Anybody else notice the weirdness going on at 8kun now?
For those who don't know, the "dough" for every bread used to be saved on pastebin....but now pastebin apparently removed all Q content for being offensive.
Then on the 23, the back up site, QanonBin, appears to have sustained a DDos attack, rendering it unusable.
Then, it seems in the last 24 hours before the Nashville attacks, somebody was deliberately fuckin up the breads.
Of course, Voat went down in this time frame as well.
Pastebin flagging Q content as offensive. Timing suspicious?
Qanon Research Sub... This is a place to organize information about Q Posts, discern their meaning, and discuss with like-minded individuals how to support the Trump team's efforts to Drain the Swamp.
Moderator: Crensch
- the_illusive_man
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