What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

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Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

The_Venerable wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:25 am That there is an inherent force in the universe whose purpose it is to make my life miserable/inconvenient/shitty, slowly torturing me. For what?
Kind of sounds like OCD. If there were such a force... Why didn't it make you a nigger?

Mental health is often neglected. It's either that or tumblr faggots romanticizing it. It's always cool to be the dark, edgy person with schizophrenia with a fallen angel complex.
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Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

merlynn132 wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:45 pm
No,the virus isn't real. Death rates are consistent with yearly deaths from cold,flus,and other normal viruses. Note the number of flu cases this year were incredibly low. Guess why. All they have to do is lie about what they had and bam,it's another "covid death". Doctor don't even have to be in on it. The PCR tests give random positives and negatives so unless they test the same subject multiple times,they probably aren't going to notice it. So we have a test that gives random results,deaths from other things attributed to coivd,and a death rate that's a 5 year low.
It's funny how you overestimate the jews and underestimate the doctors; millions of people apparently working on something they didn't see. See, this is the problem with the "it's just the jews" crowd. They think the non-jewish elites were doing nothing for centuries and would gladly submit to jews (which they openly hated) without offering any resistance. Jews cannot pull it off by themselves. They need allies, race traitors. Why didn't the elites of the world try to fight them? They could have pulled it off. If anything, jews took over because white people fight each other and they exploit it. And before you tell me that they were always jew all along; Why didn't they pull globalism back then, when they were literally kings? What the hell took them so long?
Secondly,what makes you think the jews and their puppets are taking the same shit they want to give us? All they need is a doctor or even a nurse on the take and a syringe full of salt water and they "took the vaccine". This is bullshitting 101,mother fucker.
Sure, forget about it. It's saline solution or distilled water. Lol at the last sentence. I could hear it in my head.
Are you sure you're a skeptic?
Don't think you're so clever; I've heard this line many times before from normies. Yes, I am a skeptic. I question past beyond the edgy memes, which is more than what most so-called redpilled people do. Just like when normies get angry when you suggest anything bad about the jews, so-called redpilled lose their shit when someone suggests it isn't only the jews.
They got out of fighting in WW2,a war they started,with MEDICAL EXPEMPTIONS FROM JEWISH DOCTORS!!! The fuck makes you think they wouldn't do it again? And yes,that means all the "fightin' jews" in the (((Hollywood))) movies are completely fictional. You need to understand how easy it is to lie to people.
WW2, like WW1, wasn't only about the jews. In both scenarios, the entire "civilized" world fought against Germany, which was a growing superpower that would surpass the UK and the US. Do you really think that the only reason behind both WW1 and WW2 was only that the jews were offended and had their power threatened? No other geopolitical reasons for war? And I'm not talking about "Hitler wanted to take over the world" trope.
And yes,they do. They manipulate everyone. If they aren't leading a country directly (Saudi royal family are ethnic jews) they run shit behind the scenes with puppets. Note pretty much everyone in DC had ties to Epstein. Do you honestly think he wasn't blackmailing them? And that Israel doesn't have all his blackmail material to continue to blackmail them even now? Damn,you're fucking naive.
I never said the jews weren't doing anything. It is true. My point is that at the top, it isn't just jews. The conspiracy for world totalitarianism is not inherently jewish. Whether jews hijacked the movement is an entirely different thing.
But lets say Trump did go in front of a crowd and say "it's the jews". Let's say he went on a long winded speech explaining how it's the jews,always has be the jews,why it's the jews,and makes the most solid case ever. Do you really think people are going to throw out their brainwashing that easily? The media will be "literally Hitlering" his ass into the ground and they'd use that speech to show it to the world. Every jew would go into maximum jew and declare him the enemy of humanity. Humanity,defined by judaism,as being the jews and only the jews.
At least a few people would wake up. A few, but some would. Most wouldn't, but people all throughout the world would agree; especially in other countries around the globe. Maybe not the majority, but certainly enough people to trigger a reaction against jewish domination. It would put jewish conspiracies back on the mainstream (if they aren't already). If they're already triggered by QAnon, which Trump never openly endorsed, imagine if he gave a speech calling them out. 4Chan would go insane, so would facebook, twitter and other social media. People would start waking up. Protests, getting guns, organizing, etc. It would bring about change. Forget about wars for Israel.
Deleted User 2149

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:30 pm
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:15 pm A "conspiracy" I believe but cannot prove is that jews do not have souls, but feed off the energy created by ours. Also that they commune with entities like Baphoment, who instruct them on what to do. Like this holocough hoax. It's absolutely brilliant in every way and I don't believe they conceived it themselves. You really think these demons need more money? They have more than they can spend, it's not about that - they are building an afterlife for themselves, or they think they are anyway.

