The goal, stated briefly

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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The goal, stated briefly

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

The idea is to arrive at a one-world, totalitarian, technocratic and collectivist regime.

With one centralized, universal, "true" religion based on the esoteric doctrines, one government, one currency, one police force, one army, one flag, preferably one race and one language... all under the hands of an elite of "philosopher kings"; intellectuals, philathropists, scientists, etc. who will make decisions for us and guide the course of humanity as they see fit. The "dream of the ages" is to return to the primitive state of humanity, in which man needed no government, this time through the "illumination" of all people; so that they will learn to govern themselves, guided by the hand of an enlightened elite.

The UN is the idea of world government put in practice. Regionalization (European Union, NAFTA, Mercosur, OEA, etc.) are steps towards it. The UN is pushing for gun control, progressivism, international taxes, diversity... and possibly even the idea of aliens. Seriously. I'll show it to you in a later post.

This plan went by many names: New World Order, The New Normal, New Jerusalem, Novus Ordo Seclorum, New Deal, New Age, Build Back Better, Great Reset, Inclusive Capitalism, Stakeholder capitalism, the Messianic Age, the Divine plan of the Ages, New Atlantis, Communism, Humanism, Ecologism, Neuordnung, Ordine Nuovo, Great Design, Great Work, the return of the Age of Saturn, the Return of the Golden Age, the Third age of Joachim de Fiore, the Temple, Novus Ordo Seclorum, Universal Brotherhood, Brotherhood of Man, the second coming, the rule of the Antichrist... even some religious sects like the mormons or the followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi are promoting it; perhaps without knowing it.

They all converge into one thing; world government and centralized control of the economy by the elites. Both sides of the same coin.

I'll answer these questions:
  • What have the jews to do with it? Is it them at the top?
  • How old is this plan?
  • What are the philosophical foundations for this regime?
  • How does this tie with communist infiltration and subversion in the West?
  • Why do the rich cooperate with communists, terrorists and other people who would appear to be their enemies?
  • What was the purpose of the creation of the United States in the plan?
And many more. I'll answer whatever questions you may have on this. I will also show why politics is the way it is, why the state always needs to expand and through what means it can be done. We need to understand how they work and how they think.

I appreciate feedback, support, dialogue and debate. Remember to post your sources.

In this medium I'll some of the evidence I've got. You'll find out that the plan is real and ongoing. Stay tuned, because I'm probably the only one who compiled so much evidence. Some of these things you may already know, but you'll learn something along the process, as did I.

Meanwhile, I suggest you take a look at these sources. Take none of them as absolute proof; they may not necessarily reflect my own views, but I consider them as useful sources to better understand the world we live in: Bill Cooper (Hour of the time), G. Edward Griffin, Nesta Webster, Scott Onstott, The WW1 Conspiracy, The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy, The Perestroika Deception, Europa: The Last Battle, NWO: Communism by the backdoor, Yuri Bezmenov, "9/11: A New Pearl Harbor", "El libro negro de la nueva izquierda" by Agustín Laje and Nicolás Márquez, false flags, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" by Antony Sutton and Cultural marxism.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
Deleted User 2149

Re: The goal, stated briefly

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

Preaching to the converted: this needs to be posted where all the sheep are; FB, etc
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