Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Here's a link to the #NewWorldOrder

Image ... 47738a78f0

"A human-centered economy". If you've seen my posts, you know NWO means international socialism. Socialists, in case you never had to suffer them, use buzzwords and euphemisms to cover up what they really mean. Social justice means giving money from hard-working people to ignorant masses for votes. Anti-racism means anti-white. Putting people first means welfare, etc. At some point, you learn to read between the lines. Certain words become codewords or dogwhistles, others lose their meaning (like nazi, racist, fascist, etc.). What matters is not the verbal content itself, but the feeling, the vibe and the message they are trying to convey.

Covid was also a chance to implement "The Great reset of capitalism"; a series of economic, social and political reforms which seek to "revamp all aspects of society" to make the world more "inclusive", to promote "equality" (SOCIALISM HERE FOLKS. Whenever a politician says "equality" you knwo they mean taking money from the decent honest people to give it to people who don't work and commit crimes) and to make the world "greener" and more eco-friendly (more socialism, if you look at their policies). The idea is to move towards what's called "stakeholder capitalism"; which balances economic interests with "social duties". The ideas of this great reset are purposefully vague, but they reek of socialism for those of us who know how to read the language of politics. This Great Reset existed before covid, and the excuse was climate change.

According to Jacobin mag, covid proves "We need a world goverment" (but it has to be democratic). In political jargon, democracy can mean anything. Like People's Democratic Republic of North Korea. Democracy = power to the people!!! = socialist narrative. In the words of Lenin: "Democracy is indispensable to socialism". In case you don't know who the "jacobins" were, they were a faction within the French revolution which was considered radical and with socialist tendencies. ... y-covid-19

It's all too convenient; humanity is united against a common enemy; a virus. The economy suffers a crisis for which people were (allegedly) unprepared. What follows is the "new normal"; changing our lifestyle, our economies, our politics, etc. because of the coronavirus and the threat of future pandemics. The solution, of course, is to strengthen globalism and to centralize our economies.

You read it here, folks. Screencap this, save this post and see for yourself.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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