About the jewvaxx, I think the main agenda is the nanotech in the vaxx. They need to get that into everyone asap to change their genetic material; it will affect neural pathways and make the sheep even more susceptible to the programming than they already are. You'll get your "software" update via your annual vaxx and you will be an obedient drone: a docile organ donor sitting in your pod living a virtual life and you will love it.
I studied the esoteric and I can tell you Baphomet (also known as the "goat of mendes") is not what you think. It's not even supposed to be a demon. Baphomet represents the "divine androgyne", the hermaphrodite, "6+5", the twin towers being destroyed and replaced by the single "One world trade center", the two pillars of Samson, Hercules and the temple of Solomon, the union of the opposites. This concept can be found in many schools of thought; kundalini yoga, the Greek caduceus, alchemical marriage, the Great work, yin and yang and even judaism; God has a female aspect (Shekhinah); the jewish star consists of two triangles intersected. The knights templar, who were secretly gnostics, apparently "worshipped" a tri-headed god called Baphomet; possibly alluding the concept of the trinity and the union of the two opposites into a neutral one. It's all allegorical symbols for principles, forces and ideas, rather than actual beings.

Nevertheless, it is absolutely true that these doctrines do teach what we'd call "magic". Rituals to contact spirits who will do your bidding. In fact, King Solomon was said to command demons to build his temple (which is in turn, an allegory for the human body, which is the temple of the "divine spark" or soul). Kabbalah has a branch called "practical kabbalah" which is simply magic. I don't believe in any of that, but I do think the elites, jew or non jew, who like you said have enough money not to work a single day of their lives, seek new thrills and sources of entertainment in the world of the occult; it's a taboo, it's non-materialistic, it's "dangerous" and can allegedly give them more and more power.
I've also studied Baphomet through the books of Tracy Twyman. She was the best researcher, that's why she was suicided in 2019.
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Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:14 pm
I've also studied Baphomet through the books of Tracy Twyman. She was the best researcher, that's why she was suicided in 2019.
If you can recommend me any works, I'm all ears. (Especially if she exposed elite occultism) My sources were Eliphas Levi and Manly P. Hall.
Deleted User 2149

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:22 pm
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:14 pm
I've also studied Baphomet through the books of Tracy Twyman. She was the best researcher, that's why she was suicided in 2019.
If you can recommend me any works, I'm all ears. (Especially if she exposed elite occultism) My sources were Eliphas Levi and Manly P. Hall.
She did, many of her excellent interviews and her website mysteriously disappeared off the web after she was killed. It's worth digging up some of the old interviews Freeman Fly did with her (freemantv.com), you should also still be able to find old interviews Greg Carlwood did with her on The Higherside Chats. Not much else remains (online) of her legacy. She was light years ahead of everyone. I only own 3 books of hers, the price quadrupled after her unexpected death in 2019. She and her 5 year old were harassed, threatened and gang stalked (all her stuff hacked) after she went to the FBI to report paedo-related videos posted by pupils of a UK school on YT. I've got Baphomet: The temple mystery unveiled, Clockshavings, and Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge. But I think the book that would interest you most is Genuflect, her last book, a "novel" about that Kike whatsisname - is it Blumberg? Name escapes me now, the one who built that occult building in London.
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Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:33 pm that occult building in London.
In all fairness, that could be any building!!! There are so many "occult" buildings in London (And New York. And Washington D.C.) Jokes aside, Does she cite sources/credentials/etc.? I couldn't find anything on her. I'm askng you because 90% of authors on this subject are speculators who want to write the next Da Vinci code. Which ones would you recommend? Is the MK Monarch one good?
Deleted User 2149

