action Worldwide

Planned Parenthood?

See: Scientific paper on ADRENOCHROME leads to the Rochester State Hospital, GEORGE Eastman and the start of Planned Parenthood in New York

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Diebold is a major voting machine manufacturer from Ohio, nice and close to West Virginia.

Jk9999 ago

Didn’t SC Johnson buy a major division of Bayer and is that connected with Zika? Does the new covid virus have connections with Zika, Ebola, SARS, vaccine programs and 5G? Are the Carolinas and Universities involved? What about Cornell? Is this all connected to UN, Rotary and vaccines, Save The Children, USAID, Clinton Global Health, Red Cross and Sustainable Development? And the NXIVM doctor was from Wisconsin? Is Frank Lloyd Wright connected with Unitarianism and the occult? Didn’t Susan Sarandon also have a part in the World’s Greatest Prom documentary? Now the Wisconsin election is cancelled and DNC convention might be virtual? What happened to Paul Ryan, where is he in all of this? Is Foxconn going to make ventilators? What is going on here?

MercurysBall2 ago

To most of your questions I think the answer is 'yes'.

To your last question : that's what I'm trying to figure out.