Thanks SWMBO.
And one less journalist, that’s a relief.
Moderator: Fateswebb
Thanks SWMBO.
Who said not to notice?doginventer wrote: ↑Tue Mar 25, 2025 8:56 pm Oh wow! I guess we shouldn’t be noticing these guys after all.
Journalist? Too funny!
Who said not to notice?
thisFrom the Calian Website:
“Calian develops and delivers large-scale, multi-agency exercises for miliary, public safety and utilities operators. We have delivered disinformation components for military exercises, for domestic major event security and for nuclear power generation exercises ranging from coordinated campaigns across all media channels to limited disinformation activities on key issues. Exercising the information domain provides a highly realistic simulation of the contemporary information space for exercise participants.”
And this"Media Matters" redirects here.
Media Matters for America (MMfA) is a non-profit left-leaning watchdog journalism organization. It was founded in 2004 by journalist and political activist David Brock as a counterweight to the conservative Media Research Center. It seeks to spotlight "conservative misinformation" in the U.S. media; its methods include issuing reports and quick responses. Two example initiatives include the "Drop Fox" campaign (2011–2013) that sought to discredit Fox News' "fair and balanced" claims; and a 2023 report about X (formerly Twitter) that highlighted antisemitism on the platform.
And this, ofc.Sherri Nelson has many different online handles, personas and personalities and many different looks and styles. We’ve known her as “Amazing Polly”, someone who has done valuable research into the many moving parts of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset. I have been a big fan and promoter of the work of “Amazing Polly” over the past 5 years, so what I’m seeing now is disturbing on many levels. I hope that she is safe.
“Polly Phemus” and “Fight Narcissism” were two screen names used by Sherri Nelson around 2014-2016, when she was blogging about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as documented on clusterbfreezone1175’s YouTube channel and in her blog, FinallyFreeFromNarcissism. clusterbfreezone1175 is an American woman who, in 2017 was finally forced to hire a lawyer in Canada to serve Sherri and her husband with a Cease and Desist order for prolonged online harassment that lasted for over a year.
These video clips were filmed around 2015 and they were assembled in 2017 by clusterbfreezone1175 on YouTube. I’ve heard Sherri Nelson has taken acting lessons but this performance is incredible. In this video, Sherri is completely in character, with such full immersion in the role, that one could almost be forgiven for suspecting that she’s a victim of MK ULTRA programming.
Watching this reminds me of what Cathy O’Brien described in her book, ‘TRANCEformation of America’ as part of her programming. Not only were multiple personalities created like digital files through the use of systemic trauma, but Cathy recounts being trained with other women in “glamour” at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma; in the control of the micro muscles in the face to subtly alter the shape of her features.
Look at how Sherri’s features morph into those of a wide-eyed, innocent child, as she complains about “Polly Phemus”, which was one of Sherri’s other screen names.
Sherri’s “Little Girl” persona complains about “Polly Phemus”, as if the screen name were an actual, separate human being, complaining that Polly Phemus is “making fun of me”.
I’m not certain if this “Little Girl” persona is pretending to be her victim (clusterbfreezone1175) and is thereby taunting her or if what we’re looking at is full blown Dissociative Identity Disorder. The former means Sherri is conscious and sadistic, the latter means Sherri has no agency. The more I watch this, the more I tend toward the former. What do you think?
I was trying to help, why be so cryptic? Just say what you want me to know.
You are sliding information about the massively powerful and influential players to focus forensically on little fish.shewhomustbeobeyed wrote: ↑Wed Mar 26, 2025 12:16 pmI was trying to help, why be so cryptic? Just say what you want me to know.
Would you please tell me what I'm sliding? How am I sliding? Where do I look to see the slide?doginventer wrote: ↑Wed Mar 26, 2025 6:19 pm You are sliding information about the massively powerful and influential players to focus forensically on little fish.
Quite and admission.But if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have dug half as deep.