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:22 pm
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:33 pm that occult building in London.
In all fairness, that could be any building!!! There are so many "occult" buildings in London (And New York. And Washington D.C.) Jokes aside, Does she cite sources/credentials/etc.? I couldn't find anything on her. I'm askng you because 90% of authors on this subject are speculators who want to write the next Da Vinci code. Which ones would you recommend? Is the MK Monarch one good?
As I said, her body of work mysteriously disappeared off the internet after her death (her own website content). She was a thorough and credible researcher, I would describe her as an academic, an occult historian. I have only read the 3 I mentioned so cannot comment about the others. I followed all her interviews for years. The fact she's dead (after saying she was not suicidal) should be enough of a clue that she was onto something. I would advise starting with a few interviews, then decide if you want to invest in any books. I think the 2nd one below talks about Genuflect

https://freemantv.com/the-true-friday-t ... cy-twyman/

https://freemantv.com/satanic-ritual-to ... cy-twyman/
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Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by merlynn132 »

No,at the top,it's all jews. The closest thing to a non-jew at the top is crypto-jews. They have many tiers of slaves,but at the top,100% kosher. Here's how it works out.

Normies- These fuckers are simply lied to. They've been lied to all their lives and they don't think to question it because "how could anyone get away with telling lies that big for so long?" Because their lazy asses never looked anything up. They're ignorant but also set in their ways and scared of the concept of a government that stands against them. These are the sheep. They don't want to wake up.

Useful idiots- These dipshits are directly involved with something the jews are into. Communists,"liberals",socjus,"conservatives","open mined Christians",the list goes on. They don't really know what's going on,but they're in some group or another the jews use to control narratives and drum up bullshit as needed. The low rent thugs and mob bosses of their "grass roots" bullshit machine. It serves to not only put idiots to use,but help them keep an eye on real revolutionaries who actually do want to change things and putting them to work for the jews.

Politicians- The only real power in any country is the political class. They,like the useful idiots,are kept in the dark about the jews' plans,but they get to see more of the big picture. They still have no idea what the jews are up to,tho. They simply want to keep the power they've got and enjoy the ride and assume the jews won't fuck over the country too bad or believe the jews will make efforts to save them if everything goes horribly wrong. They are mistaken.

So you see,it's all jews and their puppets. They might let their goyim slaves think they know what's up,but they don't really. And yes,the higher up slaves are scumbags. There's a reason for that. They select for scumbags because only scumbags will do what the jews want. Anyone who'd go along with the jews' real plans would be too insane to trust with this shit.

So no,it's just jews at the top. They don't dare share power with anyone on this because it means letting them in where they can actually stop it. And the very fact I have to explain the jews are super tribalistic shows you haven't been paying attention.

As for why the leaders let them in,well,money and deals. You have to understand the jews are merchants and their primary stock is bullshit and money laundering. They rob one country blind to pay off another to let them in. They've amassed huge fortunes this way for centuries. They will declare they are the poorest of the poor but they are richer than any gentile could ever dream. Some people didn't get the memo or just didn't believe a group of people could be so evil. They soon find out they are wrong.

They also like starting wars and causing strife. The black plague? The jews paid lepers to spread the plague around. Most people didn't like hanging around lepers so they were basically invisible. And they were usually mad at the world because of their condition. Once they caught the lepers,they quickly squealed on the jews. Did you know most organized crime families were jewish? (((Hollywood))) told you they were "italian". Guess why. They have ways,evil ways,of getting in. By hook or by crook.

You're forgetting,probably on purpose,that I mentioned JEWISH DOCTORS. You're also ignoring jewish communists have been eroding the medical institutions for over a hundred years. Longer if you count other countries. The jews LOVE to give poison to aryans and call it medicine. It's so bad,many doctors are trained in incorrect techniques thinking this is the proper way to handle a health problem. They don't even know they've been trained wrong. Some always figure it out,but they're written off as "kooks" by the mainstream medical industry. They run the schools that teach the doctors. Get it?

Ok,you wanna talk about WW1 and 2? Ok. WW1 was started by Austro-Hungray. Yet it was Germany that took the full brunt of the repercussions. Why? Because jews didn't control Germany. They needed to weaken it and plunge it into poverty to take over. WW2 was started when Hitler stopped the jewsih communist take over of Germany and started reversing the damage they'd done. The jews declared war on Hitler in 1933. They also have a long history of hating Germany because they kept seeing through their crap. Look up Martin Luther some time. A GERMAN professor who started the Protestant movement and wrote the book "The Jews and Their Lies". And no one holds a grudge like a jew. They're still pissed at Rome for kicking them out of Israel. So yeah,there's a lot of reasons jews hate Germany.

For every ONE person that would wake up,thousands would remain asleep. Those are losing numbers. But yeah,jew conspiracy chatter is up. That's why we're here. I wasn't here until a few years ago. It's up. It's spreading. People are getting armed and getting ready. Even if they don't know (((who))) the enemy is yet.
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Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by Bahramu »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:46 pm I have this hunch that the vaccine has the purpose of sterilizing people. It wouldn't be the first time in which vaccines are used to sterilize people. Why would they push this vaccine so much, when ~99% of the population does not need it? The virus is real, vaccines do work, but this is suspicious as fuck.
You might find this interesting. Before Voat was taken down I created a thread on the Askvoat sub inquiring about this very thing, and received quite an answer -

"How accurate and/or possible is this Anon's take on mRNA vaccine tech?"

(I was asking about this screen grab) - https://files.catbox.moe/ghmafb.jpg

User capicua replied:

Scientist here. I agree with this assessment. In fact, autoimmune disease is a very well documented cause of infertility in males. The testes have a blood testes barrier similar to your blood brain barrier that prevents immune cells from getting in and destroying your sperm. This is because the process of gametogenesis causes your DNA to recombine, so the resulting sperm, although mostly similar to you, still has some differences that can cause autoimmune reaction if it isn't protected. The same goes for eggs, but the phenomenon is more commonly observed in men who have infertility. When a woman becomes pregnant, the fetus also has foreign DNA so it's important for her immune system not to attack the fetus as well. How or why the fetus is protected is not well understood, but potentially, an autoimmune reaction can cause the fetus to be aborted as well. However, this is not something that is unique to mRNA vaccines, as it can happen with other vaccines, and it can also happen spontaneously if the person has a genetic predisposition to it, usually related to certain HLA haplotypes.

It's likely that if sterilization occurred, it would not happen in everyone, it'd most likely be dependent on specific HLA haplotypes and other factors. Notably, different races do have different HLA haplotypes, which is what they use to match people for organ donation, so you can imagine how this can be engineered to disproportionately affect certain races. Obviously, doing this would be very unethical and no one would openly publish that they have accomplished such a feat. It's most likely done in secret government labs or secret corporate labs, but it is definitely very possible.

My reply:

Excellent answer, thanks for taking the time. You said that "this can be engineered to disproportionately affect certain races." Would what you're talking about have any relation to the claims made by this guy?



Your HLA haplotype can be found if they include these regions in the sequencing. Most likely they would because the HLA regions are quite important for tracing things like race. There's also a list of several genomic loci that the FBI use for DNA fingerprinting. These are generally also included and are how they are using these databases to find criminals through relatives that have used these services.
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Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

merlynn132 wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:52 pm Politicians- The only real power in any country is the political class. They,like the useful idiots,are kept in the dark about the jews' plans,but they get to see more of the big picture. They still have no idea what the jews are up to,tho. They simply want to keep the power they've got and enjoy the ride and assume the jews won't fuck over the country too bad or believe the jews will make efforts to save them if everything goes horribly wrong. They are mistaken.
So people on 4chan do know, people in the early 20th century knew... but mdoern day politicians simply don't? No one told them? No attempts at rebellion, exposure or competition? If we know it, they probably do to. Biden hinted at it many times. Nixon spoke about it. Eisenhower wrote letters on it, so did Patton. They knew the jews were up to something. Charles Lindbergh and Neville Chamberlain knew too. Churchill knew as well. Everybody knows. And they had enough power to stop them. It's unrealistic to think they can absolutely rule the world uncontested, without inner or external opposition, something we haven't seen happening even in the strictest totalitarianisms of the world.

You don't have to explain it to me; I know a lot more than you think I do about talmud, kabbalah, messianism, tribalism, history of jews, the holocaust, slavery, works on the jews (jews and their lies, entdeckes judentum, E. Michael Jones, Protocols, Maurice Pinay, Pranaitis, Traian Romanescu, Zionism vs. Bolshevism, etc.). I've seen TGSNT, Europa the last battle, and other docs. I don't deny the jewish attempt for world dominion; they openly stated it themselves in several occasions (I'm going to be posting about it). I'm saying they are not the only players. The rest is all true; they do hate white people, they do hate christianity, they are like a sect and they want to "diversify" the world.
Ok,you wanna talk about WW1 and 2? Ok. WW1 was started by Austro-Hungray. Yet it was Germany that took the full brunt of the repercussions. Why? Because jews didn't control Germany. They needed to weaken it and plunge it into poverty to take over. WW2 was started when Hitler stopped the jewsih communist take over of Germany and started reversing the damage they'd done. The jews declared war on Hitler in 1933.
WW1 was inevitable. In geopolitics, there's a concept known as "balance of power". It states that no one, not even your allies, should become too strong, powerful or influential. It is more beneficial to have separate, weaker states, allies and factions than to have a strong one, because it can represent a threat to your own faction, state, country, religion, etc. That is why, during the Thirty years war, Cardinal Richelieu allied with the protestants; the idea was to weaken the Habsburgs, the dynasty which held both the Crown of Spain, but also the Holy Roman Empire. Their power was too much, and they were surrounding France.

Politics is a constant competition for dominance and power. When you have too many powerful factions, war is bound to happen because it is assumed that if you don't strike first, the other side will. Before WW1, you had the middle East dominated by the ottomans, Germany becoming a superpower and Russia on its way to become the largest economy given their population. War was inevitable at that point. Jews didn't control Imperial Russia then, that's why they pulled the Bolshevik revolution (which wasn't only jewish, but it was funded by jews, carried out by many jews and also didn't persecute jews while persecuting orthodox christianity). Austria-Hungary did start the way by pressing Serbia even after they conceded to their demands, but you don't see sanctions imposed on them. Germany didn't even think Austria Hungary would go for the war, that's why Kaiser Wilhelm went on a vacation during that time; he just didn't see that as a possibility.

This is, of course, if we neglect the influence of the British who intercepted diplomatic telegrams and were seeking to start the war once and for all to get rid of their greatest competitor and to establish Cecil Rhodes' idea of a secret, anglophile society that controls the world under a US-British union (see the WW1 conspiracy). When the war finished, with the help of the jews after the Balfour declaration, Britain didn't give them Palestine as promised, and Freemasonry achieved their goal of establishing republics as opposed to monarchies, as per their ideology. Republics decentralize power, which makes military power weaker since there is no possibility of absolute control for war.

WW2 was about the same thing; you had three competing blocks; republican, democratic free markets, fascism and nationalism and socialism, which was expanding. Germany recovered after the degeneracy of Weimar during Hitler's regime; which was the right thing to do. The west tried to push Germany to war so they would have a justification for war in the eyes of the public, and they allied with the jews, promising them a jewish state, and asking them to use their propaganda and funds to help the war, just like they did in WW1. Just like before, they said that Hitler wanted to take over the world, just like the Kaiser allegedly wanted to take over America. They invented atrocity propaganda, like the rape of Belgium and the Holocaust, to foster an anti-german sentiment in the populace. Eventually, Germany got split between the western and the eastern sides; the communist side has a compass in its flag. Says a lot about which society had a key role in all of this.

Even after the war, the US didn't support Israel until they established themselves as the leading power in the middle East. If they were under total control of jews, they would have had their jewish state right before WW1.
For every ONE person that would wake up,thousands would remain asleep. Those are losing numbers. But yeah,jew conspiracy chatter is up. That's why we're here. I wasn't here until a few years ago. It's up. It's spreading. People are getting armed and getting ready. Even if they don't know (((who))) the enemy is yet.
Jews are only one of our enemies. And again, it's not even all of them. It's a race thing either; the problem with jews is not their genes but their culture that is diametrically opposed to everything we hold dear; our white, christian heritage. And if you think christianity is judaism with extra step, you don't know what you're talking about. And I say this as a non-christian.

I know you're gonna hate me for this, but we all know that your jewish neighbours, classmates and average jews aren't doing this. Go and visit the old jewish lady in your building and ask her if she's all for globalism, diversity, censorship and all that. It's the upper tiers of international zionism, banks, media and communism. Orthodox judaism isn't even that common in Israel, where they already have abortion and are the gayest country on earth, so this isn't a purely religious conspiracy. That doesn't mean jews don't hate white people, the west and christianity, they do and should live far away from us. Their talmud is downright "hate speech", and they've shown more than a 109 times that they cannot integrate. The real culprits are not average jews who live in New York, surrounded by "diversity". It's not their children, it's not their women. It's the Rothschilds, Kissinger, Kuhn Loeb, Warburg, Epstein, the Mossad, the ADL, the zionists, etc.
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